Lin Kaiyun couldn't help but spit out the tea, it's really strange that Jiang Menshen has a brain circuit.

Seeing Lin Kaiyun's big reaction, Jiang Menshen said solemnly, "Brother Lin, why are you so surprised? What I said is true. In fact, my father doesn't know what the Lord Zaichun's invitation is for! I just want to give Save face, and pay attention to Prince Chun's purpose by the way."

"I believe it, brother Jiang, I wish you success!" Lin Kaiyun nodded and smiled helplessly.

I was wrong, I was really wrong, this Jiang Menshen didn't need to test the formula at all, because he would say it himself.

"Thank you Brother Lin!"

Jiang Menshen cupped his hands at Lin Kaiyun, grinned, looked at Qingqing, and asked, "Brother Lin, I don't know how old you are, little junior sister?"

"Look at what?"

Feeling Jiang Menshen's gaze, Qingqing was upset for a while, Lin Kaiyun thought she could do it, but others couldn't.


She slapped the table angrily, and cursed, "You're watching, I'll poke your eyes out!"

Jiang Menshen was startled, and spilled all the tea in his hand on his pants. Brother Lin's little junior sister looks cute, why is he so tough?

Chapter 80 Meeting ceremony, how about the three of us together?

Not only Jiang Menshen, but even Lin Kaiyun next to him was startled by the sound of Qingqing slapping the table, and other people also stared at their table inexplicably.

Lin Kaiyun turned sideways, approached Qingqing, and carefully reminded, "Well, Qingqing, you are a girl, you should be more civilized outside, after all, not everyone can understand you like Brother Lin and me!"

Hearing this, Qingqing rolled her eyes and looked at Lin Kaiyun, "Get lost!"


Lin Kaiyun pretended nothing happened, and shrugged at Jiang Menshen.

At this moment,

Prince Zaichun cast a look at the crow man behind him, and the crow man understood, and took out a dozen brocade boxes with red background and yellow dragon pattern from his arms.

"Everyone, it's for this king's face that everyone can come here. This king knows it well. Here is a little greeting ceremony. I hope all capable people and strangers will be satisfied!"

After Prince Zai Chun finished speaking, he waved to the crow man behind him.

The crow man took two steps forward, with dozens of crow feathers emitting from his body, he built a bridge of feathers in front of his hands, placed all the brocade boxes on the crow feathers, and opened one of the brocade boxes.

The moment the brocade box was opened, the entire inn was filled with a majestic medicinal fragrance, the smell was tangy, refreshing, and the smell alone made people unable to help but suck it.

"This is? Seven Day Sun Pill?"

Huo Kuangyun, the Chibeard Elder of the Vulcan School, fixed his eyes on the white pill in the brocade box and exclaimed.

Seeing Huo Kuangyun's demeanor, Lin Kaiyun seemed that this elixir was something special, so he asked Menshen Jiang, "Brother Jiang, what is the Seven Day Sun Pill?"

Jiang Menshen, a little know-it-all, really knew it. He told Lin Kaiyun, "Brother Lin, the Seven-Day Sun Pill is a rare top-grade medicine. Difficult, each elixir must at least absorb the essence of the sun for a whole year, and supplement it with the introduction of Zhiyang."

"If there is any mistake within this year, the alchemy will fail. Because of this, the effect is extremely powerful. No matter what level the practitioner is, it can increase the skill for 20 years, and 100% can eliminate any hidden diseases."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Menshen also greedily looked at the elixir in the brocade box.

Prince Zaichun was very satisfied with the expressions of everyone exclaiming, and he said in a general manner, "Yes, this is the Seven Day Sun Pill, which I and the imperial nephew in the capital have spent a lot of effort to get. Everyone, one grain!"

These capable people on the second floor are not the reckless people on the first floor. They are not so easy to deal with. This time he also suffered a lot of bleeding, but as long as the plan can be successful, everything is worth it.

According to Prince Zai Chun's order, the crow man distributed one to everyone, including young people like Huo Shen sent Huo Snake and Qing Qing who don't have a strong sense of presence.

All the people opened their brocade boxes to confirm that the pill was correct, with expressions of surprise and gratitude on their faces, Jiang Menshen couldn't wait to swallow the pill right now, Lin Kaiyun also picked it up and looked at it carefully , the whole body is milky white, the tentacles are warm, and there seems to be sunlight flowing inside the elixir. The main reason is that the smell is too fragrant and mellow, and it will not feel uncomfortable after smelling it for a long time.

"May I ask Lord Zai Chun, when was the furnace opened for the Seven Day Sun Pill?"

Chibeard Elder Huo Kuangyun asked with a concerned face, unlike before he was full of arrogance, his attitude at this time was very good, even with a hint of gratitude.

Prince Zaichun replied truthfully, "Because it was transported from the capital, today is already the sixth day!"

"It's already the sixth day? It seems that I can only take it by myself!" Huo Kuangyun grabbed the brocade box upon hearing this.

Lin Kaiyun frowned, and before he could ask a question, Jiang Menshen came over and said, "Brother Lin, I know what you want to ask, this seven-day sun pill is only effective for seven days, to be precise, only seven days , this elixir must be swallowed and absorbed in conjunction with sunlight during the day, so as to exert the best medicinal power, it can be absorbed in about one day and one night!"

"Does that mean there is only tomorrow left?"

"That's right, it can't be cloudy and rainy tomorrow, otherwise the potency of the medicine will probably be lost by half!"

Prince Zai Chun quietly observed everyone's expressions, showing a meaningful smile.

"Did you hear that? The second floor seems to have given some very good pills!"

"Why? So what if I heard it? You don't know who is on the second floor? What do you compare with others!"

"What's the big deal, why don't they all come here to work for the prince!"

"Stop complaining, the four Scarface brothers' bodies are still lying here! Be careful and lose your life."

The people on the first floor couldn't help complaining, and complained quietly.

Zhang Xianzong also noticed the noisy sound, and he shouted to the people on the first floor,

"Okay, the lords will not treat anyone badly. Tonight at this inn, there will be banquets, big fish, big meat, delicacies, and beautiful performances."

As soon as they heard this, the people on the first floor erupted in joy again. What they want is face, and now Marshal Zhang Xianzong has given them enough face.

Prince Zaichun saw that everything had been dealt with, and said with his hands behind his back,

"Everyone has worked hard today. I still have things to deal with, so I won't accompany you. Your rooms are all on the third floor, and the sign in your hand is the room number. Now Yanyan will guide you to find the way. After that, you can take care of yourself." That's it."

After finishing speaking, Prince Zaichun took the two crow-boy followers up the stairs to the third floor, and Zhang Xianzong followed with his officers and soldiers.

Yanyan walked to the stairs and smiled charmingly, "Everyone, if you want to go back to your room, please follow me!"

Most of the practitioners on the second floor are preparing to meet in the room. After all, in their opinion, it is really uncomfortable to stay in the same space as the bandits and bandits on the first floor. The room, on the contrary, went down to the first floor.

Everyone followed Yanyan to the third floor. This is a place to stay. The decoration cannot be said to be magnificent, but it is also very delicate. However, what makes Lin Kaiyun feel strange is that the rooms here seem to be all the same, both inside and out. The layout of the corners is also the same, every four rooms form a crossroad, like a small maze.

There is no sign or house number in the room. According to what Yanyan said, there is a black sign in the room. As long as you sense it with the black sign in your hand, it is your room. This guarantees that in this maze, you will definitely find it. own room.

Everyone has already returned to their rooms, Lin Kaiyun and Qingqing were the last ones, Yanyan twisted her body, opened the door of a room, and said with a light smile, "Master Xiaodao, this is your room."

"Thank you Yanyan girl for leading the way!"

"You're welcome!"

Yanyan put her arm on Lin Kaiyun's shoulder, and whispered behind Lin Kaiyun's back, "Are you sure you want to share a room with your little junior sister? Do you want me to open one for you!"

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