Lubnir Island, Fenghua Baths.

Luo Jiu had just returned to the lobby to get the clothes he needed for the hot springs, but he ran into Carl and Clo.

They stared at each other, both of them puzzled.

Luo Jiu took the lead in breaking the awkward situation:"Carl? Clo?!"

"Why are you here?!"

"Why are we here?" Cloe almost laughed. He pointed at Luo Jiu with one hand and said,"Look at him.……"

Following Clo's finger, Carl exclaimed that it was wonderful, he clapped his hands and shouted.

While talking, Clo and Carl exchanged glances, and the two instantly understood each other. They slowly approached Luo Jiu from the left and the right.

Seeing that the two were getting closer and closer to him, Luo Jiu quickly waved his hands to block the way:"No... why are you surrounding us?"

Carl and Clo smiled at each other, they stretched their muscles:"The fish head soup is really delicious, what do you think? Carl (Clo)"

Clo even put on his Ten Blade Cat Claws, he jumped towards Luo Jiu first

"Silent Step… Slash to death!!"

Cloe’s Silent Step is no different from Shaving now, but he has become accustomed to the name of the previous move and can’t change it.

Moreover, Cloe’s improvement is very great. He can now perfectly control his body to attack at high speed without causing an awkward situation where he can’t tell who is the enemy or who is the enemy.

"Damn it, are you serious?" Seeing that Clo had used all his killer moves, and realizing that he might not be able to escape this disaster, Luo Jiu was forced to take a defensive stance:"God……"

Clo twisted his body subconsciously at high speed, and he drew a beautiful arc in the air against physics.

Lord of Hell: What flashed by?

Clo was sweating and looked terrified:"What was that sense of crisis just now?"

Before he could figure out the reason, Clo's body suddenly lost control. He lay on the ground and pounced on the ball of string that appeared out of nowhere, playing with it like a playful kitten.

"Got you, meow~"

"Little...kitten?" Carl, who was a few bodies behind Clo, was dumbfounded. He didn't know how Clo was suddenly controlled.

And he inexplicably had a desire to grab the ball.

The next second, Carl joined the battlefield and competed with Clo for the ball.

Clo and Carl's thoughts: This is not my intention, how embarrassing!

In reality, they were: Meow meow meow~

The shop assistant who had entertained Luo Jiu before hurriedly protected Luo Jiu, and he asked with concern:"Huh, sir, are you okay?"

"fine……"Luo Jiu pushed the shop assistant away and looked up at the seductive woman in a red dress who suddenly appeared on the second floor.

This angle... these long white legs made Luo Jiu blush. This was a bit inappropriate.

The seductive woman laughed and said,"Ah, ah, I've been discovered.""

""Little brother, don't look at me like that. I will be shy if you stare at me like that~"

Although she said something like being shy, the seductive woman still cast a seductive glance at Luo Jiu inadvertently.

This move really made the other people downstairs angry. They shouted nonsense like I was Miss Xue Mei's dog.

Xue Mei is the code name of the seductive woman. How can they do their job without a code name? With a code name, they can make customers curious and expand their money-making channels.

People like them are destined to make a lot of money when they are young, and no one will want them when they are old and ugly.

During the conversation with the shop assistant, Xue Mei learned that Luo Jiu had an extraordinary background. There were many people who could come up with more than 10 million Bailey gold, but there were not many people as young as Luo Jiu.

If she could get along with such a rich man, she would not have to stay in the small Fenghua Bathhouse.

Xue Mei even blew a kiss to Luo Jiu:"I heard that little brother came to our Fenghua Bathhouse for the first time. Do you want your sister to take you to play? Want to~ want~?""

What are you talking about? What are you talking about! This is naked temptation!!

Xue Mei's words ignited the inner desires of all the men present except Luo Jiu.

With crazy red hearts in their eyes, they looked at the wealthy and generous Xue Mei wantonly, and kept swallowing saliva in their mouths.

That look was like a person who had been hungry for a long time and suddenly encountered a delicious meal in front of them.

Of course, ordinary people like them can only feast their eyes. If they"have to eat", it is recommended not to think about it. The swallowing hole is too deep for them to grasp... Xue

Mei just accidentally ate the superhuman control fruit and has the ability to control others.

I don't know if she thinks too highly of herself or thinks too lowly of Luo Jiu. This slutty fox actually tried to take the opportunity to get close to Luo Jiu.

"Sorry, I don't like taking the bus.……"Luo Jiu flatly rejected Xue Mei

"Ah? This……"Xue Mei was unable to be fooled by the"bus". She didn't know its specific meaning for a while, but from Luo Jiu's disdainful expression, she knew it was definitely not a good word.

Since soft tactics didn't work, she would use hard tactics. Xue Mei shot a blood-red beam from her eyes and hit Luo Jiu directly:"Turn into a kitten, change beam!"

Luo Jiu didn't make any moves. He didn't have any sense of crisis. He took the change beam head-on. Luo Jiu didn't feel any discomfort, but Xue Mei herself suffered a backlash and vomited blood.

"How is this possible? How can your soul be so strong?……"

Seeing Xue Mei vomiting blood, the other guests became anxious. They angrily said:"How dare you, you little bastard? Do you know? You ruined my dream!!"

"That's Miss Xue Mei.……"

"If Miss Xue Mei invited me like this, I would not regret dying... and you, how dare you hurt her!"

Xue Mei smeared blood on her lips, adding a touch of temptation. She covered her chest to comfort people:"Even if you are doing this for my own good, you can't do it! I will be sad~"

After that, she sincerely apologized to Luo Jiu. Her bow was also a benefit for the audience downstairs...

People's indignant hearts were instantly replaced by Sese, and their eyes were shining with pink:"Oh~! Miss Xue Mei actually cares about us so much, we get it! Miss Xue Mei!!"


Luo Jiu was puzzled. He didn't know if all these people were turned into Teddy Bears by Xue Mei, with their brains filled with liquid that smelled like heather.

And how could Xue Mei care about them? A normal person could tell from her contemptuous look that her words were just to quell the riots and maintain the operation of the bathhouse. After all, this was her job. What

Xue Mei didn't know was that Luo Jiu in front of her was her boss's boss.

Did her boss's boss count as her boss? In Luo Jiu's opinion, he should count!

Just like that, this boring episode ended with Xue Mei's apology.

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