But Ma Madi's hands are not ordinary hands. The oil and dirt on them alone cannot be formed overnight, and before taking the chicken legs, Ma Madi even picked his nostrils.

After gnawing on the chicken leg numbly, you reached out to pick up a river fish, but saw Lin Kaiyun and Qingqing holding the chopsticks motionless, so he asked,

"Huh? Are you two eating? Are you not hungry!"

"Yes, we are not hungry!"

Lin Kaiyun put down his chopsticks when he heard the words, and continued to speak.

Qingqing also agreed, "Hehe, I'm not hungry!"

"If you're not hungry, then I won't be polite!"

Ma Madi didn't notice what was wrong at all, and grabbed the whole chicken with the other hand, chicken with one hand, fish with the other hand, and ate it with one bite from the left and the other with the right. .

Qingqing felt a little nauseated, turned her head and said,

"Brother Lin, I'm not hungry anyway, why don't we go back and rest!"

"I can see it!"

Lin Kaiyun got up immediately, and returned to the room as if fleeing for his life!

Chapter 127 Brother is a good cow

A few people were resting at the inn. The town is not big, and Lin Kaiyun didn't take Qingqing out for a stroll, just passing by during the day.

The sun was setting, and the sky was gradually getting dark. Several people in the inn came out of their rooms and got busy.

Ma Madi washed his face symbolically, looked up at the sky, shook off the water on his hands, and shouted at Ahao and Aqiang,

"Ahao, Aqiang, arrange all the customers, and re-light the cinnabar and talismans!"

"Yes! Master!"

Ah Hao and Ah Qiang were sleepy, obviously not getting enough sleep, and walked towards the front yard in a daze.

Soon, bang bang bouncing sounds were heard, presumably the two had driven the zombies out of the yard.

"Qingqing, aren't you curious why those corpses are so obedient? I'll take you to have a look!"

Lin Kaiyun took Qingqing to the outside of the front yard and watched Ahao and Aqiang re-seal the zombie.

I saw that Ah Hao and Ah Qiang were holding cinnabar bowls and talismans in their hands respectively.

"Aqiang, I'll finish lighting the cinnabar first, and you are returning the talisman."

Ah Hao said something to Ah Qiang, then picked up the brush and tapped it on the zombie.

Qingqing looked at these zombies without the slightest fear, but saw them very carefully, and asked curiously,

"Brother Lin, why do you use a cinnabar pen to draw with dots? Is there any explanation?"

"There must be something to say!"

Lin Kaiyun nodded, pointing to the cinnabar prints on Ahao's painting and explaining,

"Look at Ah Hao's cinnabar pen on the zombie's forehead, chest, vest, heart, and palm. These seven places correspond to the seven souls in front of him. Although the zombie has long since lost the seven souls, this can prevent the zombie from being affected by other things." The interference of wandering spirits, thus causing fraudulent corpses."

"As for the cinnabar on the ears, nose and mouth, it is to block the zombie's sense of smell, so as not to cause riots after smelling popularity!"

After Qingqing heard this, she opened her mouth slightly. She was very interested in this kind of interesting popularization, at least it was much more interesting than when she practiced Buddhism with Master Yixiu.

She asked, "Really? Can zombies run away when they smell people?"

Lin Kaiyun must have replied, "Of course, if the talisman fails, as long as it smells people, the zombie will wake up."

"The talisman is invalid?"

Qingqing is a little puzzled, can the talisman also be invalid?

"That's right, for example, the cinnabar was scattered, it was rained, it was scratched by branches, and it was taken away!"

As soon as Lin Kaiyun finished speaking, Ah Hao and Ah Qiang made a mistake in coordination. Ah Hao was supposed to order ten thousand cinnabar, and Ah Qiang changed the talisman, but Ah Qiang yawned, replaced the wrong zombie, and replaced the zombie that was not next to him. The zombie talisman dotted with cinnabar was taken off.

After a long time of chasing the corpse, the cinnabar on the zombie's body had already dried up and was almost blown away. As soon as the talisman was taken off, the zombie's sense of smell immediately asked for the smell of a human being.


The zombie opened its eyes suddenly, stretched out its claws and grabbed Aqiang.

"Fake corpse, help!"

Ah Qiang was strangled by the neck, desperately struggling for help.

Ah Hao reacted quickly, threw down the cinnabar bowl, turned around and strangled the zombie's neck, exerted all his strength, broke back, and hurriedly shouted, "Ah Qiang, hurry up and stick the talisman!"

"Can't post it! I can't breathe!"

Ah Qiang tried hard to stick the talisman on the forehead of the zombie, but his body was shaken by the zombie, and the hand holding the talisman could not be stabilized. In addition, he was pinched by the zombie, and his face was flushed.

"See! Qingqing, sometimes the failure of talismans is artificial!"

Lin Kaiyun said something to Qingqing, and then stepped out, tearing off Ahao who was riding on the zombie, and at the same time swung his arm to pat the zombie's chest.


The zombie flew upside down like a bowling ball, knocking the other zombies to the ground.

Ah, did I strike too hard! ! !

Lin Kaiyun raised his hand and looked, these zombies are just low-level walking corpses, and they have almost no resistance in front of him.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Ah Qiang sat paralyzed on the ground, clutching his neck, panting continuously.

Ahao pulled up Aqiang and asked, "Aqiang, are you all right?"

"It's okay, thanks to senior brother!"

Ahao gradually slowed down, and looked at Lin Kaiyun gratefully.

"Small thing!"

Lin Kaiyun waved his hand indifferently.

At this time,

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