Jia Le exclaimed, "Ah? Qingqing, haven't you been rescued yet?"

"Let's hurry over and help!"

After Lin Kaiyun finished speaking, he hurriedly ran towards the direction that the four-eyed priest said.

Jia Le saw it and followed anxiously.

Seeing Lin Kaiyun and Jiale's haste, the four-eyed Taoist cursed bitterly, "These two ungrateful bastards rushed to help when they heard Qingqing!"

"Senior Brother Four Eyes, am I still here?"

Daoist Qianhe smiled, sat down on the ground, closed his eyes and said, "You don't have to worry about it, I'll help you protect the law!"

Hearing Daoist Qianhe's words, Daoist Simu became even more angry, and directly punched the big worm's mouthparts heavily, causing the juice to fly across the mouth, causing the big worm to fall to the ground.

At the same time, Master Yixiu on the other side has chased the evil cultivator Jiang Chong to the side of the mountain stream.

Originally, Gu masters were afraid of Zhiyang's skills, but Master Yixiu's body of Buddhism can kill this evil cultivator.

Even if this evil cultivator wins completely, he will not be the opponent of Master Yixiu, let alone only his right arm is left now.

The evil cultivator ginger worm is a bit miserable now, except for the natal Gu, all the Gu worms have been used up, and all of his body is injured.


Master Yixiu clasped his hands together and persuaded, "The poor monk said long ago that as long as you let Qingqing go, I can let you go!"

The evil cultivator Jiang Chong looked at the mountain stream behind him, and there was no way out at this time, he asked, "Are you telling the truth?"

"Monks don't lie!"

Master Yixiu clasped his hands together and said affirmatively.

He didn't lie to this evil cultivator, as long as Qingqing was released, he would let this evil cultivator go.

On the way of catching up, Master Yixiu has always been exhausting the evil cultivator Jiang Chong, and has never wanted to kill.

Although Master Yixiu knew that this evil cultivator named Jiang Chong would not dare to touch Qingqing, but the rabbit would bite when he was in a hurry. God knows if this evil cultivator would be caught in a deadly trap.

The evil-cultivating zombie nodded and said, "Okay! You leave a distance of one mile first, and I will let this girl go!"


Master Yixiu shook his head with a smile. He was not stupid, and said flatly, "Benefactor, you have to release Qingqing first, and the poor monk will definitely keep his promise."

The evil cultivator Jiang Chong didn't speak, and kept thinking in his mind.

Now that he has Qingqing with him, he will definitely not be able to escape.

The evil cultivator Jiang Chong made up his mind and said directly, "Okay, I promise you! I will let this girl go now, you must keep your promise and stop chasing me!"

"No problem!" Master Yixiu smiled kindly.

But at this moment, Lin Kaiyun and Jiale rushed over, Xiexiu Jiangchong became nervous when he saw that there were two more people.

The evil cultivator Jiang Chong put the dagger on the back of Qingqing's head and shouted, "What do you mean? Old monk, are you lying to me?"

Master Yixiu saw the worry of the evil cultivator Jiang Chong, and he comforted, "Don't worry, these two are my neighbor's apprentice and nephew!"

Lin Kaiyun stood at the side without saying a word. He knew that Master Yixiu was trying to persuade him to surrender when he saw this posture, and seeing the expression of this evil cultivator, he seemed to be a little loose.

But Jia Le didn't see it at all. He saw the evil cultivator Jiang Chong holding a dagger against Qingqing's head. He panicked, took two steps forward, pointed at the evil cultivator Jiang Chong and cursed,

"Old guy, let our family Qingqing go quickly! Otherwise, my master won't spare you! By the way, there is also this Master Yixiu next to me who has always been jealous of evil. For an evil cultivator like you, even if he kills a hundred Eighty, seeing that you are missing an arm and a leg, you will definitely not be able to run, so hurry up and grab it!"

"Damn it, it's broken!"

As soon as Lin Kaiyun heard Jiale's words, he knew something bad was going to happen, but it was too late to stop him.

And the evil cultivator Jiang Chong had already believed Master Yixiu's words and planned to let Qingqing go, but now Jia Le's words made him excited quickly, and shouted, "Okay! You are going to lie to me, you don't want me to live , I’ll pull a padded back.”

Master Yixiu was startled and shouted quickly,

"Don't! You killed Qingqing, the head of your Jiang family will definitely settle accounts with your family."

"Shit, I'm going to die, so why care about my family!"

The evil cultivator Jiang Chong was originally a cold-blooded person, he only cared about his own life and death, but now he was very excited and felt that he was going to die, so he would definitely die.

The evil cultivator Jiang Chong raised his dagger and stabbed it in the back of Qingqing's head. He killed Qingqing first, and died with Master Yixiu who lied to him. This was what he was thinking at this time.

"No!" Master Yixiu shouted worriedly.

"Jia Le, you, you have more success than failure!"

Lin Kaiyun scolded Jia Le, and directly used Ghost Shadow Miscrow, increasing the speed to the extreme.

He's not sure if he can save Qingqing in time, but if he doesn't act, Qingqing will definitely die.

At the moment when the dagger hit Qingqing, Lin Kaiyun was still too late to arrive. At the critical moment, he took a step and struck out with a palm.

"Bagua empty palm!"

Suddenly, a green gossip figure phantom appeared under his feet, and a strange energy appeared in Lin Kaiyun's palm.

With a slap of the palm, the evil cultivator ginger worm 20 meters away seemed to have been slapped on the chest. With a movement of his arm, the dagger was stabbed sideways, and Qingqing was cut off a few strands of hair.

"Gossip, break the mountain!"

Lin Kaiyun saw the opportunity, and slashed out with a palm, and a laser ray blasted on the body of the evil cultivator Jiang Chong.

Chapter 66 Purifying Mind Mantra?I will!

The speed of this laser ray was very fast, and it hit the evil ginger bug accurately.


Suddenly, blood spattered.

"how is this possible?"

Xiexiu Jiangchong wanted to attack Qingqing again, but he couldn't control his arm. He turned his head and saw that the entire right shoulder was divided into two, and the cut surface was neat, and it slowly slid down.

And Lin Kaiyun also reacted quickly, using the ghost shadow fascination to the extreme, like holding the moon in his arms, holding Qingqing up, very vigilant, and quickly retreated!

Lin Kaiyun put Qingqing in front of Master Yixiu, he felt Qingqing in his arms, her heartbeat and pulse were normal, and said,

"Master Yixiu, Miss Qingqing is fine, she seems to be asleep."

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