The drunk man was unsteady, screamed and the knife was slashed sideways and fell on the table in front of him. Lin Kaiyun backhanded and removed the drunk's arm holding the knife.

"Ah! My hands!"

The drunk man staggered and fell to the side, howling miserably.

The man with curly hair, who was clearly the leader, stretched out his hand to stop the other two, stared at Lin Kaiyun with sharp eyes, and said in a cold voice, "This little brother..."


Before the man with the curly hair finished speaking, a lot of blood spewed out of his mouth. He lowered his head in disbelief, looking at the blood-oozing scar on his neck in horror.

Lin Kaiyun picked up the knife very quickly and wiped the neck of the man with curly hair, while still maintaining the movement of swinging the knife.


The man with the curly hair pointed at Lin Kaiyun, and fell down tremblingly.

"Didn't you stop it just now? If your own people are at a disadvantage, do you want to stop it? It's just for you to get used to."

Lin Kaiyun said something unhappily, and then swung his knife left and right, slashing at the faces of the remaining two people, and fell to the ground with regret.

At this time, the drunk man was so scared that he peed his pants, sobered up in an instant, struggling on the ground and begging for mercy, "Forgive me! Forgive me!"

Chapter 76 There is only one way to deal with female hooligans

The drunk kept begging for mercy, and at this moment he wished he could slap himself, and his heart was full of remorse.

Lin Kaiyun didn't bother to pay attention, he threw the knife casually, puffed, and accurately inserted it into the drunk man's chest, dying instantly.

The other people in the inn watched all this with cold eyes, the weak preyed on the strong, and they were killed because they were not as good as others.

These people don't have a few lives on their backs, but they don't care about a few corpses and blood flowing all over the place. They should eat and drink.

"You two masters, why are you angry with these people!" came a voice, clear and charming.

Hearing the reputation, a woman came down from the second floor at the stairs, her face was familiar, she was about 30 years old, she was wearing a blue gauze skirt, which outlined a willow slender waist, and her white jade-like forearm was swinging around her waist.

Willow brows and phoenix eyes, exquisite and small, every frown and smile are full of mature charm, even though I have seen this woman many times, I still look at her in a daze, her eyes are full of imagination, and some people even drool .

However, these daring three-educated and nine-year-olds only masturbate in their own seats, not daring to act rashly at all, and they don't even dare to make unnecessary noises.

Lin Kaiyun also stared at it. Everyone has a love for beauty, and he is also a layman. People say that young people are afraid of this kind of mature woman. With this appearance and temperament, it is indeed very attractive.

Seeing the appearance of Lin Kaiyun and other men, Qingqing on the side glanced at the woman, then looked at herself, and snorted unhappily.

This voice made Lin Kaiyun realize that this woman didn't use any spells like charm, she just used her charisma to distract him for a while.

He smiled alone and shook his head, seeing that he still lacks exercise!

The woman came slowly, facing Lin Kaiyun and Qingqing, and said with a light smile, "The two should be the Taoist priest of Qingyunjian, right? My name is Yanyan, please follow me to the second floor!"

Qingyunjian?I've never heard of it, although I don't know why Yanyan admitted his mistake, but it doesn't matter.

Lin Kaiyun nodded without affirming or denying, and followed Yanyan to the second floor.

"Cough cough!"

Lin Kaiyun followed Yanyan upstairs, and he could see the graceful shape when he looked up. He coughed lightly, and pulled Qingqing to the front, "Qingqing, walk in front of me!"

"What's wrong? Strange!" Qingqing glanced at Lin Kaiyun inexplicably, then raised her head and walked up.

The same scene came into Qingqing's eyes, and immediately, she understood why Lin Kaiyun let her be in front.

She turned her head, stared at Lin Kaiyun viciously, and cursed, "Rogue, dirty!"

Hearing this, Lin Kaiyun was speechless for a while, shrugged his shoulders, and called out, "I didn't keep staring, it's obviously not a hooligan, not dirty, right?"

Yanyan, who was leading the way in front, naturally heard the conversation between the two of them. Every time he led people upstairs, because of the angle, it would arouse people's imagination. Various situations occurred during the period, but people like Lin Kaiyun still See you for the first time.

Arriving at the second floor, Yanyan stretched out her hand respectfully and smiled, "You two, here we are, wait here for a while, find a seat first!"

Lin Kaiyun smiled and said, "Thank you, Miss Yanyan!"

Yanyan took a step forward, leaned close to Lin Kaiyun's ear, and said softly, "You're welcome, Master Xiaodao, I will arrange a good room for you tonight!"

Facing such a 'provocation', how could Lin Kaiyun sit still and wait for death, his eyes were deprived of everything, and he looked at Yanyan, "Okay! It's best to be a room where you can hide your beauty in a golden house!"


Yanyan pursed her lips and chuckled, stretched out her finger to caress Lin Kaiyun's cheek, and said in a charming voice, "You're really good at acting, I'm afraid you have no guts!"

"Come on! I'll show you my heart and guts!"

After Lin Kaiyun finished speaking, he was about to open his shirt, just kidding, he is a majestic seven-foot man, how can he give this woman the upper hand in playing hooligans?

"Haha, interesting, don't worry, there will be many opportunities in the future!"

Seeing this, Yanyan laughed, she pressed Lin Kaiyun's undressing hand, cast a look, turned and left.


Lin Kaiyun snorted coldly, he can be cowardly in other things, but he must not be cowardly in this matter, then he looked at Qingqing at the side, patted his chest, "How about it, Qingqing, you are not a man, Brother Lin! "


Qingqing rolled her eyes and cursed unhappily, "Damn you, you're a pervert!"

Lin Kaiyun shrugged, Qingqing still doesn't understand, the most effective way to meet a female hooligan is to be more hooligan than her.

The second floor is different from the first floor. The tables and chairs are more delicate, but there are fewer of them. Moreover, everyone present has obvious qi on their bodies. They should all be practitioners. Although these practitioners wear various clothes, they are all quite decent.

Lin Kaiyun looked around and found that basically every table was filled with people, so it seemed that they could only share seats.

He brought Qingqing to a table where only one person was seated. He was a delicate young man, wearing a brocade satin gown, with a folding fan in his hand, but his facial features were small and his skin was fair and tender. He looked like a woman in disguise Men's.

Lin Kaiyun asked as gracefully as possible, "Here, female hero or brother, can you share a table?"

"I don't sit at the same table as the hooligans! Change it!" The young man knocked on the fan.

Lin Kaiyun smiled jokingly, sat down on the stool, patted the seat next to him, and said, "Qingqing, sit down!"

Qingqing glanced at the young man suspiciously, didn't say anything, and sat directly beside Lin Kaiyun.

The young man looked at Lin Kaiyun angrily. He didn't expect that Lin Kaiyun ignored his words, sat down directly, got up and shouted, "Didn't you leave then? Why are you still sitting down?"

"Did you issue the invitation?"


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