"I'm going, what is this? The Queen is playing with a whip?"

Lin Kaiyun looked at Yue Qiluo, now holding the whip, and couldn't help muttering.

Coupled with Yue Qiluo, her face is frosty now, and the red coat on her body is also fluttering with the Yin Qi. The overall look is very rustic, full of Yu Jie's style, and with a whip in her hand, Lin Kaiyun automatically Just made up a picture in my mind.

But Yue Qiluo didn't know what Lin Kaiyun was thinking, without any hesitation, she swung the whip at the weird eyeballs floating in the air.

Where the whip passed, there were bursts of screams, as if countless ghosts were offering sacrifices, and at the same time, dozens of small paper figurines jumped out from behind Yue Qiluo, chasing each other Wrapped around the whip, it struck the center of the weird eyeball with lightning speed.


A crisp sound spread throughout the space.

The weird eyeball floating in the air was just as Lin Kaiyun had imagined. It had almost no strong defensive ability. After being hit again, it festered quickly like a piece of rotten meat, turning into pieces of bloody water. Falling, the same two slender arms also melted.

"Wait, this is?"

Lin Kaiyun frowned. Although the strange eyes seemed to have been wiped out now, he felt an abnormal energy fluctuation.

Sensing something was wrong, Lin Kaiyun quickly shouted to remind, "Yue Qiluo, be careful!"

At the same time, Lin Kaiyun turned his head to look at Chen Yulou, Luo Laowai and others, and shouted, "Run, run to the corridor!"

As soon as the words fell, the pools of dripping rotten meat exploded instantly like a bomb.

And this explosion didn't have any destructive power. However, as the rotten meat exploded, the dense black light shot out in 360 degrees without any dead angle.

Every piece of the same mud exploded quickly, shooting out a large amount of black light.

This black light itself has the power to annihilate, if there are only a few, Lin Kaiyun and Yue Qiluo can resist it calmly.

But every piece of rotten meat exploded and shot out countless black lights, densely packed, and now these black lights are intertwined in the entire space like a field, generally as if they want to wipe out everything.

After hearing Lin Kaiyun's reminder, Chen Yulou, Luo Laowai and others hurriedly hid in the corridor outside, but some people were directly swept by the black light and disappeared without a sound.

If Chen Yulou felt very angry and remorseful for the loss of the previous agencies and brothers, then these people who were swept by the black light now made Chen Yulou feel a little bit of fear in his heart.

A living person just disappeared without a sound, not even a drop of blood remained.

Hua Maguai, who had been waiting beside Chen Yulou, quickly grabbed Chen Yulou's hand,

"Always hold your head, don't be dazed, run!"

Although they have already run into the corridor, no one knows that the danger has disappeared!

And the nearest Chen Linkaiyun and Yue Qiluo didn't have time to escape at all, so they could only dodge with their own methods.

Dense black lights filled the space, and the black lights were closely connected one by one, turning into all the fields of cinnabar, sweeping the entire space.

Ten seconds later, the black light disappeared, and the deep shadows of Lin Kaiyun and Yue Qiluo were completely invisible in the space.

Just a very badly corroded boa constrictor, and a monster shadow with chains on its hooves.

The abdomen of the rotten python corpse moved, and soon the blade was exposed.

The sword cut a big gash in the python's abdomen, and Lin Kaiyun jumped out with mucus all over his body.

"Fortunately, there is a python fairy nearby, otherwise it would be difficult!"

Lin Kaiyun shook his head and took off his mucus-stained coat.

He directly summoned a wild fairy just now, used a lot of merit to fool that wild fairy, and then hid in the python wild fairy's belly, only to escape this catastrophe.

It's just that this boa constrictor wild fairy is pitiful, and it is estimated that he can only go to the animal road of the underworld to reincarnate.

After Lin Kaiyun cleaned up the mucus on his body, he looked up and saw the shadow of the monster.

The shadow of this monster is the one that Yue Qiluo has been summoning. Lin Kaiyun doesn't know what kind of species it is, but it seems that Yue Qiluo has also hid in the shadow of this monster.

Lin Kaiyun shouted at the shadow of the monster,

"Hey, it's all right now, how long are you going to hide?"

After Lin Kaiyun finished speaking, after a few seconds, the shadow of the monster dissipated, revealing the deep shadow of Yue Qiluo.

But at this moment, Yue Qiluo's condition didn't seem to be optimistic, the bloody lines on both sides of her cheeks had spread to her neck.

Lin Kaiyun walked up to him, raised his hand to support Yue Qiluo, and asked,

"Are you OK?"

Yue Qiluo shook her head and said weakly,

"It's okay, it's just that the consumption is a bit high, just make up for it when the time comes!"

Hearing this, Lin Kaiyun took out a crystal clear elixir, handed it to Yue Qiluo and said,

"Here, see if you can use this!"

Yue Qiluo glanced at the pill, did not hide anything, and said with a smile,

"It's useless, I need to absorb the soul to make it up!"


Lin Kaiyun gasped in an exaggerated way on purpose, wanting to tease Yue Qiluo, a witch, but on second thought, forget it, now they have important business in this tomb.

Immediately Lin Kaiyun threw the pill to Yue Qiluo, and said with certainty, "This thing is different from the elixir you understand. It is omnipotent. As long as it is consumed, he can make up for it no matter what!"

Chapter 359 The Soft Soil

After Lin Kaiyun threw the pill to Yue Qiluo, he searched everywhere. After all, he didn't believe that the tomb ended here, there must be other entrances.

Yue Qiluo pinched the transparent pill with her fingers, looked at Lin Kaiyun's figure, rolled her eyes, she didn't know what she was thinking, then raised her finger, and swallowed the pill directly.

Yue Qiluo swallowed her throat, and frowned, sure enough, as Lin Kaiyun said, her lost soul was recovered.

"Is this guy really a disciple of Maoshan? Why are there so many strange things!"

Yue Qiluo felt it for a while, without any side effects, and turned to Lin Kaiyun, muttering in her heart.

Lin Kaiyun also sensed Yue Qiluo's gaze on him. He touched his face, took out the gossip mirror, and said to himself while looking at it, "This demon girl won't take a fancy to me, right? Although I'm so tall She looks good and has a good temperament, but I'm not interested in her!!!!"

Just when Lin Kaiyun was narcissistic, Yue Qiluo walked over from behind, looked at Lin Kaiyun suspiciously, and asked,

"Lin Kaiyun, why are you touching your own face? Still using a gossip mirror to look at yourself?"


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