"A lot, I'll give it now!"

Shopkeeper Hu nodded again and again, the facts were in front of him, and he didn't have the slightest doubt in his heart. You must know that the Taoist monks who were hired at a high price before, not to mention the fragrance, even the saltiness of the dishes have not recovered.

He tried all kinds of methods in the past month, but today the two of them eliminated the ghost face to face, and the food returned to normal. Being cautious does not mean being stupid. If you still doubt it at this time, he would be stupid.

Shopkeeper Hu didn't delay for a moment, and quickly turned around and ran upstairs. In less than 2 minutes, he held a brocade bundle, handed it to Lin Kaiyun, and said seriously,

"You two masters, I didn't know anything about it before. This is Erbai Dayang. I'm making an apology to you two. I know it's just for the two masters. I don't care about these extraneous things. I really can't take out Wu Bai Dayang. It’s all I can offer, I hope you both understand.”

Although there is no profiteering and no business, but the Hu family is able to operate the Qingshui Restaurant to such a large scale in Qingshui Town, there is still a certain pattern. If the money is gone, you can make it again. There are ten thousand ways to bring your own restaurant out of business.

So shopkeeper Hu took the initiative to admit his mistake, and showed all the sincerity he could. As long as Lin Kaiyun accepted it, he would definitely not care about it.

"Yes, Not Bad!"

Lin Kaiyun nodded. He is quite satisfied with the current attitude of shopkeeper Hu. He finished the burden, weighed the weight, and found that the number was correct. He casually threw it to Qingqing, and said calmly, "Qingqing, Take it!"

Shopkeeper Hu saw that Lin Kaiyun was under his command, and he immediately felt relieved. He bent down and clapped his hands, showing his hospitality, "You two masters, are you still full? Let's go!"

The voice just fell,

Suddenly there was a gurgling sound, and Qingqing touched her stomach straightforwardly, and said with a smile, "Hey, Brother Lin, let's go after eating!"

"Ha ha!"

Lin Kaiyun laughed, took Qingqing's hand, and said as he walked, "Okay, shopkeeper Hu, I'll serve all the signature dishes, and I'll pay you normally, and it's still the same position as before."

"Got it!"

Shopkeeper Hu responded respectfully like a waiter in the shop, and then he said to the fat cook, "Make one of the signature dishes, the speed should be fast, and the taste should be good."

The fat cook didn't move when he heard the words, he said firmly, "Shopkeeper, am I the only one here? It's scary, and besides, I plan to do it with you."

Shopkeeper Hu stretched out three fingers, and said confidently, "I will triple your salary, ten yuan a month!"

Hearing this, the fat cook swallowed his saliva. This salary is simply too high. Ma De, people die for money and birds die for food. He gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, that's it, I'll cook now!"

Money can turn ghosts around. As long as the money is in place, let alone cooking in a kitchen where ghosts used to exist, even if you ask him to fire ghosts, he won't hesitate.

As long as there are no problems in the restaurant, Shopkeeper Hu will be able to earn back all the money he took out today within half a year, and he can use this to promote, such as God of Cookery, the more he thinks about Shopkeeper Hu, the happier he will be .

Near the door, Lin Kaiyun and Qingqing sat opposite each other.

Qingqing put her elbows on the table, put her pretty face on the table, and asked Lin Kaiyun in doubt, "Brother Lin, what is that ghost? How could it make the food tasteless? It doesn't hurt anyone, so strange? "

Lin Kaiyun replied, "This is a glutton, who specializes in smoking human fireworks."

"Tie ghost? What is it? I heard from Master that there are drowning ghosts and starving ghosts!"

"Gaotie, do you know that?"

"I know!

Qingqing nodded obediently, and then exclaimed in surprise, "Could it be Taotie?"

"How could Taotie be such a waste!"

Lin Kaiyun shook his head and continued to explain, "Gluttony eats everything, devours everything, and even eats himself when he is in a hurry, and those who are eaten by gluttony will never be reborn forever, and there is a certain chance that they will be born Tiegui, because If you are a human being, you will be greedy for fireworks in the world."

"It is said that the ghost who sucks the aroma of dishes may become the kitchen god or the god of food after successful cultivation. Of course, it is a ghost before it becomes a god. If someone disturbs it to eat the smell, it will also eat people. There is no harm in this restaurant. Incident, because no one noticed it."


Qingqing understood, and sighed, "There is such a strange ghost!"

"Of course, although the level of this gluttonous ghost is not high today, it can hide it so well. It must have been sucking the smell for decades. After I eliminate it, the smell it sucked for these years will be slowly diluted in the place where it died. That is to say, the dishes made by the restaurant will be even more delicious in the future, just wait for us to try it out!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Kaiyun couldn't wait to pick up the chopsticks and waited for the food to be served.

Today's first dish tastes even more delicious.

At this time,

Shopkeeper Hu supported the tray, brought all the dishes to the table, and said respectfully, "You two masters, the dishes are ready, please use them slowly!"

The table was full of delicacies, and the smell alone made people salivate. Lin Kaiyun and Qingqing were not pretentious, they ate big pieces.

Even shopkeeper Hu, who runs a restaurant, couldn't help but want to have a big meal. He ran directly to the back kitchen and said impatiently, "You're making me one, I'm hungry too!"

Soon, shopkeeper Hu also started to gobble up the food.

In fact, he overheard Lin Kaiyun's words just now, and finally realized why the food tastes better than before, and he was already so happy that he was dying.

Shopkeeper Hu thought it was because of the fat chef's skill that he agreed to triple the salary, but now it seems completely unnecessary.

The more Shopkeeper Hu thought about the money spent, the more he was wronged, and he secretly made a decision, "It seems that if I just hire a cook, it will taste the same, no, the three times the salary is not worth it at all. Let this fat cook go!"

For those who can't afford to offend, shopkeeper Hu is willing to treat each other with sincerity and is very open-minded, but for those who can't afford to offend, he will find that he is extremely shrewd.

"Ah! So full!"

Lin Kaiyun leaned back on the chair, and patted his stomach with happiness.

"I'm so full too!" Qingqing followed Lin Kaiyun's example and leaned on the chair.

Food can bring pleasure to people, Lin Kaiyun finally understood this sentence at this time.

He shouted, "Master Hu, do the math, how much is it?"

Shopkeeper Hu ran out after hearing the sound, with a respectful face, he said with a smile, "You two masters, this meal is my treat, and you don't need to pay for it!"

Lin Kaiyun took out ten oceans and put them on the table, "Dayang, I won't miss you, ten is enough!"

"Enough, enough!"

Shopkeeper Hu nodded repeatedly. Since Lin Kaiyun insisted on giving it, he would not be unreasonable. Even if it was good intentions, he still understood the reason why too much is too late.

"Let's go! Qingqing!"

Lin Kaiyun got up and was about to leave with Qingqing when he suddenly thought of something, turned around and asked, "By the way, shopkeeper Hu, is there any horse seller in the town?"

Shopkeeper Hu hurriedly ran out, pointed to the direction of Lin Kaiyun and said, "There are stables in the east of the town, but only a few horses will be driven from the grassland in a month. I don't know if there are any."

Lin Kaiyun nodded, and then asked, "Do you know Lingxi Town? How far is it from here?"

"Consonance Town?"

Shopkeeper Hu muttered after hearing the words, and then kindly reminded, "You two masters, Lingxi Town has not been very peaceful in the past year, with constant wars, and I heard that there has been a severe drought for a long time, and many people have moved out. "

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