Nintendo has sucked the blood of the bearded foreigner, and now the blood of this wild dog makes it very disgusting.


Nintendo howled, as if it sensed something calling, it jumped away.


Renjiazhuang is the only nearby village that has not been destroyed by the war. It originally had a large population, and with the relocation of nearby villages, the number of people living in it has increased.

But it's just a village, not a town after all, and the buildings are still mainly earthwork and tile-roofed houses, and there are even many people who still live in thatched houses.

In the past, the village was very lively, but now there are no people there, even on the main road of Renjiazhuang, there is no sign of anyone, the shops on both sides are not open, and the stalls are closed.

"Maintaining law and order is everyone's responsibility!!!"

"Don't pick up lost things on the road, build a good village that everyone loves!!!"

An old man with a white belt around his waist picked up the gong and tapped it, muttering unhappily,

"Made, we're all going to drink and eat meat. I have to patrol, what a bad luck!"

Today is the auspicious day for the burial of the old man of the Ren family. The Ren family village was established by the Ren family, and naturally it is also the largest family in the village. Not only is it rich, but the family is also very large, and even the Ren family town in the south has relatives.

So, today, the Ren family held a grand banquet, and the chef invited by the provincial capital was in charge, and everyone in the village was invited.

Whether it is a local household in Renjiazhuang or a person who fled and relocated, they have to give the Ren family face. Basically, the whole family is dispatched, even the elderly and children.

In addition to giving the Ren family face, there is another advantage, that is, every time the Ren family organizes such a big event, the dishes are all rare delicacies that are not usually eaten, and the Ren family also invites famous people from far and near. The theater troupe, luxurious food, and theaters, fools would not go there!

Of course, there are also some patrolling people who can't go there for the time being, so it's only natural that they are in a bad mood.

"Maintaining law and order is everyone's responsibility!!!"

"Don't pick up lost things on the road, build a good village that everyone loves!!!"

The old man knocked on the gong listlessly, the sound was weak, he looked up at the sky, there was no sign of darkness yet,

"I'll sleep for a while, this tough job, whoever wants to do it!"

The old man hung it on a wooden stake, found a shady place, lay down, then took out a wrapped dry tobacco, and began to puff.

"Huh! I'm just holding back for an hour, and I want to go to a theater and have a big meal!"

A puff of white smoke came out of the old man's nostrils, his expression was relaxed, he thought he would sneak back for a while, and no one noticed him anyway.


A pair of legs appeared beside the old man, but the old man didn't see clearly, thinking that someone was coming, he got up quickly and explained, "I'm tired from patrolling, and I just took a rest!"


The owner of these feet was Nintendo, it didn't care about the three sevens and twenty-ones, it jumped at the old man, bit his neck with its fangs, and sucked up the blood.

Before dying, the old man struggled desperately, shouting, "Ah! Help, there are zombies!!"

It's just that his struggle doesn't make any sense in Nintendo's eyes.

Nintendo finished sucking the blood and dropped the wrinkled corpse. It raised its head and looked in a direction, where there was something that attracted him, and it was also full of popularity.

In the Ren family, there was a din of gongs and drums, and there was a lot of voices. Even if it was not time for dinner, everyone had something to eat in front of them.

This scale is very proud for a village.

Although everyone was wearing white clothes, everyone's faces were very happy. According to the words of the Ren family, this was the happy funeral of Mr. Ren, and it was an auspicious day.

Chapter 136 Why am I so unlucky

136 chapter

Inside Ren's mansion,

There were so many guests, basically everyone from Renjiazhuang came, there was no room to sit in the yard, and the tables stretched all the way to the road outside.

The mourning hall is placed in the yard. It is built with freshly painted mahogany. The funeral is made of mahogany. The descendants must be rich. Even the coffin is red. On both sides are Nintendo's relatives, and the outermost ones are wearing white filial robes. junior.

Originally, as the granddaughter of Nintendo, Ren Zhuzhu should be listed here, but after returning from studying abroad, Ren Zhuzhu has a maverick personality, and she is very disgusted with this form of burial, and Master Ren is also very helpless about it.

In front of the mourning hall, many friends of Master Ren came to give speeches one after another.

At this time, a short and fat man walked up to the mourning hall. This short and fat man was dressed luxuriously, even more decent than Master Ren of the Ren family.

If Lin Kaiyun was here, he would definitely recognize this man as Ren Tingting's father, Ren Fa.

Master Ren directly supported Ren Fa, and said respectfully, "Brother, why did you come here in person? I'm really flattered!"

The Ren family in Renjiazhuang and the Ren family in Renjia Town originally came from the same branch. Ren Fa's father, Ren Weiyong, and Nintendo are brothers.

Ren Fa was very pleased to see this cousin's respectful expression. With a sandalwood cane in his hand, he said with a smile, "Ah Cai, today is the day of my second uncle's burial. How can I not be there in person?"

Master Ren's original name was Ren Cai, and it is said that the name was given by Ren Fa's father, Ren Weiyong. Although the term "cooperating with Ren Fa to make a fortune" is popular, it is also a good wish for the younger generation, so Nintendo listened to Ren Weiyong's words.

Ren Cai laughed and said very enthusiastically,

"Brother, speaking of it, we haven't seen each other for several years! After your father is buried, you must stay in our Renjiazhuang for a while longer, so we brothers can catch up on the past!"

Ren Fa nodded his head when he heard the words, and said, "It's good to stay here, as my father's business has just been dealt with, so it's good to relax!"

When Ren Cai heard this, he put away his smile, whispered into Ren Fa's ear, and asked quietly, "Brother, is it true that it's been rumored? Uncle, has the corpse really changed?"

"That's right! If it wasn't for my son-in-law's great ability, I would probably be dead!"

Now that this matter has been brought up, Ren Fa is still a little terrified. After a while, he was afraid. After speaking, he suddenly thought of something, grabbed Ren Cai's hand, and reminded,

"Ah Cai, is there anything unusual about Second Uncle's body? Have you asked a Taoist priest to take a look?"

Regarding Ren Fa's reminder, Ren Cai didn't take it seriously at all, and said, "The person I'm looking for to drive away the corpse is a Taoist priest."

Ren Fa nodded, and said with a sigh, "It's good to be a Taoist priest. In this troubled world, life is really too difficult!"

at this time,

A figure descended from the sky, wearing a shroud from the Qing Dynasty, with blue skin, long nails, and fangs around the mouth, all the characteristics of a zombie.

"Ah! It's a zombie!"

"Zombies are coming, run!"

"Help! There are zombies!"

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