Trembling At A High Altitude

Chapter 8 The Beach and the Sea

After eating and drinking, endless exhaustion attacked Li Teng again.

As soon as he fell down, he fell into such a deep sleep.

Even if the helicopter sent him into a sea of ​​swords and flames, no one could prevent him from having a good sleep at this moment.

At least, it's warm here.

And neither thirsty nor hungry.


Li Teng didn't know how long he had been asleep.

How many hours maybe?

It may also be longer.

When I woke up again, the door of the helicopter was open.

Outside... is flat ground.

After eating bread, biscuits, and drinking drinks, his body also gained strength.

Li Teng climbed down from the helicopter cabin and stood on the flat ground below.

concrete floor.

After the helicopter put down Li Teng, it flew straight into the sky and left.

After walking a few steps on the flat ground, Li Teng wondered if he was dreaming.

The feet are light and fluttering, as if walking in an illusion.

Finally back on the ground?

The question is, what kind of place is this?

There is no snow or rain here, the temperature is moderate, about 20 degrees, and I feel very comfortable.

After looking around, Li Teng soon became convinced.

It's either by the sea or on an island.

The place where he stood was the helipad, with the beach and sea water behind him, and a building in front of him.

There is no doubt that he had to enter the building first to figure out where he was sent.

Although Li Teng only had a set of stinky pajamas and hadn't brushed his teeth or washed his face for several days, now was not the time to worry about his image.

Go and have a look.

If someone can be found, everything should be able to reveal the truth.


anyone there?

Li Teng came to the street and shouted a few times into the empty street.

No one responded.

Next to the street entrance is a restaurant.

There is only the word restaurant on the signboard.

Although there was no money in the pocket of his pajamas, Li Teng walked in when he saw the restaurant.

The bread and biscuits eaten on the helicopter have long been digested by his hungry stomach.

He is still very hungry now.

There is a clock on the wall of the restaurant, showing the time is ten three in the morning.

If the time was accurate, Li Teng reckoned that the helicopter might have been in the air for three or four hours.

It could also be shorter.

There is an LCD screen next to the clock.

The LCD screen displayed a countdown, one hour and fifty-seven minutes.

It looks like the countdown ends at twelve o'clock sharp.

What's with the countdown? When is the restaurant open?

Isn't it too late to open again at 12 noon?

It's even more unlikely to be the time when the restaurant is closed?

The entire restaurant was empty.

At least Li Teng didn't see anyone after looking around.

anyone there?

Can I order food?

Although Li Teng was only wearing a set of pajamas and had no money on him, under the pressure of hunger, he still had the cheek to ask for a meal on credit.

No one responded.

Li Teng took another closer look into the restaurant.

The restaurant has a vending port, and there is a machine next to the vending port.

It won't be a buffet, right?

Li Teng walked over.

Sure enough, it was a vending machine.

Shown on the display is the menu.

There are quite a lot of food varieties in the menu.

There are homemade breakfasts such as steamed buns, steamed buns, porridge, rice, various noodles, pancakes, and braised eggs.

You can also order dishes with rice, including homemade stir-fry, roast chicken and duck, trotters, braised pork, lobster, hairy crab, and even a variety of delicacies from mountains and seas.

Li Teng salivated at the sight, and his stomach growled unbearably.

These foods are not bought with money.

Instead, a membership card is required, which is redeemed by the points in the membership card.

The machine in front of you can apply for a membership card.

After face recognition, the machine actually automatically filled in Li Teng's name.

But this is not a very unusual thing. WeChat and Alipay have already had this function. Maybe the restaurant and those systems are connected to the Internet.

Now is not the time to think about these things.

The membership card is a white card with nothing on it.

After completing the membership card, Li Teng can use the points in the membership card account to exchange for food.

It's a pity that there is no point in Li Teng's membership card account.

I don't know how this score came from.

Was it exchanged for cash?

After researching for a while, Li Teng found that his membership card account had a function similar to Huabei.

You can advance 100 points to the account.

Although he was very hungry and wanted to have a big meal of roast chicken and duck, in the end Li Teng held back.

The more attractive the food, the more points will be consumed.

Moreover, his stomach, which has been hungry for several days, should not eat those too greasy foods at this time.

In the end, Li Teng only advanced five points.

The five points were exchanged for a bowl of hot dry noodles, a bun, a bowl of porridge, three steamed buns and a small plate of pickles.

After confirming the exchange, the conveyor belt at the food outlet delivered the food.

Li Teng tried to see what was going on inside through the food outlet, but found that it was dark inside and he couldn't see anything.

Although it was not clear where the food came from, the food was indeed hot and there was no peculiar smell.

Even if it's just these hot dry noodles, steamed buns, etc., they are all delicious to Li Teng now.

Eating steamed buns with pickles is an ultimate enjoyment.

Eat all the food.

I am very full.

Li Teng still wanted to eat, but held back.

Overeating at this time would have ruined his badly damaged and fragile stomach, and ruined his weakened body.

It's better to take it easy.

Thank you for the food. I will find a way to pay the bill later. Li Teng yelled into the restaurant a few times.

Although no one may hear it, the attitude of keeping promises should be clearly expressed.

After eating and drinking, Li Teng returned to the street.

There is a clothing store next to the restaurant.

Next to the clothing store is a bathing center.

After looking at the smelly and dirty pajamas he hadn't changed in a few days, Li Teng quickly went into the clothing store.

Like in restaurants, there are no shop assistants in clothing stores, only vending machines.

Like in the restaurant, there are wall clocks on the walls of the clothing store, as well as countdowns on LCD screens.

It seems that at twelve o'clock noon, something big will happen here?

What will happen?

Let's buy clothes first.

The most important thing is to buy a pair of socks and a pair of shoes.

These days on top of the stone pillar, he has been barefoot.

The clothes in the clothing store are also cheap and expensive.

There are not many points in Li Teng's account. He chose the cheapest set of clothes, a promotional suit, clothes, pants, shoes and socks, and only consumed twelve points in total.

Counting the points from the meal just now, Li Teng now has a total of 17 points on credit.

After choosing the clothes, shoes and socks, Li Teng did not change into the clothes and shoes and socks immediately, but went into the bathing center next to him.

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