"Small problem, I won't take this matter to heart. If everyone speaks aggressively and I will be angry, then I will be pissed off!"

Lin Kaiyun was really not angry, not acting.

Suddenly the atmosphere at the scene became friendly.

Chen Yulou also laughed, and said to Lin Kaiyun,

"Brother Lin, you really deserve to be a young hero that even Luo Shuai praised!"

Lin Kaiyun asked,

"Oh? Then I don't know what Luo Laowai said about me in the letter?"

After hearing Lin Kaiyun's words, Chen Yulou was obviously stunned for a moment. What he said just now was actually a scene, and Lin Kaiyun didn't expect to ask.

Lin Kaiyun looked at it, and Chen Yulou's face turned blue, and he didn't intend to make a joke anymore, so he laughed,

"Haha, just kidding, I just asked casually, don't take it seriously!"

Chen Yulou also laughed and said,

"Hehe, Brother Lin's character is really out of character!"

At this moment, Yue Qiluo, who was silent at the side, couldn't bear it any longer, she turned her head and stared at Lin Kaiyun, and said in a cold voice,

"Hey, are you here to make friends or to talk about business?"

Lin Kaiyun spread his hands and said slowly,

"Of course I'm talking about business, but I've always admired the leader of Xiling Mountain for a long time. When Chen Yulou's name was met for thousands of years, it was like a long-lost friend. We chatted without paying attention!"

For Chen Yulou, a person in the film and television drama, Lin Kaiyun still had some expectations in his heart. After meeting at this time, although Chen Yulou's appearance was relatively ordinary, his eyes were very bright.

It can be said that when you throw Chen Yulou in the crowd, you will notice his piercing eyes at the first sight, which seem to be able to shine even in broad daylight.

And through this short time together, Lin Kaiyun felt that Chen Yulou did have a very strong personal charm.

So Lin Kaiyun chatted with Chen Yulou very rarely, and even joked about it.

Although in the eyes of Chen Yulou and Yue Qiluo, it might be a bit inexplicable and confusing.

Chen Yulou cupped his hands towards Yue Qiluo, and said with a smile,

"Don't blame this lady. I can also understand Brother Lin's feelings, because I also feel that I have known Brother Lin for a long time. It seems that I have known each other before, but I don't remember where I met him!"

"I don't care whether the two of you know each other for real or not, it's important to me now!"

Yue Qiluo's face was cold, and she still had a look of keeping strangers away. He stretched out his hand to Lin Kaiyun and said, "Where is that picture! Take it out!"


Lin Kaiyun returned the blueprint that he snatched from Yue Qiluo directly from his arms to Yue Qiluo.

He knew that Yue Qiluo's temperament was usually stable, but as long as the matter of Zhang Xianzong was involved, Yue Qiluo would be very serious, and would even go into a rage if she didn't like her a little bit.

So Lin Kaiyun, who knew this, didn't need to compete with Yue Qiluo, a crazy woman, at this juncture. Anyway, their current goals are the same.

That is to find the location of the tomb stolen from the remnants of the royal family, and enter the tomb. Even if there is no worthwhile treasure, he will at least gain a large amount of merit points. This business is sure to make money!

Yue Qiluo took the drawing and threw it directly to Chen Yulou, saying, "This is all the information we know, now tell me where is the tomb?"

Although Yue Qiluo's words were too direct, no one could find the location of the tomb with a piece of paper with only words on it, but Chen Yulou was not in the mood to argue at this time, he took the piece of paper curiously, looked up.

"The beginning is the end and the end is the beginning. The end of the world is not far away."

"The Panlong is afraid of being forced to swallow himself, and he falls short for the mountain's nine blades."

"Break through the armor and break into the game, it's better to smile at the world than to go home."

'Led by blood, moved by soul'

'Use the general trend of heaven and earth for your own use'

Chen Yulou read it several times.

And Lin Kaiyun and Yue Qiluo also knew that now was not the time to urge them, so they waited patiently.

After a long time, Chen Yulou shook his head, looked at Lin Kaiyun and Yue Qiluo, the two said slowly,

"This is not the address of the tomb, it should be the key to deciphering the tomb, similar to a kind of remonstrance!"

After not hearing the answer she wanted, Yue Qiluo immediately became angry, stepped forward, reached out and grabbed Chen Yulou, and shouted,

"Didn't you specialize in robbing tombs? You couldn't find the location of the tomb? Did you know that you deliberately didn't say anything?"

When Chen Yulou was grabbed by the neck by Yue Qiluo, Hua Maguai and all the evil spirit brothers behind Chen Yulou raised their guns,

"what are you doing?"

"Let go of the boss!"

And Chen Yulou, who was caught, had no fear at this time, very calm, and said to Yue Qiluo, "If you don't believe me, I can't help it, but these few lines are probably the key to deciphering the tomb, not the records. Location!"

And Lin Kaiyun also took a step forward and walked to Yue Qiluo's side, put it on Yue Qiluo's arm, shook his head at him and said,

"Yue Qiluo, let him go!"

Yue Qiluo still listened to Lin Kaiyun's words, let go of her hand, but still stared at Chen Yulou, and shouted with some dissatisfaction,

"Then what should we do? Wouldn't it be useless for you to call him over? Just kill such a useless person!"

"Cough cough!"

Chen Yulou stood up with the support of Hua Maguai, he rubbed his throat and coughed twice, he was naturally insensitive and sensitive, so when Yue Qiluo grabbed him just now, he really took advantage of Yue Qiluo's body. I felt a killing intent.

Although Chen Yulou didn't know, why did this lady who looked a little strange but harmless to humans and animals have such a strong killing intent?

But he knew just now that it is more important not to act rashly at this time, especially not to provoke Yue Qiluo, otherwise he will definitely be killed, so he forced himself to keep calm while he was blocking, this person named Lin Kaiyun must be Won't let him die.

But now it seemed that Chen Yulou had made the right bet, and Lin Kaiyun really came out to stop him.

Lin Kaiyun looked at Yue Qiluo and said lightly,

"Don't worry, have you forgotten the deep pit we made?"

Yue Qiluo said,

"Okay, let them go down now and check if the pit is a tomb!"

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