During this period, the black dragon's claws and tail attacked Lin Kaiyun several times in a row, but Lin Kaiyun dodged every attack swiftly!

There is no way, the huge body, even though it is relatively flexible, is still very slow in Lin Kaiyun's eyes.

The black dragon seemed to know this too, twisting continuously, it actually shrunk its body.

"Haha, it can still shrink? Are you stupid?"

Lin Kaiyun saw that the black dragon shrunk away and broke away from him, he was really amused, and he didn't care if the black dragon could understand his ridicule.

"It's just the right size for me!"

Lin Kaiyun kicked hard, grabbed the black dragon again with his backhand, pressed down, and pulled the black dragon to the ground.

Immediately, a big hole was smashed out of the ground, smoke and dust billowed, and the black dragon struggled frantically in the deep hole, but no matter what, it couldn't throw Lin Kaiyun down.

The black dragon's claws were all inserted into the ground, enduring Lin Kaiyun's attack,

Like a fish entering the sea, it swam in the soil.

Lin Kaiyun couldn't bear the impact of the gravel in the soil, turned over and let go of the black dragon's body, and cursed unhappily.

"Damn, it's a dragon vein shape, can swim in the soil? It's awesome!"

Lin Kaiyun was disheveled at this moment, but his eyes were fixed on the loose ground. He didn't believe that the black dragon would always hide in the soil and never come out.

I saw that the black dragon was swimming in the soil towards the bottom of the slope, and suddenly got out, stretching out its tough beard and beard to roll up Hanba and Xuankui.

123 chapters recite a poem

At this time, the black dragon no longer had the idea of ​​a showdown with Lin Kaiyun, and just wanted to run for his life.


"A boiled duck can make you fly?"

Lin Kaiyun snorted softly, jumped up, jumped to Xuankui's side, stretched out his jade hand to grab the black dragon's beard, kicked back, and grabbed the black dragon tightly,

At the same time, he kicked the black dragon and hit the black dragon's throat with his forehead.


The black dragon spewed out a large amount of mist, and its body shrank rapidly and disappeared, exhaling clouds and mist, and hiding its shape.

When Lin Kaiyun was looking for it, he wrapped up the Hanba, and took the opportunity to stick it on the body of the zombie king Xuankui. The dragon energy wrapped Xuankui, and they hid into the earth together.

"Want to run? Don't think about it!"

Of course, Lin Kaiyun would not let him leave easily, and kept bombarding the loose ground, but after the black dragon shrunk, it was extremely fast and rushed towards the mountain without a trace.


Lin Kaiyun vomited the dust from his mouth with a look of displeasure.

He made a disgraceful face, but the black dragon ran away, and even if he ran away, he even snatched away the corpses of Hanba and the zombie Wang Xuankui, isn't that nonsense! ! !

I was so passionate just now, but now I am anticlimactic. This feeling makes Lin Kaiyun as uncomfortable as if he ate a fly.

Qingqing saw from a distance that Lin Kaiyun beat the black dragon away, and ran over happily, looked Lin Kaiyun up and down, and asked with concern,

"Brother Lin, how are you? Are you not injured?"

"No injury, just some..."

Lin Kaiyun shook his head, but just halfway through a sentence, he suddenly panted heavily, and his body instantly became sluggish, looking exhausted and hopeless.

"Brother Lin, what's wrong with you? Did you get hurt somewhere? Let me show you!"

Seeing that Lin Kaiyun was in pain suddenly, Qingqing quickly supported him, and flipped through Lin Kaiyun's clothes with both hands to check for hidden injuries.

"Don't stop!"

Lin Kaiyun grabbed Qingqing's hands and said with a smile,

"Qingqing, it's okay. Although the moon is dark and the wind is high, there is no one there, but before you take off my clothes, you have to prepare me mentally!!!"


After Qingqing heard Lin Kaiyun's words, her face turned red instantly, she pushed Lin Kaiyun's chest, turned her back and said coquettishly,

"Lin Kaiyun, it's this time, and you're still teasing me!!!"

Lin Kaiyun was already weak, but after being pushed by Qingqing like this, his precarious body could no longer hold on, so he sat down on the ground and shouted, "Oh, Qingqing, you have been gentle for less than a day, why did you die so quickly? It's back to normal!"

Qingqing turned her head, glared at Lin Kaiyun angrily, and cursed, "Who told you to laugh at me!"

"I didn't make fun of you, you took my clothes off, I just told the truth!"

Lin Kaiyun spread his hands, with an innocent face, and then muttered in a low voice,

"Woman! There are too many things to do!!!"

Qingqing didn't hear what Lin Kaiyun muttered behind her, but she didn't need to think about it to know that it was definitely not a good word, she pinched her waist and asked,

"What did you say?"

When Lin Kaiyun saw Qingqing as a tigress, he was immediately scared. After all, Qingqing, a "hero in the middle school", was a woman who even dared to beat her master Yixiu.

He shook his head quickly, "No, I said you are considerate!"

"Humph! That's about the same."

Qingqing snorted softly, and she said to Lin Kaiyun, "Let's go too!"

"Don't go."

Lin Kaiyun waved his hands, didn't get up, ignored the dust, and simply lay down on the grass, "Oh, take a rest, I'm exhausted tonight!"

Seeing this, Qingqing squatted in front of Lin Kaiyun, put her small hand on Lin Kaiyun's arm, and opened her mouth while pulling,

"Brother Lin, get up quickly, it's dirty and cold, I'll help you to rest somewhere else!"

Lin Kaiyun didn't show any strength at all, instead he raised his hand and put it under his head, "Sir, don't care about the details, this place is very good, the stars all over the sky are so beautiful."


Hearing this, Qingqing turned her head and looked at the sky. It was almost dawn, and there was a clear brightness in the sky, but the sun hadn't risen yet. The stars and the morning light mixed together, which had a special flavor.

"Brother Lin, you're really pretty!"

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