This book has been published for a year since it was published in August last year.

This is the fifth book that Yu has completed, and the fourth book that has received 10,000 subscriptions since he started writing books. I am very grateful to all the book friends for their support for this book.

I started this book less than a week after finishing the previous book. At that time, I was in a hurry to start the book and did not rest well, which led to a very bad state of starting the book.

Especially after it was put on the shelves, there were many arguments about this book, which greatly affected the mentality of subsequent creation, so I have not read the comments and inter-posts and just chose to write the book.

The last time I saw the comments, it was the operation screenshot that told me that some readers said I was a fake person. The screenshot was circulated and was severely ridiculed by the author's friends.

In fact, this book was originally scheduled to be completed with 2 million words, but since April 22, it has been more than two years since then. I have not rested much. I have started the next book immediately after finishing one book. My body can no longer bear it, so I have to speed up the completion.

It can be seen from the plot of the last few dozen chapters that the plot and foreshadowing were concluded in a hurry, but the pits dug before were basically filled, and the ending was also written with the effect I wanted, which should be satisfactory.

This book ends here. See you in the next book! (End of this chapter)

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