Tremble! White-eyed Wolf

Chapter 14: After the founding of the Yuan Dynasty, it became obsolete 14

Dongju Palace was brightly lit all night, and from time to time, ministers and their family members were dragged out, and they were allowed to plead and beg for mercy. The fact that the subordinates stayed in the DPRK also added trouble to them.

There are more, how to appease the people, how to stabilize the border army, Zhou Xiang needs to be considered in every aspect.

The family escaped. But the weakness is short-lived, and when they return to the mansion, they become the head of the family who can be relied on.

At this time, the little emperor was nodding his head in sleepiness, Ying Lan said goodbye to his father and five other ministers, and wanted to return to the palace with his son to rest. Nie Yongnian didn't intend to let her participate in the government, but the little grandson's health improved, worried that he would stay up all night and hurt his health, so he nodded immediately. The other few people were worried that the newly promoted queen mother would fall behind the curtain because of the emperor's young age. Now that she has no intention of taking power, naturally they will not speak out against her.

So Yinglan asked someone to pick up her little son, yawned and was escorted back to the palace by a team of soldiers, feeling that the body of a mortal is really useless, but if you go to bed later, you will be in a bad mood. In the past, she had no problem taking a nap for thousands of years.

Chunying had already changed her identity in the cold palace, and after slapped Wei Yinghan twice, she happily returned to the Changning Palace, and then quickly arranged for someone to clean it up so that the master could move in. The people who used to serve in the Changning Palace had already climbed high branches when their master was deposed. Naturally, she would not call such people back to dirty her eyes.

Fortunately, she replaced Wechsler before, as the only noble concubine in charge of the palace, and under the pretext of being unwell, the palace gate was only sealed, but the inside was never moved. Now that the time is not long, it only needs to be cleaned a little, and then the bed curtains and bedding can be changed, and it will be the same as before. It is still easy to find eunuchs in the palace. In the past, she was the maid of the palace, and she always assisted the master in handling palace affairs. She knew the situation of each palace and palace very well, so she directly took the token and transferred a group of people over.

Only, the news of the queen's return was also spread out, and the concubines of the harem were in shock for a while, not understanding what happened in such a short period of time, causing the queen to turn over again. The concubines and concubines sent people to inquire, but the harem was surrounded by a group of soldiers at some point, and their people could not get out at all!

The concubines and concubines began to be afraid, and vaguely guessed that there was a big change in the palace. Concubine Rou, Concubine Rong, Concubine Li, and Concubine Liang were even more restless. When Empress Nie was in distress before, they were the most ruthless. If they were turned over by her, how could they survive? However, no matter how many means they usually have, they can't do anything under absolute force at this time. The harem is surrounded so that a fly can't get out. Changning Palace is guarded by hundreds of soldiers who are equipped with swords and armor. Can't get close, only dare to inquire from a distance.

So when Yinglan returned to the bedroom, she noticed that there were people peeping around, she didn't care too much, and ordered Chunying, who came over with a look of joy: "Make arrangements, Hua'er will rest at tonight. in my palace."

The new emperor fell asleep early on the road, Chunying personally sent the little master to live in the side hall, called two little palace maids to guard it, and left a few reliable guards to protect Then, I went back to the master to report the situation in the harem.

"Don't worry about them, I'll deal with them tomorrow." Ying Lan was very sleepy after taking a bath, and now she has no interest in paying attention to those people, "Go and rest, it's not us who are anxious now."

Chunying was stunned for a while, and then she thought, which of those concubines and concubines did not block the master? Not to mention what they did when they thought their master was in distress, what was it that made them worry all night? After she figured it out, she was no longer in a hurry, and she went to sleep after serving the master.

The master and servants of Changning Palace naturally sleep well all night, but the concubines and concubines in the harem tossed and turned all night, and the next day before dawn, they packed up and went to guard outside the Queen's palace. This guard lasted for two hours. During this period, no one wanted to break in with their identities. The problem was that the guards at the gate didn't buy it. Whether they were coercion or lure, they just wouldn't let them in. When someone raised the volume and wanted to make a noise, the guard drew his knife directly, which immediately frightened their shouts back.

When the sun was high, the concubines and concubines were so hot and sweaty, and some of them were weak and almost fainted. They went to Qing'an Palace to attend the medical service. A group of people were instantly revived with blood, and they didn't care about the delicate body and the weak people who needed to be cared for. No matter how they saw the emperor, the emperor would naturally decide for them.

The guards outside the harem did not stop them this time, and the group rushed to Qing'an Palace in a mighty manner, and before entering the door, they began to cry about what happened last night. Zhao Yewei had just been carried to the toilet at this time, and he was in a bad mood. When they made trouble, he became even more angry—how miserable you are, can you beat him? The throne is gone, and in the future, I will lie on the bed like a crippled person, and I will also rely on the breath of Nie's mother and son.

"Fuck off! All to me!" Zhao Yewei roared in anger, all the concubines and concubines choked, knelt on the ground and looked at each other, an ominous premonition rose in his heart. For a while, I couldn't care to see the emperor complaining. Anyway, depending on the situation, if I went now, I would be in trouble, so I went to find someone to inquire about the news.

The **** director Yu Huaide, who used to follow the emperor all day, including several of his little apprentices, disappeared, and everyone could only put money into the hands of the little eunuchs and little palace maids who usually didn't care much. At the scene of Dongju Palace, I only knew some general things, and only these things have already made all the concubines despair - the emperor is abolished, and he will never get better in his life. King Yushan led his ministers to establish the abolished prince as the new monarch, and the Nie family also Turned over to be the queen mother. Thinking about what they did in the cold palace before, many people really fainted now.

At this time, Chaoyang had announced the crimes of the concubine Wei Wei and his henchmen: they first poisoned the prince, and then they cooperated with the imperial doctor to delay the treatment and cause him to be weak and sick. After being discovered by the King of Yushan, he framed him again. He was sentenced to be beheaded by the whole family for treason, and even more frantically, he planned to murder the emperor at the Mid-Autumn Festival night banquet, and controlled the court to push the second prince to the throne!

Fortunately, King Yushan was rescued by a master and secretly contacted his loyal ministers to smash the conspiracy of the traitor at the banquet. Unfortunately, it was still a step too late. Unable to take care of the state affairs, even the master who rescued King Yushan could do nothing. But fortunately, the masters determined that the prince's body could be adjusted well, so the emperor was overjoyed to appoint the prince as the new monarch, and appointed six ministers to assist the government.

As soon as the news came out, the entire capital was in an uproar. Before the Yushan King case, many people speculated that the emperor could not tolerate the hero. Who knows that now the great reversal has turned out to be the traitorous concubine and the traitorous minister! Some people feel that it is fortunate that there are experts who appear, otherwise the world will not be in chaos again? However, some people think that the timing of Yushan King's appearance is too coincidental. The so-called master is probably made up, and Yushan King should have been prepared. No matter how much people talk about it, the ending is already there, and no matter how many conspiracy theories exist, they can still bear it in their hearts, otherwise they will anger those in power, and the consequences will be unbearable for them.

The time of the new emperor's enthronement was determined by Qintian to be on September 20th, a month later. The time was not enough. As the highest authority in the entire harem, Yinglan began to get busy. First, the eunuchs and maids were cleaned up. Those who originally followed the emperor and concubines, all those who did evil were dealt with, and those who did not make a big mistake were all thrown out of the palace, leaving only some who did things honestly. As a result, the palace is more than half empty, but she has already communicated with her father, and plans to add a group of loyal people to come in later.

Then to learn the etiquette that needs to be used when enthrone The ritual officials practiced for an hour. The little guy is tough and never complained, but he has to study with several newly appointed emperors. The task is very heavy, and he has lost some weight in just a few days.

Ying Lan was worried that his body would not be able to bear it, so he discussed with the imperial teachers to modify the study time, and specially made a list for him to make medicated meals every day. After such a general toss, Xiaoyanghua's complexion is finally good up. Ying Lan was relieved, and she had to supervise the Shangyi Bureau to make all kinds of robes for the little emperor and the empress dowager. When a group of ministers in the DPRK fell from their horses, they naturally had to add a batch. Who should be promoted? There are six major ministers to discuss. , what Yinglan needs to do is to meet their wife, the newly appointed official.

After such a busy time, more than a month passed in a flash, Zhao Yanghua officially became the emperor, respected his father as the emperor, and respected his mother as the empress dowager. Later pro-government.

Qing'an Palace was the residence of the emperor, and was the closest to the previous dynasty. Naturally, it was not suitable for the Emperor Taishang to continue to live. Yinglan demarcated several palaces in the harem, and encircled them into a new palace. Named Anle Palace and moved him there. In order to make him recuperate with "peace of mind", he sealed all his dozen concubines and concubines as concubines and arranged for them to serve the sick. Of course, the Anle Palace is big enough for the emperor to live alone, but with the concubines and the concubines who followed them People were a little crowded.

Someone complained loudly, Yinglan removed all the people they were serving, so it was really relaxed, but the concubines have been served and grown up since they were born. People brought tea and water for them, did laundry and folded quilts, no one bathed, changed, or dressed them, and life soon became a mess. If it weren't for the fact that three meals a day were still delivered, I'm afraid many people would starve to death!

The concubines wanted to make trouble, but their fathers and brothers were all dismounted, beheaded or exiled in this coup. No one cares.

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