"Lin Kaiyun, look at your hesitation, you are not a man at all!"

Seeing Lin Kaiyun's delay in replying, Qingqing glared at her and said angrily, "Don't worry, I have the ability to protect myself now, and I won't cause you any trouble!"

"Ahem, you misunderstood!"

Lin Kaiyun coughed lightly, concealed his embarrassment, and said, "I'm a rough guy on my way, everything is convenient, as long as you are not afraid of hard work, I don't care."

After Qingqing said so, there is no reason for Lin Kaiyun to refuse, but he has to make it clear in advance that this time he is not going on a trip, and the journey may not be difficult, but the hypocrisy of a girl is definitely not acceptable.

Master Yixiu laughed when he heard the words, "That's just right, our family, Qingqing, doesn't look like a barbaric character, but she is very good at basic necessities of life!"

Qingqing shouted angrily, "Master! How can anyone say that his apprentice is barbaric!"

"Ha ha!"

Master Yixiu laughed out of relief, handed a bundle to Qingqing, and casually said to Lin Kaiyun, "Brother Kaiyun, Qingqing's things have been packed, you can go straight away!"

Hey guys, everything is ready in advance?This is not a question at all!It is estimated that even if he refuses, Master Yixiu will find a way to let Qingqing follow him.

Lin Kaiyun smiled wryly, snatched the bag from Qingqing's hand, and said solemnly, "Let's go! Although I'm not very good at taking care of others, I won't let a girl carry such a heavy object by herself!"

Qingqing looked at Lin Kaiyun tenderly, and after saying goodbye to her master, she quickly trotted up to follow.

In this era, the ideology of feudal dynasties still persists in the society, male chauvinism, men are respected, and women are instilled from an early age to take care of their husbands, take care of their husbands and children, and work hard without complaint.

It was just a small movement of Lin Kaiyun, but it made Qingqing feel a different kind of warmth in her heart.

The figures of Lin Kaiyun and Qingqing quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

Daoist Simu and Master Yixiu rarely quarreled, and sat on a stool to eat breakfast.

"Master Yixiu, Qingqing, your breakfast is here!"

Jiale's happy voice came, and she walked in enthusiastically carrying a small breakfast with love.

He looked up and found that there were only his master, Daoist Qianhe and Master Yixiu on the stool. He asked suspiciously, "Eh? Where's Qingqing?"

Daoist Qianhe waved to Jiale and said, "Jiale, sit down and eat! Miss Qingqing has left with Kaiyun."

"What? Gone? Eloped?"

Jiale yelled when he heard the words, put down the plate in shock, turned and ran to the door, crying bitterly, "I'm so miserable!!!"

Several people ignored the nervous Jiale and ate breakfast on their own.

At the same time, Lin Kaiyun and Qingqing had already traveled more than ten miles.

In order to speed up the journey, Lin Kaiyun directly called out the great fairy Huang Xiaofeng.

Riding the Great Immortal Huang Xiaofeng through the forest, the speed is very fast.

Qingqing hugged Lin Kaiyun's solid back tightly behind her, hiding from the wind, and shouted, "Lin Kaiyun, is this yellow skin? Why is it so big!"

Before Lin Kaiyun could speak, Huang Xiaofeng, the great fairy who was running, said, "Beauty, isn't it so big that I can carry the two of you? It's so heavy, and I'm Huang Daxian!"


Qingqing was taken aback, and then poked Huang Xiaofeng's soft hair with her hand, with a curious expression on her face, "This yellow man can actually talk?"

"Of course it can talk, not only can it talk, it can run away!"

Lin Kaiyun said something strangely, then grabbed Huang Xiaofeng's ear, and asked, "Isn't it! Huang Xiaofeng!"

"Oh, boss, it hurts! It hurts!"

Huang Xiaofeng screamed twice, turned his head to the point where he turned a curve.

Seeing this, Lin Kaiyun let go of Daxianer Huang Xiaofeng's ears, and cursed, "The last time you hit that royal zombie, you ran away after being slapped. Believe it or not, I let Uncle Shen peel off your skin!"

Daxianer Huang Xiaofeng argued, "Boss, I didn't run, I just fainted!"

"Don't be inked, hurry up, and next time, I'll just stew you!"


Daxianer Huang Xiaofeng's speed soared suddenly, unexpectedly a faint afterimage appeared.

Feeling the constantly blowing wind beside her ear, Qingqing waved her hand and shouted excitedly, "Wow! So fast! This feeling is so refreshing!"

"Ha ha!"

Lin Kaiyun also laughed out loud, the feeling now is no less than driving a convertible sports car, he patted the neck of the great fairy Huang Xiaofeng, and shouted, "Hurry up, speed up to 300 miles!"

Daxian Huang Xiaofeng gritted his teeth, and galloped even harder with all four legs.

It was carrying Lin Kaiyun and Qingqing, so it couldn't use its magical powers, and it was running entirely with its feet.

There is an old forest of thick trees in front of it, and many people are wielding saws and axes to cut down the trees.

Two workers in sackcloth, soaked in sweat, looked up at the hot sun and complained,

"It's so hot today, there's no wind at all!"

"Yes, if only there was a gust of wind."


A gust of passing wind blew their straw hats away.

"No way! My mouth is too clever, and I'm going to get wind after I finish speaking."

"It doesn't seem to be the wind, I saw a black shadow running past."

"Really? Are you scaring me?"

"Of course it's true, ghosts! There are ghosts!"

"Run! There is a ghost!"

Many lumberjacks saw the black shadow, and immediately became a mess, screaming and running for their lives.

Qingqing tilted her head, seeing the people behind her shouting for their lives, she patted Lin Kaiyun on the back, "Lin Kaiyun, isn't it good that we are like this, many people were scared along the way."

"It's really not good. I have deliberately walked the mountain path, but I still meet these people!!!"

Lin Kaiyun nodded. He deliberately avoided people to avoid panic, but so far it still scared many people.

He thought for a while and suggested, "How about we rest during the day and drive at night?"

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