Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3096: Mysterious big satellite pattern

Soon, more than an hour passed.

Ye Tian's small helicopter has been flying on the outside of this cliff.

Fly from the west of the cliff to the east, and then fly back to the west from the east, flying back and forth.

Every time it goes back and forth, this small helicopter will climb 30 meters, continuously climbing upwards, getting higher and higher.

Sitting in the cabin, Ye Tian looked like a human flesh scanner, constantly scanning the situation on the cliff.

He will not let go of any suspicious location, his eyes are like a torch!

Whenever he saw a crack or cave on the cliff, he would make Walker stop, hover in the air, and take a closer look.

At the same time, he will also use the high-definition camera he carries to take pictures of the situation on the cliff.

Then send the video data back to the tripartite joint exploration team, and let several archaeologists and their exploration team members study and analyze together.

Unfortunately, there have been no surprises.

The cracks and caves on the cliff are formed naturally, without any traces of man-made.

Among the relatively large cracks and several caves with larger openings, Ye Tian also asked Cole and the others to fly in and explore with a small drone.

In the end, nothing was found, the caves and cracks were empty, and they were all dead.

While talking, the small unmanned helicopter that Ye Tian was riding had climbed to a height of more than 260 meters.

There is only one hundred and eighty meters away from the top of the cliff.

In other words, they have already explored most of this cliff.

The results were not satisfactory and nothing was found.

The small helicopter flew from west to east again, and soon flew to the middle of the cliff.

This place is opposite to the ruins of the old castle that I have explored before, and there is a deep canyon in between.

The peak of the mountain where the ruins of the old castle is located is about one hundred and fifty meters higher than here.

Moreover, this is the steepest and most precarious place of the entire cliff. The gap between the top of the cliff and the bottom of the canyon is also the largest, making it a bit dizzy to look at.

As before, the small helicopter flew steadily in the air about 30 meters from the cliff.

Sitting in the cabin, Ye Tian stared at the situation on the cliff.

While flying, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he said excitedly:

"Walker, just hovering here, I seem to have found something"

Hearing this, Walker reacted immediately.

The next moment, this small helicopter hovered in the air about 30 meters from the cliff, and the distance from it to the ground was as high as more than two hundred and sixty meters.

When the helicopter stopped in the air, Ye Tian immediately looked intently, but there was a bit of doubt in his eyes.

Of course, this is just a performance, just to make everything look reasonable.

Thirty meters away, he found a pattern resembling a large satellite on the knife-cutting cliff.

This large satellite pattern is only two meters square, and it is very small when placed on this cliff.

Because of the sun and rain, coupled with the weathering, the large satellite pattern has long been blurred and integrated with this cliff, making it difficult to be spotted.

Because the cliff on which this large satellite pattern is located is very steep, and at a height of more than two hundred and sixty meters.

It is difficult to spot this large satellite pattern whether it is observed from the canyon below or from the top of the opposite mountain.

Even if you descend from the top of the cliff, it is difficult for climbers to find out because of the close distance and high mental stress!

Like Ye Tian and the others, taking a helicopter to observe closely is the best way.

Of course, this also requires a pair of sharp eyes to find something!

Ye Tian happens to have a pair of extremely sharp eyes, and no one can match them!

After just observing for a moment, he pretended to nod in excitement and said:

"I'm not mistaken. There is a vague giant satellite pattern on this cliff wall. This giant satellite pattern is obviously man-made, and it can never be formed naturally.

Because the age is too old, coupled with the influence of weathering, the pattern of this large satellite is very fuzzy and it is almost impossible to find it. Fortunately, we did not miss it."

Having said that, he raised the high-definition camera in his hand, used the telephoto lens to zoom in on the big satellite pattern on the cliff wall, and began to analyze it carefully.

After a while, he said excitedly again:

"Yes, this big satellite pattern is artificially made. Someone uses stones of different textures to embed a big satellite pattern on this cliff wall.

The color of this stone is similar to the color of the rock on the cliff, and there are almost no flaws in it. Only by careful observation will you find it.

Unlike the other rocks on the cliff, this kind of stone seems to be harder and weathering a bit slower, but over the years, it has exposed flaws.

Within the scope of this big satellite pattern, it seems that there are all these kinds of stones, that is to say, behind these stones, there is probably a cave hidden.

If this is the case, then there is no doubt that this is an amazing project. In this cave, there must be very important secrets hidden."

Hearing his introduction, the other three people who were in the same helicopter were all excited.

"Wow! Who did this do? It is incredible to create such a large satellite pattern on such a high and dangerous cliff?"

"Steven, if there really is a cave behind this big satellite design, what will be hidden in this cave? Could it be the legendary treasure of Solomon and the Ark of the Covenant?"

These guys exclaimed one after another, also full of curiosity.

While exclaiming, these guys also looked up to the cliff.

However, they saw nothing.

Finally, under Ye Tian's guidance, they saw the outline of the big satellite pattern.

"I don't know what secret is hidden behind this big satellite pattern, but I believe that this secret must be very amazing, and it is likely to cause a huge sensation.

Otherwise, the ancients who made this big satellite pattern will never risk the huge danger of falling off the cliff and die at any time, creating such a riddle on the cliff! "

Ye Tian said with a smile.

At the same time, he kept pressing the shutter of the camera in his hand to take pictures of this stunning large satellite pattern on the cliff.

Then he asked Walker to drive the helicopter a little farther away, check the surroundings of the large satellite pattern, and keep taking pictures.

After taking the picture, he observed the cliff, then turned his head to look at the towering mountain opposite the canyon, and then fell into contemplation.

After a while, he just said:

"Walker, fly the helicopter to the top of the opposite mountain, which is the sky above the ruins of the old castle that we have explored before, without landing.

There may be a mysterious connection between the old castle that once stood on the top of the opposite peak and the large satellite pattern on the cliff wall, which is worth exploring."

"Okay, Steven"

Walker nodded in response.

Subsequently, the small helicopter flew to the top of the opposite mountain.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the tripartite joint exploration team staying at the bottom of the cliff was very surprised.

"Why did Steven and the others suddenly fly to the mountain on the opposite side of the gorge? Is there anything they can't find?"

"There is only an old castle ruin over there. The top antique cultural relics hidden under the old castle ruins have also been cleared out. Why did Steven go there?"

Just as everyone was talking about it, the small helicopter flew to the target and hovered over the ruins of the old castle.

When the helicopter stopped, Ye Tian first looked at the ruins of the old castle below, and then observed the surrounding situation.

Then he raised the camera in his hand and used the camera's telephoto lens to look at the seemingly non-existent satellite on the opposite cliff.

In the telephoto lens, the big satellite pattern appears very blurry.

Only by narrowing the distance and deliberately observing can it be discovered.

But one thing is very certain, the big satellite pattern on the opposite cliff is indeed facing the old castle that once stood on the top of this mountain!

After confirming this, Ye Tian said excitedly:

"Guys, we may have made a very important discovery. This discovery may cause a sensation in the world, maybe..."

Before he could say anything, the man sitting beside him couldn't wait to ask:

"Steven, what exactly is this great discovery? Is it the legendary treasure of Solomon and the Ark of the Covenant?"

Ye Tian smiled softly, pretending to be mysterious:

"The secret of the secret cannot be revealed. I believe that it will not be long before everyone will know what this discovery is, and how important this discovery is!

Okay, Walker, we can go back and land directly on the location of the joint exploration team, the rest of the cliff, we will explore later! "

"Understood, Steven"

Walker nodded in response, and immediately flew the small helicopter to the joint exploration team camp.

After a while, the small helicopter landed at the bottom of the canyon.

When the helicopter stopped and the propeller stopped rotating, Ye Tian and the others just came out of the cabin.

As soon as they entered the camp, everyone from the joint exploration team immediately surrounded them and asked curiously:

"Steven, did you find something? Quickly tell everyone about it."

"Why did you fly to the opposite mountain again? Is there any hidden secret there?"

Ye Tian looked at these guys, then smiled and nodded and said:

"Yes, gentlemen, I do have a very important discovery. This discovery is likely to cause a huge sensation..."

Before the voice was over, the scene immediately exploded.

"A very important discovery, is it a clue to Solomon's treasure and the ark?"

"Is there a secret hidden on this cliff, or is there a secret hidden on the opposite mountain? Is there any connection between them?"

Everyone asked in a rush, all very excited.

However, Ye Tian did not immediately give the answer that everyone most wanted to know.

"In view of the fact that this discovery may be very important, I think it is necessary to involve Joshua and the Bishop of Kent, as well as the deputy mayor of Axum and others, to know the news as soon as possible.

Next, I will hold a video conference call here to announce this discovery to the partners at the same time, and then I will discuss and study with you, and then start the next step of exploration."

Everyone nodded and had no objection.

Only in this way, everyone will have to suffer for a while before they know what they have discovered.


Ten minutes later.

The four-party video conference call has just begun.

In addition to the three parties of the joint exploratory team, the participants also included representatives of Tigray State and Aksum, namely, the deputy mayor of Aksum, an Orthodox monk, and a senior officer of the Tiffany Front.

Ye Tian, ​​who was in the camp at the bottom of the cliff, looked at the other people in the video, and then entered the topic.

"Gentlemen, at the height of this cliff about two hundred and sixty meters, on a very steep cliff wall, I found a large satellite pattern made by humans,..."

At the same time as the introduction, the employees also sent the photos taken before to all parties.

Everyone was shocked and dumbfounded when everyone saw the fuzzy big satellite pattern on the photo.

"How did the ancients do it? Even in modern times, it is very difficult to create such a large satellite pattern on this cliff, it is incredible!"

"What is the secret behind this big satellite pattern? Why did the ancients take a huge risk to create such a pattern on the cliff?"

Joshua and the others exclaimed, and they were also very excited.

Unlike them, the faces of several Tigray people were very ugly, and their eyes were full of worries.

"Gentlemen, there are many incomprehensible things in this world, such as how the ancient Egyptian pyramids were built and where did the Sphinx come from? Now is not the time to delve into these issues. The ancients have the wisdom of the ancients..."

Ye Tian said with a smile.

Next, he began to introduce his findings.

Following his introduction, representatives of all parties cried out constantly.

Because of their different positions, everyone's reactions are also different. Some people are happy, while others are worried.

It took about five or six minutes for Ye Tian to finish introducing this discovery.

Then, the real blockbuster just appeared.

"Gentlemen, you must all remember that the piece of granite found under the Obelisk Square earlier, on the back of the piece of granite, is also engraved with a large satellite pattern and a line of variant ancient Hebrew.

After translation and identification by many archaeologists and palaeographers, the meaning of that line of variant ancient Hebrew has been accurately translated, and its meaning is ‘when you are in desperation, you will see the light of God’.

When I discovered the large satellite pattern on the cliff just now, I immediately thought of the large satellite on the back of the granite, and also thought of the variant ancient Hebrew text, and thought of the possible connection between them! "

Ye Tian smiled and said loudly, his expression was very relaxed.

However, these words shocked everyone.

Both the joint exploration team members and archaeologists around them, or the other three parties in the video screen, were all stunned.

"What, I heard it right? Did the desperate life in that sentence refer to this towering cliff? What does the light of God refer to, is it the ark of the covenant?

If God’s light refers to the ark, does that mean that the legendary Solomon’s treasure and the ark are probably hidden in the cave behind the large satellite design? "

"Associating from the same large satellite pattern, there is indeed such a possibility, and it is very likely. The secret behind the large satellite pattern on the cliff may be the answer to the ancient Hebrew text of the variant!"

While exclaiming, everyone's eyes gleamed with excitement.

Especially Joshua and the Bishop of Kent were trembling slightly.

Even if the deputy mayor of Aksum and the other Tigray people were equally excited, they were more worried.

Only Ye Tian was very relaxed, as if he was an outsider.

But this major discovery that stunned everyone was discovered by him.

After a burst of exclamation and discussion, everyone looked at Ye Tian, ​​and everyone's eyes were extremely hot.

"Steven, talk about your judgment and analysis. Your vision is extremely sharp. You must see more things and analyze more profoundly. We would love to hear your opinions."

Joshua couldn't wait to say, and the others were also looking forward to it.

"Well, since everyone is so urgent, then I will talk about my own analysis and judgment. Of course, this is just a family statement. Whether it is accurate or not requires exploration and verification!"

Ye Tian smiled and nodded and said.

Everyone nodded, and the scene and the video immediately became quiet.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian began his own performance.

"After discovering the big satellite pattern on the cliff wall, I carefully observed the surrounding conditions, including the towering mountain opposite the cliff and across the canyon.

On the top of that mountain, there used to be an ancient fort built by the Beta Israelis, which has now become a ruin. We went to explore the ruins before.

In the depths of the ancient castle ruins, we found several Jewish religious articles that were once enshrined in Solomon’s Temple. Everyone knew about that expedition."

"Yes, Steven, those top antique relics from Solomon's Temple, each one has a special meaning and is invaluable, and their discovery is also very important."

Joshua continued.

Ye Tian nodded, and continued:

"It now appears that the few top antique cultural relics hidden deep underground in the ruins of the old castle have a purpose. They are not simply a treasure.

I carefully observed the terrain on both sides of the gorge, and found that the ruins of the ancient castle were facing the large satellite pattern on the cliff, with a height difference of about 150 meters.

From this point of view, combining the large satellite pattern on the previous piece of granite and the variant ancient Hebrew, and connecting them, I made a bold conjecture.

That line of variants refers to the desperate situation of life in the ancient Hebrew text, which should refer to the cliff where the ruins of the ancient castle are located. When people climb to the top, there is indeed a desperate situation ahead.

The light of God refers to the large satellite pattern on this cliff. I wonder if it is possible that there is also a large satellite on the top of the old castle that has already collapsed! "

Without exception, everyone is silly.

At the same time, everyone raised their heads to look at the mountain on the opposite side of the canyon, and at the towering cliff around them, their eyes were extremely hot!

Only Ye Tian's voice continued to be heard.

"Everyone knows that old castle is on the east, and there is a 150-meter height difference between the old castle and the high cliff, forming an oblique angle.

At a certain moment, the sun shines from the east, passes through the large satellite placed on top of the castle, and hits the large satellite pattern on the cliff.

The specific moment referred to here may be a special time every year or every month, every week or every day, such as morning prayer time, or an important religious holiday.

When the sun connects these two large satellites, it can point out the direction to the desperate person on the opposite peak, and instruct him where to look for the light of God!

Regarding this point, we can actually do an experiment by erecting a large satellite in the ruins of the old castle on the opposite peak to see if this happens.

What does the light of God mean, where or what it points to? It is still not certain, of course, what it points to may be Solomon's treasure and the ark! "

The voice fell, the scene fell completely silent, and the video screen was the same, a dead silence!

Everyone was dumbfounded by Ye Tian's words, and they completely lost their ability to speak!

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