"Then what should we do? We have come to this point, can we just leave aggrieved?"

Of course, not only Luo An felt this way, Lin Kaiyun also felt this way, this kind of thing had nothing to do with him, it was because of a line of ancient Manchu script on the map that aroused his interest, and the answer was already close at hand However, it was blocked by a fish demon in the underground lake, which was even more unacceptable to the somewhat proud Lin Kaiyun.

"Who said we were going to leave? This fish monster can show its prestige in this water, but does this mean that I have no way to deal with it?"

Lin Kaiyun hugged his shoulders, looked at the underground lake with cold eyes, and his words were full of disdain.

Originally, Dai Qingfeng, who was about to give up, had disappointment written all over his face, but after hearing Lin Kaiyun's words, his expression changed instantly, and he asked expectantly,

"Really? Brother Lin, do you really have a solution?"

Lin Kaiyun nodded, turned around, walked upwards, stopped staring at the underground lake, and said, "There is a way, but not now, we have to wait until dawn!"

Luo An was stunned for a moment when he heard Lin Kaiyun's words, but didn't understand what it meant, scratched the beard on his face and muttered,

"Dawn? We're in this cave, what difference does it make if it's dawn or not?"

"Shut up, why don't you have a long memory! Start talking too much to interrupt again?"

Dai Qingfeng on the side quickly elbowed Luo An and scolded him.

After Dai Qingfeng reminded, Luo An remembered the fear of being dominated by Lin Kaiyun before, and quickly covered his mouth.

Of course, Lin Kaiyun would not pay attention to Luo An, he walked up for a while, found a place that was not wet by water, sat down against the blue brick wall, then pointed to Luo An, and said, "Luo An , you go up now, go out of the cave to find some grass, we will sleep here tonight, and at the same time grab some soil and sprinkle it along the road, be careful not to break it!"


After Luo An heard Lin Kaiyun's order, he immediately put on a mournful face and whispered, "The entrance of the cave is so far away, how long will it take?"

Complaints are complaints, but Luo An dared not disobey Lin Kaiyun's intentions, carrying his own big knife, walking up with a sad face.

Lin Kaiyun turned sideways, looked at Luo An's dangling back, and reminded with a smile,

"By the way, you won't feel that this place is dangerous after you get out of the cave, and then you are going to run away? But I can remind you, if you really run away, even if you run thousands of miles away, I can still find you, but At that time! I will treat you well!"

Hearing Lin Kaiyun's threatening words, Luo An only felt a chill down his back, turned around quickly, saw Lin Kaiyun patted his chest sincerely, and assured him, "Master Lin, don't worry, although I'm not very useful, But I will never run away!"

Chapter 222 Mysterious Fishing

Luo An obediently followed Lin Kaiyun's instructions, walked outside the cave, picked some leaves from the surrounding yellow tree branches, and at the same time dug some soil with his big knife, and sprinkled it inside the passage along the road.

The passage down from the cave entrance is very far away, so Luo An seemed to be in a hurry by himself, and finally approached Kaiyun and asked Dai Qingfeng to help.

It took even two people a long time to spread the soil from the entrance of the cave to the shore of the underground lake.

During this period, Lin Kaiyun didn't intend to help at all. It's not that he was unreasonable, but that he did his best to help along the way, and he took care of everything that was difficult to deal with. If Lin Kaiyun still took care of these small things, then Didn't he become a follower?

Of course, Lin Kaiyun still has important things to do now. He spread the black tendon that was shaved off from Ba's body on the ground, and then took out the Seven Star Dragon Abyss Sword from his storage belt.

The seven-star Longyuan sword was erected against the end of the black tendon, and it was slowly cut into a point, and then it became thinner and thinner, like a thin line.

Then Lin Kaiyun tied the other end of the black tendon that was not sharpened to the blade of the Seven Star Longyuan Sword.

Lin Kaiyun stood up holding this self-developed gadget, looked it up admiringly, and nodded in satisfaction, "That's right, it's kind of like a fish hook, I'm such a little genius!"

After boasting, Lin Kaiyun took out some dry food from his arms, walked to the shore of the underground lake, dipped the dry food in water to soften it, pinched it on the end of the black tendon that was cut into a thin thread, and then went down into the underground lake , I sat on the shore, closed my eyes and meditated, and caught fish.

After a while, Dai Qingfeng and Luo An came back panting. When they went, they were clean, but when they came back, they were disheveled, their bodies and hands were covered with mud.

Although Dai Qingfeng and Luo An are doing it together, Luo An is the absolute main force, not only transporting the soil, but also digging the soil. The whole person is so tired that he can't even utter a complete sentence, and he just sits on the pile. On the leaves of a good tree, I rested.

But Dai Qingfeng was much stronger than Luo An, he saw Lin Kaiyun sitting on the bank, and leaned over curiously.

I saw that Lin Kaiyun put his feet under his buttocks, sat on the bank in a senile manner, closed his eyes, held a sword in his hand, and hung in the water tied with black tendons.

Dai Qingfeng asked suspiciously,

"Brother Lin, what are you doing?"

Lin Kaiyun had known for a long time that Dai Qingfeng was coming, but he didn't open his eyes, nor did he make any reaction. It wasn't until Dai Qingfeng asked, that Lin Kaiyun slowly opened his eyes, and said slowly with the demeanor of a master retreating to the mountains and forests ,

"Well, can't you see? I'm just fishing!"

Dai Qingfeng smiled when he heard Lin Kaiyun's tone, and sat on the bank, chatting with Lin Kaiyun,

"I can see that you are fishing, but I have never seen you fishing in this way, and can you do it?"

"You don't understand this! Although according to fishing, none of mine is standard, but mine is metaphysics fishing, which is the same reason as Jiang Taigong's fishing volunteers who took the bait. A smell of blood, maybe it can get twice the result with half the effort!"

Lin Kaiyun stopped holding his throat, and resumed his normal tone, and told Dai Qingfeng the mystery of it.

After Dai Qingfeng heard Lin Kaiyun's statement, he nodded affirmatively, and then said to Lin Kaiyun with a smile,

"Brother Lin, if someone told me that, I would definitely scoff at it and immediately refute it viciously, but if you tell me that, I believe it!"

"If you have foresight, you'll be right if you trust me. Just look at this and come here!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Kaiyun lifted his arm and exerted force on his wrist. The Seven Star Longyuan Sword pulled the black veins violently, and a fish was thrown directly to the shore.

"Brother Lin, I'm really convinced. If I'm saved this time, I'll go back to drink in the future, and I'll have to brag about it again. You're definitely the only one with this sword and that monster's sinews for fishing."

Dai Qingfeng gave Lin Kaiyun a thumbs up, then stood up to check the fish.

I saw that the fish thrown by Lin Kaiyun was full of vitality and kept flopping on the shore. This fish was also pitch black and had scales on its body. It was simply a miniature version of the huge fish monster before.

Dai Qingfeng was a little surprised after seeing it, and quickly greeted Lin Kaiyun and said,

"Brother Lin, why does this fish look so much like the monster from before? It can't be from the same group, right?"

After Lin Kaiyun heard Dai Qingfeng's words, he glanced at the churning fish on the ground and said with a smile,

"That's great, I'll eat it, I'll fall for a while, and I'd better eat all the offspring of that fish monster!"

Immediately afterwards, Lin Kaiyun sat on the bank again, threw the black veins into the water, and shouted into the water, "Did you hear that? Don't hide, if you don't come out, then I will attack your group! "

Of course Lin Kaiyun is right.What the fish monster said, although he couldn't see the location of the fish monster, but Lin Kaiyun was very sure that the fish monster had been watching them and was ready to sneak attack at any time.

However, Lin Kaiyun's sarcasm did not have any effect. The fish monster seemed to have really disappeared without any movement, as if deliberately letting Lin Kaiyun and the others take it lightly.

However, Lin Kaiyun didn't take it too seriously, he was persistently fishing, and it didn't take too long to catch more than ten fish.

And Dai Qingfeng and Luo An set up a fire and roasted it.

Seeing that the fish he had caught were almost enough for the three of them, Lin Kaiyun put away the Seven Star Longyuan Sword, walked to Dai Qingfeng and Luo An, picked up a grilled fish that had been removed, and ate it with relish .

Lin Kaiyun and the three had a hearty meal, seeing that the underground lake was still calm, they chose to ignore it, and each found a comfortable place, closed their eyes and rested.

Originally, I was very anxious to drive today. Lin Kaiyun planned to find the location marked on the map overnight, but he did not expect to encounter a fish blocking the way in this cave. Since it is already like this, he should just take a good rest and sleep.

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