Lin Kaiyun took out a few talisman papers, crumpled them into a ball, stuffed them into his nose, and said, "Here, on the match!"

Qingqing shook her head and refused to stuff the talisman into her nose, "I don't want it! It's very uncomfortable, isn't it just the smell? It's not a big deal!"

After finishing speaking, Qingqing put down her hand pinching her nose, and smelled it curiously. It didn't smell bad as expected, but it was just a little smelly.

Seeing this, Lin Kaiyun gave Qingqing a thumbs up, with a look of admiration on his face, "I respect you for being a man!"

"You are the man!"

Qingqing left Lin Kaiyun unhappily, and asked with a puzzled look, "What is this? You dare not even smell it?"

Lin Kaiyun replied with a suppressed smile, "It's not that I don't dare to smell it, but I don't want to smell it. This is the stench of yellow leather!"

Qingqing suddenly realized, "Stink? Fart?"

"That's right!"


When Qingqing heard this, she felt sick immediately, and quickly slapped Lin Kaiyun, shouting, "Quick, give me the talisman paper!"

Lin Kaiyun smiled and handed several talisman papers to Qingqing, and said with a smile, "You know why I didn't summon Huang Xiaofeng, right? I'm afraid I won't be able to get along well after smelling his fart."

Qingqing quickly imitated Lin Kaiyun, crumpling the talisman into a ball, stuffing it into his nose, and cursed, "Lin Kaiyun, did you do it on purpose? Why do you want the smell of yellow leather?"

Some things are like this. When you don’t know it’s bad smell, you don’t feel too bad. Once you know the truth, it’s hard to accept it psychologically.

"The stench of the yellow skin can't be felt from the outside. It can cover up the breath and hide the figure."

Lin Kaiyun spread his hands and explained seriously, then took Qingqing's hand and said, "Let's go! Qingqing, this time we approached quietly, we should not be found!"

Chapter 91 Could it be?

"My lord, it looks like it will definitely succeed. Will you be able to know the location of Lafayette?"

Beside the stream in Tupo, Yanyan nestled in the arms of Prince Zaichun, raised her head, her eyes were full of affection.

"Of course, as long as you find the backhand left by Lafayette, this country will return to my Qing Dynasty."

When this matter was mentioned, Prince Zai Chun's tone was full of complacency, and at the same time his hands became disheveled.

At this moment, a group of light brown light gradually approached and stopped beside a gravel, almost blending with the surrounding dust.

This light and shadow is exactly Lin Kaiyun and Qingqing who are hiding in the stench.

Qingqing stared at Prince Zai Chun and the others, and whispered, "Brother Lin, it really is them!"

Lin Kaiyun nodded. He noticed that whether it was Prince Zai Chun or Zhang Xianzong and the others, their attention seemed to be on the bottom of the slope, and the Yin Qi was also converging to the bottom of the slope.

"There seems to be something behind the slope, and there is a huge boulder on the side, where are we going!"

He looked around, found a high point, pulled Qingqing, and moved quietly.

Zhang Xianzong held the saber in his hand, fixed his gaze on Yue Qiluo below, and at the same time was wary of Prince Zaichun and the others beside him.

Prince Zaichun is so absorbed in thinking about how to tease Yanyan that he is completely unaware of any abnormalities around him.


Yue Qiluo at the water pool below turned her head slightly, and she started a little, except for some dust brought up by the wind, there was nothing abnormal around her.

"Could it be that I read it wrong?" Yue Qiluo murmured suspiciously, raised her hand to wipe off the sweat from her temples, and continued to stimulate the gathering of Yin Qi.

next to the boulder,

Qingqing breathed a sigh of relief, pinched Lin Kaiyun softly, and complained, "It's so dangerous, I was almost discovered, brother Lin blames you for leaving too fast!"

"You don't understand. The slower and more cautious you are, the easier it is to be discovered. You should sprint like this. Isn't it already here?"

Lin Kaiyun shrugged indifferently, and climbed up the boulder.

This boulder is not too high, but the angle of the position is just right to see all the depressions below the breakthrough.

Qingqing looked down, covered her mouth in shock, "Brother Lin, look! There are several coffins, are those corpses those from the first floor of the inn?"

Lin Kaiyun didn't say anything, his eyes were concentrated, he stared closely at the somewhat stunning woman below, and muttered to himself, "Yue Qiluo? You really are here! The zombie next to him is so powerful!!!"

"You know that woman down there?"

Qingqing glanced at Lin Kaiyun suspiciously, then looked down worriedly, "What is she doing? Refining corpses or ghosts?"

Lin Kaiyun shook his head and smiled wryly, "It would be easier if it was just refining corpses or refining ghosts!!!"

"What do you mean?" Qingqing tilted her head, puzzled.

Lin Kaiyun pointed down, "Qingqing, what do you think the four earth pushers below look like?"

Qingqing looked distressed, took a closer look, and said slowly, "This mound is protruding, protruding like a thick tree root, and the root is connected with pieces of dead grass, like the tail of Hualilong!"

Lin Kaiyun nodded, and asked back, "That's right, now you're looking, does that pool look like a dragon's head?"

"It's really similar!"

Lin Kaiyun explained worriedly, "This is the fourth turn of the dragon's power. If you build a yang house here, you will be filled with yang energy, and the whole family will be infected with the dragon qi, adding blessings and longevity, and prospering. They will gather Yin corpses."

Qingqing suddenly realized, "That's why you have gathered such a large amount of Yin energy?"

"That's right!"

Qingqing nodded, looked carefully at the terrain below, and suddenly noticed something unusual, and said quickly, "Brother Lin, look over there, there are actually nine brooks? It's so dry that there are still Water? That's not normal."

"Nine streams? Are you sure?"

Lin Kaiyun was very surprised when he heard the words. He had been paying attention to Yue Qiluo and the powerful zombie beside him before, but he didn't notice the layout and number of creeks.

He carefully moved two steps forward in the stench, not daring to miss an inch, swept the entire surrounding environment, exclaimed solemnly,

"It turned out to be the Jiuxi Lianyin Formation! Then this means that the corpses of these reckless people have been refined into ghost corpses. The four wooden coffins must be Shenyin wood, no wonder they are covered with dead earthworms!!!"

Lin Kaiyun's expression changed from shock to sudden realization. Under Qingqing's reminder, he finally found some clues.

"Jiuxi Lianyin array? Ghost corpse? Shenyin wood? Dead earthworm?"

Qingqing repeated Lin Kaiyun's words continuously, she was completely confused and didn't understand at all, even these words were heard for the first time.

Lin Kaiyun's face was solemn, his hands clenched into fists, and he preached in a low voice,

"These reckless people have an iron needle on their foreheads. You should be able to see that these are soul-fixing needles. If you insert a soul-fixing needle on your forehead, your soul will be trapped in your body after death. The earth dragon vein can be trained into a zombie in less than an hour. After dripping lead and mercury along the soul-fixing needle, the three souls and seven souls will be broken up, and after flowing through the whole body with the blood without cold, it will be refined into a kind of zombie. A ghost with a zombie body and a ghost."

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