Among them, there is no one in a million that can give birth to wisdom, and it has never been heard of such a kind that can attack without the blade. The Seven Star Longyuan Sword in Lin Kaiyun's hand has not given birth to wisdom, let alone this ugly and disgusting broken knife.

When Daomang was only an inch away from Lin Kaiyun, he unhurriedly bit his finger and drew a talisman on his palm,

"Heaven and Earth are boundless, Qiankun borrows the law!"

"Hand in the palm!"

Containing pure Taoist qi, he slapped the sword glow with his backhand, and the sword glow that was full of momentum just now was instantly scattered, and the terrifying skeleton phantom also disappeared without a trace.

The lineage of Maoshan, kung fu talismans, and all the ghosts and evils in the sky, and Zhang Xianzong's ghost aura fluctuate, and the evil ghosts who are just at the fourth level, in Lin Kaiyun's view, do not pose any threat.

And the ghosts of the soldiers who followed Zhang Xianzong were even young men, and most of them were burned to death by Lin Kaiyun's fire talisman.

Zhang Xianzong did not continue to attack, looked at Lin Kaiyun, and said, "Lin Daochang, can you just retreat? We will not blame you for your appearance! After the matter is completed, we can prepare a generous gift for you,"


Lin Kaiyun didn't know if he heard it wrong, or Zhang Xianzong was stupid, obviously he has the upper hand now!As long as Yanyan and Zhang Xianzong are dealt with, he can go straight to Huanglong, destroy and interfere with Yue Qiluo's spellcasting, and then turn around and run away, isn't it wonderful! ! !

He spread his hands and said speechlessly, "Zhang Xianzong, didn't you see the situation clearly? Even if you want to bribe me, you have to be more sincere, right? For example, asking the shit Zaicun over there to give me a short chamber pot is to make that turbulent Warm my bed with smoke, so that I can almost think about it!"

Before Zhang Xianzong could react, Prince Zai Chun couldn't take it anymore, and angrily cursed, "Little thief, be bold! Zhang Xianzong, kill him!"

"To shut up!"

Zhang Xianzong tilted his head and scolded Prince Zai Chun loudly, and said in a bad tone, "If you didn't insist on going your own way and insisted on inviting some practitioners to come, would this happen?"

"What do you know? Without them, can you knock Lafayette off his back?"

Prince Zaichun's voice was cold, he pinched the finger in his hand angrily, and said disdainfully, "Zhang Xianzong, do you think you are handsome with dozens of guns and dozens of people? In my eyes, you are Yue Qiluo's dog. , a dog that obeys orders!"

Arguing?Integrating my intentions, Lin Kaiyun used the ghost shadow and obsessive trace, took the opportunity to rush towards the direction of the water pool below, drew symbols while running, and threw them all down in one go.


Xuan Kui looked straight at Lin Kaiyun, and let out an ear-splitting roar, a large mass of corpse energy gushed out, engulfing all the talismans inside, and at the same time, the powerful impact knocked Lin Kaiyun onto him.

Lin Kaiyun was blown into the air, inserted the Seven Star Longyuan Sword into the soil, and retreated several meters before stabilizing his figure.

At this time, Zhang Xianzong didn't talk nonsense with Prince Zaichun anymore, he put the saber in his hand upside down in front of his face, with the blade in the front and the back in the back.


The handsome robe on his body flipped, and the ghost energy burst out instantly, pouring into the saber, causing the saber to vibrate at a low frequency.

Streams of foul-smelling rotting liquid, like a giant net in the palm of a chapter, bound all the ghosts of the remaining soldiers.

The soldier's ghost was pulled back, Zhang Xianzong opened his mouth to absorb it, and there was a clattering sound from his body.

Um?Lin Kaiyun frowned. He was sure of the voice. He had heard it before. It was the voice of a paper man.

Zhang Xianzong's aura continued to increase, and his realm instantly surpassed the fourth level and went straight to the fifth level.

"No one can hurt my Qiluo in front of me!"

Zhang Xianzong shouted, grasped the saber, and drew towards Lin Kaiyun close to the ground, a green flame swept out.

Lin Kaiyun stretched out his hand and drew talismans in the void. Immediately, four fire talismans and four thunder talismans formed behind him, and then he threw these talismans in the direction of Tiangang Disha, and shouted loudly,

"One thought of divine power, the sky thunder rolls, the gale suddenly rises, the fire and rain turn around, and the rush is like a law!!!"

The violent wind and flames, the wind and thunder, strangled all the green flames.

Lin Kaiyun did not give Zhang Xianzong a chance to breathe, took out the gossip mirror from the storage belt, irradiated it to the moonlight, lit a fire talisman, blackened the entire mirror surface with its smoke,

"Heaven and earth are mysterious and yellow, gossip and eight phenomena!"

"Xuanhuo gossip mirror."

Lin Kaiyun crossed his hands and put the gossip mirror on his chest. Golden flames spewed out continuously from the gossip mirror, and landed in eight directions of Qian, Dui, Kun, Gen, Zhen, Xun and Kan, besieging Zhang Xianzong in it.

Lin Kaiyun slammed the gossip mirror over Zhang Xianzong's head, holding the Seven Star Longyuan Sword in his right hand, kicked off the ground and launched an attack.

"The universe is boundless, the heaven and the earth borrow the law, and the Maoshan sword formula!"

All this happened in the blink of an eye, very quickly, when Zhang Xianzong reacted, Lin Kaiyun's Seven Star Dragon Yuan Sword had already been chopped off.

At this critical moment, Yanyan was not calm anymore, her white and tender arms were raised, and a withered and yellow vine sprang out from the cuff,

"Flowers are not flowers, fog is not fog!"

Pink flowers grew continuously on the vine, and a strange mist emanated from the dirty black stamens. Lin Kaiyun swung his sword and did not cut it off, so he could only jump up to distance himself.

"Brother Lin, be careful!"

Qingqing's voice sounded behind him, and countless thin red threads wrapped around the vine, cutting and smashing it.

I saw that Qingqing jumped down from the boulder, the wings behind him flapped, and he waved his hands twice, destroying the vines.

This strange mist was also transformed by Lin Kaiyun's Purifying Mind Mantra. He put his hands together, palms facing outwards, and a large amount of qi spewed out, slowly gathering into a ball, and the qi ball turned over and covered his face.

Immediately, a scene appeared in Lin Kaiyun's mind, a piece of dead air, surging black water, countless innocent souls struggling in the water, a lotus flower floating on the water, sitting an invisible phantom, opened his eyes and looked straight at With Lin Kaiyun.


Clear the clouds and see the light!

The dead air dissipated, the black water turned blue, and the wronged souls were transformed.


On Lin Kaiyun's face, the ball of energy quickly shrinks and takes shape, like a facial makeup, the only weird thing is that half of the facial makeup is benevolent and half angry.

Glaring King Kong, with the appearance of an arhat, but full of the spirit of a dead soul, he shouted at Qingqing, "Qingqing, stop that stinky woman, I'll take care of this first!"

Lin Kaiyun has used the godhead mask many times, and it won't be like the first time, with confused thinking and many voices.

"I see!"

Qingqing nodded in response, and shot directly at Yanyan.

Yanyan had no choice but to call out the remaining crows. Without Crow One and Crow Two carrying them in front, her methods would not be effective.

Xuanhuo Bagua mirror trapped Zhang Xianzong in it, Lin Kaiyun was half body Buddha light, half body dead soul, punched down.

Whoa whoa whoa! !

Zhang Xianzong took off the handsome robe that was burned by the flames, and all the rotten flesh fell off, revealing a body made of paper figurines.

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