Treasure Hunt America

Chapter 727: sanctimonious

It turns out that the so-called free media in Japan is also of this virtue!

Jin Muchen cursed secretly in his heart, while Watanabe Junichi continued to talk about where he was.

"By the way, Watanabe-san, do you know that Ishihara Ichiro?"

Jin Muchen suddenly interrupted Watanabe's rhetoric and asked, Watanabe was also stunned, although he couldn't keep up with Jin Muchen's thoughts, he still nodded.

"How could I have never heard of such a famous guy, this guy was known as Japan's national hero back then!"

Although he said that Ishihara Ichiro was a national hero, in fact, in Watanabe's tone, he could not tell that he had the slightest respect for the old guy.

Then Watanabe began to talk about the background of this Ishihara Ichiro, this guy's experience, in fact, for most Japanese, can be catchy, because this guy is too famous.

This old guy was born in the first generation after the end of World War II in Japan. He has experienced the glorious era of Japan from poor to rich, from weak to strong, and he has some skills.

When he was forty years old, he became the governor of Tokyo, equivalent to the mayor of Tokyo. At that time, he was quite a famous political star in Japanese politics.

At that time, it happened to be the most brilliant era of Japan's economy. The Japanese in that era were quite crazy because of their purse drums.

In those days, Japanese people often traveled all over the world with money in their pockets, and rich Japanese people and big companies also bought American assets wantonly.

At that time, it was also the craziest time for Japanese real estate. The Japanese people clamored to sell one Tokyo, and they could buy the entire United States.

It is precisely because of Japan's brilliant economy in that era that the Japanese who felt their waists stiffened suddenly regained their self-confidence. In order to cater to the mentality of his own people, Ishihara Ichiro wrote a book called "Japan Can Say No".

And this book has been published, which immediately made this Ishihara Ichiro become a big red man in Japan's political and economic affairs at that time. He became the representative of the Japanese right-wing hardliners at that time.

It is precisely because of his political attitude that he became the youngest governor of Tokyo in Japanese history. Later, this guy was even more arrogant.

But later, the Japanese economy was put on the forehead by the United States with a gun, signed a Plaza Accord, and then collapsed, but this old guy is still arrogant.

But at this time, he did not have the courage to clamor with the Americans. Instead, he took advantage of the bad relationship between the United States and China, and began to act as the vanguard of the government, wantonly provoking the relationship between Japan and China.

And the set of ideas he sells. However, there is still a very market in Japan, which also makes this old guy win a lot of people's hearts in Japan, especially the hearts of b social elements like Watanabe.

You must know that in Japan's b-society, according to incomplete statistics, more than 80% of the guys are ultra-rightists, and a considerable number of these people are followers of this Ishihara Ichiro.

Even a few years ago, this Ishihara Ichiro. He was clamoring for the Tokyo regional government to buy the ******, and in response to his call, the first group of Japanese who boarded the ****** to declare sovereignty. It is the b-social elements of Japan.

Of course, because of his family background and his extreme right-wing ideology, this old guy failed to become the head of Japan until he retired.

However, although he has retired and withdrew from the political arena, this old guy has never put out his mind to fight again, so he has been making troubles all this time, and recently he has colluded with the Hetian family. Overt and covert support for their expansion. This has caused many b social groups in Japan to be unhappy.

In particular, Watanabe Junichi, who had just provoked the Hetian family recently, was even more unhappy with this Ishihara Ichiro at this time.

After briefly talking about the old guy's past. This Watanabe Junichi even snorted: "Humph! This old bastard, don't look at his sanctimonious image in front of the public. But in fact, what he did, none of us in the society know. Back then. When he was the governor of the Tokyo area, he was actually the biggest leader of the b-society in the Tokyo area. The Yichun Club, the Hetian Family, as long as it was a club that lived and eaten in the Tokyo area, that one should not give him any hints. A confession? Otherwise, he will be upset, and he will let the **** from the Metropolitan Police Department come to trouble us at any time."

Speaking of which, Watanabe seemed to recall the unforgettable days of those days.

"At that time, Jichun Club was still led by my father. I was just born until I went to primary school. During that time, our family was not very well-off. As you know Jim Sang, it is a mixed society. It requires costs, especially for small and medium-sized societies like ours. If you can't pay the following members, they won't mix with you. And if there is a conflict with other societies, you will have to pay overtime, and if you are injured, you will have to pay for overtime. If you give people nutrition money, you will have to pay for bereavement expenses when you die. Anyway, the cost is not small, and you have to pay for the above clubs layer by layer, otherwise people will kill you in minutes. These are already very heavy burdens. Yes, but the old guy came to the bar again and asked us to pay millions or even tens of millions of protection fees on time every month. How much money do you think our family only earns a month? But he doesn't care about you, If you want to pay, you have to pay, unless you don't want to hang around in Tokyo...hey, those days..."

Thinking back to those days, this Watanabe Junichi was so embarrassed, it seemed that their family was really squeezed by Ishihara Ichiro back then.

"Later, this old guy finally retired. Since then, our life has been better. But this old guy, even though he retired, is still wishful thinking that he can guarantee his influence in Japan's politics and economics for two sessions. Therefore, over the years, he has been jumping up and down a lot, and the authorities have also introduced many new regulations because of him, and most of these regulations are aimed at associations like ours, so it must be false to say that you don’t hate him. What's more, he is almost in the coffin now, but he actually colluded with the **** of the Hetian family, supporting them and supporting their expansion, this is really too much..."

When Watanabe talked about that Ishihara Ichiro, he was eloquent, and he didn't have a few good words at all. It seemed that he hated that old man and gritted his teeth with hatred.

Jin Muchen rolled his eyes at this time, and then said with a smile, "Since this old man is so unruly, he must have a lot of bad habits, right?"

Watanabe glanced at Jin Muchen, and then smiled: "Where can such a guy be so good? When he was the governor of Tokyo District, it was in the 1990s. When there was a cabinet rotation, it is said that there is a person who admires very much. His big man wanted to promote him to the governorship of Dazo province, but this guy made a mistake in the matter of men and women, and then he was stabbed out, but he couldn't go further. It is said that he was the Tokyo government at that time. Several of the beauties in the house were raped, and they used a lot of shameful methods. After that, they coerced and lured those women not to call the police, so that the matter was suppressed. Who knows, they were stabbed out in the end. I won’t mention these first, let’s just say that in the years when he was in power, how many of the high-end custom restaurants in Ginza have he never been to? Back then, this old bastard, but the famous flowers were all that big. It's a pity to go out to play with women almost every night when I'm old, why didn't he exhaust him to those women at that time..."

As soon as Watanabe talked about Ishihara Ichiro, he was cursing. It seemed that he hated that guy, and he hated it to the bone.

Hearing this, Jin Muchen felt that he finally heard the news that he was satisfied with: "Well, since he is so lecherous, then he must have not changed his habit over the years, right?"

And listening to Jin Muchen say this, this Watanabe is also full of doubts, Jim Sang is always asking about this old man, what does he mean?

"Uh... This, I can't tell. After all, he's in his eighties now. Even if he's still very horny, I don't know if he can still play."

"Hey, don't worry about this, an old man like this, as long as he doesn't die, he won't stop for a day, even if he has lost some functions now, he won't give up on women, Such old things, I know them best. In this way, you can ask someone again today, this old bastard, does he still have such a habit? UU prefers to read and play with women What taste, once you find out, you can find me a woman who has a similar appetite for him, and then I have something to tell her to do."

When Jin Muchen said this, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and Watanabe also happened to see that cold light, and his heart suddenly trembled.

Jim Sang is planning to play a big game. It seems that he wants to get rid of this Japanese national hero, but whatever, he is looking at the old guy anyway. Since Jim Sang is willing to take action, That's fine.

Anyway, you don't need to get your hands dirty, but this must be done cleanly, so that no one who cares can doubt yourself. . .

At this time, Jin Muchen was leaning on the sofa and lit a cigarette for himself. Takako Nomura and I can help you to this point. Without the support of Ishihara Ichiro, even if the Hetian family is tough, it is impossible Did Kyushu uproot you?

As long as you drive them back to Tokyo, then Kyushu will be yours. You should not forget the agreement between us by then, right?

But you have to hurry up, so that I can better cooperate with you! (To be continued.)

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