Is it really Uncle Nine's gravity?Even in Uncle Jiu's world, all ghosts and zombies will gather or appear around Lin Jiu.

Now Lin Kaiyun thinks that this tomb is probably because of this!

At this moment, a voice sounded from the right side of Lin Kaiyun,

"Take the lead, there are treasures here."

The current position of Lin Kaiyun and the others is exactly on the right side of the avenue and the column, on the side of the soft loess shock absorber, there are several white stone coffins.

And inside the white stone coffin, there are no bones, but jewelry and porcelain.

As soon as Luo Laowai heard the treasure, he immediately lost his balance. He took out his pistol and shouted, "Treasure? Where is it? Don't move. If you touch the treasure, I will jump him."

After shouting, Luo Laowai led the people and ran all the way to the white jade coffin. Looking at the jade in one of the opened coffins, his eyes lit up.

Luo Laowai put a pistol in his waist, pressed against the wall of the coffin, and laughed loudly, "Hahaha, I'm rich, don't scrape those gold sands, I have these treasures, I want a fart of gold sand."

"Grandma's, it's so beautiful, it must be worth a lot!"

Luo Laowai took out a emerald green jade lock, he didn't know how to appreciate it, but in his eyes, it must be very valuable.

Luo Laowai took another jade wrench, put it on his hand, and shouted, "Come on, open all the coffins. As long as they are valuable things, fill them up for me and share them with everyone when we go back."

"Oh? Then how much do you plan to give me?" Lin Kaiyun walked over with his hands behind his back.

Luo Laowai, who was originally extremely excited, froze instantly after hearing Chen Yulou's voice, and his elated face immediately became uncomfortable.

Luo Laowai was so frightened that he immediately put down the jade lock and the finger, and explained with a smile, "Uncle Lin, I was talking nonsense just now, but I was so happy to see the treasure. In fact, I gave it to you, Mr. Lin." Prepared, I thought about it and put it on for you, Uncle Lin."

Luo Laowai instantly remembered the fear of being dominated by Lin Kaiyun, and like a grandson, he bent over and rubbed his hands to come to Lin Kaiyun's side, with a begging expression on his face.

Hua Maguai, who was standing beside Chen Yulou, looked at Luo Laowai's flattering appearance, and whispered, "This Luo Shuai really has no principles."

Chen Yulou said slowly, "It's wise for him to do this, otherwise Brother Lin will definitely teach him a lesson, but that's good too, Luo Shuai was fascinated by the gold sand and treasure, and now he can wake up. "

Sober, Luo Laowai is quite sober now, and the sweat of surprise soaked his back.

However, even though Luo Laowai was so cowardly, his guard soldiers didn't have any complaints, and there wasn't even any discussion.

After all, Lin Kaiyun's God of War appearance left a deep impression in their hearts.

Even for his own face, Luo Laowai kept telling his soldiers that this Lin Kaiyun was an immortal, and he, Luo Laowai, was the servant chosen by the immortal, which was a great benefit.

Now that Luo Laowai is like this, Lin Kaiyun can't get angry anymore, and reminded, "I'm not interested in the things buried with me, but Luo Laowai, you should be more honest in this tomb. , you can divide it later, but no one can move now."

Luo Laowai nodded respectfully, "I know, Immortal Lin, don't worry! I understand, I will definitely not make trouble for you."

Lin Kaiyun waved his hand and ordered, "Okay, now send someone to check in which palace's house!"


Luo Lao nodded and bowed, then greeted his men, and shouted, "You, you, and you, you four, take the torches, go to that house to see what is there, and then come back and report immediately."

whispering sound!whispering sound!

At this time, a very low voice came from the entire underground palace.

It is like the sound of the wind, and it is also like the whisper of some kind of creature.

"What's going on? What kind of sound is this, have you heard it?"

Lin Kaiyun listened intently for a while, but couldn't hear the sound, so he asked Chen Yulou and Yue Qiluo.

Chen Yulou shook his head and said, "I didn't hear it either, it sounds like a fish."

Yue Qiluo's soul perception was very powerful, she was stunned for a moment, pointed to the opposite side, and said, "This voice seems to be coming from the statue over there."

Lin Kaiyun muttered, "From the sculpture? Could it be the cry of a dragon?"

After hearing Lin Kaiyun's words, Chen Yulou explained, "Brother Lin, this should be the wind. According to the ancient records, the dragon is just a kind of totem of the ancients. It is a symbolic meaning, but it does not actually exist."

It's not that Chen Yulou wants to show off his profound knowledge, he just doesn't want Lin Kaiyun to lose his normal judgment because of the unwarranted dragon in the tomb. In that case, bad things will easily happen.

Yue Qiluo glanced at Chen Yulou's serious face, and said with a smile, "Hehe, dragons, of course they are real. Although they are not so exaggeratedly powerful, they do exist."

Lin Kaiyun also nodded, and echoed, "That's right, brother Chen Yulou, I can tell you responsibly that dragons do exist, at least I saw a black dragon last time."

Seeing that Lin Kaiyun and Yue Qiluo didn't intend to deceive him at all, Chen Yulou opened his mouth in surprise, "Black Dragon? Does it really exist?"

Chapter 361 The Ninth Five-Year Lord

Do dragons really exist?

Lin Kaiyun smiled, and did not give a definite answer. In fact, he could only say that it probably existed, but now it is definitely gone. Even the black dragon he met last time was not a real entity, and it could not be ruled out that it was transformed into something powerful. of.

whispering sound!

whispering sound!

This whisper, like the wind, has not dissipated.

Moreover, Lin Kaiyun was sure that the voice seemed to come from the dragon-shaped statue over there.

"Let's go! Go and see."

After Lin Kaiyun finished speaking, he walked towards the opposite side with his hands behind his back.

Yue Qiluo didn't think much, she raised her legs and followed.

Luo Laowai asked Chen Yulou in a low voice, "Should we go too?"

Chen Yulou glanced at Luo Laowai, and said with a smile, "Otherwise? Do you still want to pack your treasures here?"

The flesh on Luo Laowei's face trembled, and he said reluctantly, "How dare I now! However, even if I am taking these treasures in the end, I should tidy them up now. In case, a stone or something like that is dropped , wouldn’t it be a waste.”

"You can figure it out, and don't look for me if you have an accident."

Chen Yulou didn't say much, and followed with everyone from Xiling.

Luo Laowai looked at the treasures in Baishi's coffin, feeling itchy, and told his soldiers, "You guys, take all the treasures out of the coffin and put them in a safe place. Be careful and don't move around. "

After giving the order, Luo Laowai also followed.

Passing through the avenue of the square, the dragon breathing fire on the pillar seemed to be more prosperous, and on this side, Lin Kaiyun even vaguely felt a strong wind.

The strong wind blows from time to time, blowing under his feet, and the humming sound is even more obvious.

At this time, Chen Yulou spoke,

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