Yue Qiluo's face sank, she raised her hands, a large amount of red light gushed out from her palms, merged and intertwined in the air, and shouted,

"The paper man is the intermediary, connecting yin and yang, distinguishing the eight wastes, no east, no west, no south, no north."

"Go to me!"


There was an extremely high frequency vibration in the sky above Yue Qiluo, and a large amount of red energy burst out continuously, and in an instant, it dispersed into blood spots that permeated the entire sky, and all the blood spots turned into vivid little ones. There are hundreds of paper figurines.

Feeling the aggressive Xuan Kui, Yue Qiluo raised her legs and took a few steps on the ground, her middle finger rested on her temple, and her blood was burning immediately.

"The world is impermanent, I recommend yin and yang with my blood, there is no east, no west, no south, no north."


The blood in Yue Qiluo's whole body gushes out, and she gradually materializes, turning from red to black,

"Fire me!!!"

There were blood-colored lines on her cheeks, which couldn't even be covered by her jet-black hair, and spread directly to her nose, and even her neck had blood-red marks.

She raised her head and smiled innocently. In an instant, hundreds of paper figurines in the air were on fire.

"Lonely ghosts, don't be confused, all kinds of demons, all four bloods are broken"

"Myriad Evil Whip Chains!!!"

The red energy in her hands turned into two whips, flickering faintly red, but the light always felt frightening.

Yue Qiluo stepped on the ground, jumped onto the paper figurines, and controlled hundreds of paper figurines to rush out.

If you don't make a move, you will be fine, and if you make a move, you will kill him.Yue Qiluo didn't hold back at all, the first move was like a thunderbolt, she would absolutely not allow this zombie king Xuankui to interfere with his plan.

Hundreds of burning little paper figurines rushed forward following Yue Qiluo, the bloody aura burning on the paper figurines was shocking, even Zhao Li and Shi Wenye looked sideways.

Everyone can feel the powerful energy contained in this.

A smile appeared on Yue Qiluo's face, she stabbed out the Wanxie whip chain in her hand, her hair fluttered, and continuous energy radiated from her body, blasting Xuankui's body.

Xuan Kui exhaled a large amount of corpse gas, and collided with Yue Qiluo's attack, the vibration of the collision made the whole slope shake.

"Good guy, Yue Qiluo is really a good witch, and she fought back and forth with the eighth-level zombie king Xuankui!"

Lin Kaiyun clicked his tongue in amazement and couldn't help admiring.

Fortunately he didn't go down blindly just now, otherwise Yue Qiluo would be really hard to deal with.

Lin Kaiyun got up and shook the dust off his body, and said calmly, "Qingqing, let's go! It's our part of the show, let's go down!"


Qingqing froze for a moment, with a puzzled look on her face, "Shall we go down?"

Lin Kaiyun nodded, "Of course, it's all a pot of porridge here, and I should benefit. First destroy these souls, and then get rid of Yue Qiluo. The thing that the Gu worms in your body are looking for is probably in Yue Qiluo's place." !"

"Brother Lin, are you sure I want to go down too? I'm afraid I'll become a burden and cause you trouble."

Qingqing raised her head and looked at Lin Kaiyun sincerely.

There was sincerity in her expression, and resentment in her words. She could still help that Yanyan before, but in the current situation below, she might only add to the chaos.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing Qingqing's appearance, Lin Kaiyun couldn't help laughing, he asked, "Qingqing, don't underestimate yourself, are the Gu worms in your body tired? Is there any loss?"

"No!" Qingqing shook her head, she didn't suffer any injuries, and even because of her curiosity, she was so excited to watch the excitement.

"Then it's no problem, Qingqing, you are very useful now, you must be within one meter of me! Be ready to 'recharge' at any time!"

Lin Kaiyun took Qingqing's hand and jumped down, without any intention of being low-key, just going straight to the breakthrough.

Following the place Xuan Kui had destroyed before, Lin Kaiyun walked into the barrier with his hands behind his back, as if the leader was inspecting it.

No one could fail to notice Lin Kaiyun's way of entering the arena.

"Little brother, hurry up! I'll leave the matter of the soul to you, and I'll take care of these ferrymen!"

Shi Wenye yelled at Lin Kaiyun, and then raised his hand, a dark green plague force rolled up the ferrymen around him, thousands of ants bit their bones, and in a blink of an eye, they all turned into fly ash.

Hearing this, Lin Kaiyun's face turned dark immediately, he couldn't bear it anymore, and cursed, "Wanggui, Shi Wenye, right? You really want to tell everyone my purpose!"

Shi Wenye didn't think there was a problem at all, and said with his chest out,

"My husband doesn't stick to trifles. Today, we in the underworld are going to fight in front of these ferrymen in the underworld, so that they can see how powerful we are!"

Chapter 109 The Celestial Master Has Been Decided by Me

Zhao Li couldn't help not noticing this Lin Kaiyun, he went up and down a lot, and suddenly sneered,

"Boy, two days ago, you were the one who disabled one of my ferrymen and let him speak, right?"

After Lin Kaiyun heard Zhao Li's words, he reacted. He glanced at Zhao Li with murderous intentions, and joked disdainfully,

"So you are the boss of that blind guy! I've been waiting to come to seek revenge on me! But you didn't come? Zhao Li, this doesn't fit your personality."

"Character? What are you talking nonsense about?"

Zhao Li didn't hear the meaning of Lin Kaiyun's words, but what this kid told Xu Sichuan was very unpleasant, and he didn't mind dealing with this unreasonable kid here.

Zhao Li raised the gun in his hand, pointed the black muzzle at Lin Kaiyun, and opened fire without warning.

The purpose of Zhao Li's attack was to kill, and the spiritual bullets rubbed against the flames, full of power.

Lin Kaiyun didn't expect Zhao Li to act so decisively. Logically, shouldn't he say a lot of cruel words to each other before making a move?

At this time, Lin Kaiyun's mana had not recovered much, and it was okay to destroy a lonely ghost, but it was still very difficult to resist Zhao Li's attack.

He grabbed Qingqing's hand, quickly dodged, and then shouted at Shi Wenye,

"Fuck, Shi Wenye stop him quickly, I can't stop this attack!"

Shi Wenye was unmoved, with a stinky face, and said arrogantly,

"Boy, I'm Shi Wenye, the plague ghost, one of the famous five ghosts, you actually ordered me?"

Shi Wenye, this guy, likes to put on airs, is proud of himself, pays great attention to his own image, and puts on POSS all the time!

Therefore, Shi Wenye felt very uncomfortable with Lin Kaiyun's commanding tone.

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