Traveling through the myriad worlds: Divine skills automatically reach maximum level

Chapter 1753: A kick decides the fate of the country, the unwilling Taekwondo champion

These days.

Ding Ling has been firmly on the headlines of major platforms.

Especially with the arrival of Park Yongren, Kenji Oshima, and Tanaka Rippei, the popularity has increased.

These people all came with their teams.

Some bloggers or related platforms who are trying to get attention have begun to interview them.

Park Yongren:

"If you ask me what I think about the battle in the near future? I can only say..."

He made a provocative gesture to the camera, with a contemptuous and arrogant tone:

"Ding Ling is doomed to lose!!"

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar at the scene.

There are Chinese people who curse on the street. Most of these people like Ding Ling very much, or like Ding Ling's appearance and figure, or like Ding Ling's chic and elegant kung fu; or like Ding Ling's calmness...

There are also Chinese people who are busy taking pictures of Park Yongren's remarks and faces. These people are the kind who watch the excitement and don't mind making trouble.

Of course, there are thousands of faces.

People have different personalities and values, so their behaviors are naturally different.

But those who were riding on the popularity basically spread Park Yongren's face on the Internet as soon as possible, and it caused a lot of waves!

Especially afterwards.

After the remarks of Kenji Oshima and Liping Tanaka were also spread, the discussion on the Internet became even more heated:

"WC! These two little Japanese are so arrogant. Seeing them, I want to rush into the phone screen and tear them apart!"

"I feel the same way. At this time, as a passerby, I really hope Ding Ling can win. Do the little Japanese really think we are still the Shangguo people who can let them show off their power?"

"If I really can't beat them, I would have wanted to PK with them. It's really infuriating to watch!"


In the video, Kenji Oshima and Liping Tanaka not only mocked Ding Ling to the fullest, but also said at the end:

"In the entire Shangguo, there is no one who can really fight. They are all acting. Acting? Who can't? I can also act and say that I am the best fighter in the world!!"

This is a face-to-face attack on Shangguo!

Which Chinese can stand it?

Anyway, after Kenji Oshima and Toshihira Tanaka's performance, Ding Ling's comment area was flooded with words like "beat the little Neon" and "teach them a lesson".

Netizens were excited.

Many people, on impulse, immediately bought high-speed rail tickets and plane tickets to the southern metropolitan area to see how Ding Ling defeated the little Neon!

But the southern metropolitan area was already full.

There was no place to stay.

They set up tents under the overpass and in the park at night! Just lie on the ground and sleep! Today's tents are simpler and easier to carry than before. But there are quite a few people who carry tents.

The rolling positive energy swept in and continued to wash over the library.

The library is constantly changing into jade color.

After the speed of change reached a certain level, it began to slow down again.

However, now one ten-thousandth of the vast library has become jade.

And it has only been less than a month!

"Sure enough, starting a company, becoming an internet celebrity, and taking it slow is not a wrong path."

Ding Ling was very satisfied.

The road to Kung Fu.

It is undoubtedly a good start!

Nowadays, Kung Fu in Shangguo is synonymous with "health preservation", "elderly care" and "flowery". There are many people who fight against fakes!

Many people do not believe that Shangguo Kung Fu can fight.

The appearance of Ding Ling is undoubtedly a shot in the arm!

If it continues to develop like this, the process of the library's jadeification will go smoothly!

"Then just become a world-class Kung Fu king."

When Ding Ling stands on the throne of the Kung Fu king, no one can shake him.

That positive energy will surely be overwhelming at that time.

And he is walking on this road now.

Become a world-famous Kung Fu master!

"Ding Ling."

Meng Xin knocked on the door. After Ding Ling signaled that she could come in, she blushed and said excitedly:

"There are many reporters outside who want to interview you. Times Square is even more crowded with people to see you. Listen, everyone is saying that Ding Ling will win!"


Today is the day to challenge Park Yongren, Tanaka Liping, and Oshima Kenji.

These three were all scheduled for the morning session.

Meng Xin was a little worried, ‘Will the three of them fighting in a row affect your performance? ’


“Should we stagger them?”


Ding Ling waved his hand.

If he didn’t need positive energy to cleanse the library, he could destroy the Milky Way with a breath. Why would he need to play these games with these mortals in person?

He tried to use his clone.

The positive energy he got was only one percent of that of doing it himself.

In order to get more positive energy.

Most of the time, Ding Ling did it himself.

“Let’s go.”

Ding Ling walked out.

Just walked out of the Universe Entertainment Company.

All kinds of microphones like "long guns and short cannons" "flooded" over:

"Ding Ling, are you confident in this competition?"

"Ding Ling, what do you think of Park Yongren and others' remarks?"

"Ding Ling, this time you are going to challenge three people in succession, are you blindly confident in your own strength? Or do you not take them seriously at all? You should know that the three of them are all powerful people in their respective countries. If you underestimate the enemy and fail, have you thought about the consequences?"

"Ding Ling, your fans are cheering for you, do you have anything to say to them?"


Ding Ling didn't pay much attention to these reporters and just let the bodyguards clear the way. After getting on the elevator, and then stepping out of the elevator, more reporters came.

Chen Birou, Meng Xin and others looked at each other, but they still followed bodyguard Zhang Kui and others to separate ways, shouting, "Give way, please give way!" ’

Ding Ling was surrounded like this before she became a star.

Chen Birou and others couldn't imagine what it would be like if Ding Ling really became a superstar in the future.


They also knew very well that the reason why it happened this time was entirely because it was hot enough.

Moreover, the kings of kung fu fields related to Kimchi Country and Little Neon were revealed.

It is precisely because the public opinion is strong enough that so many people come to interview and film. This is to gain popularity and traffic. There is profit to be made.

Otherwise, how could there be so many people?

Of course, it is undeniable that more people are eating melons purely out of curiosity.

after a while.

Amidst the roar of screams and shouts, Ding Ling came to the ring.

Opposite him stood a strong man with a height of 1.95 meters.

He is Park Young-in, the number one Taekwondo player in Kimchi Country.

He looked Ding Ling up and down and grinned: "Are you Ding Ling? You don't look very good?"

In terms of height and burliness, Ding Ling is indeed inferior to Park Yong-in.

But this was the result of Ding Ling's intention. Otherwise, he could instantly transform into a three-meter-tall macho man.

It is common sense that once the law, heaven, and earth are opened, they will be hundreds of meters or thousands of meters high.

However, precisely because he is now the height of an ordinary person, standing in front of a strong man will have more visual impact, and defeating such a person will gain more positive energy.

Ding Ling had made all kinds of preparations long before he was ready to become a world-class superstar. His height and body shape were naturally deliberate.

"You'll know after I beat him."

With the referee's order.

Ding Ling made a classic Huang Feihong starting move and waved his hand, indicating that Park Yongren could start.

The audience started screaming.

‘Ding Ling, Ding Ling! ! ! ’

"Ding Ling, beat him to death!"

There are also some kimchi country countries, speaking the language of kimchi country, shouting for Park Yongren to open up, violently torture Ding Ling, and let this guy Ding Ling see the power of their kimchi country's taekwondo! !

"very good."

Park Yongren spoke Kimchi Mandarin. After discovering that Ding Ling could understand and speak Kimchi Mandarin, he was quite surprised, but what followed was contempt:

"Learning and practicing Kung Fu is a lifelong matter. You are still distracted by learning the language of our country. This is destined to make you unable to achieve much in Kung Fu. It seems that the previous battles were all about you. You are acting with people from your country for the whole world to see, but now our competition is broadcast around the world. I will not cooperate with you in cheating. You are too talkative. Surrender now, or you will be beaten black and blue by me later. , it wouldn’t look good if you were embarrassed in front of the whole world!”

Ding Ling chuckled and said:

"Park Yongren, if you want to fight, come here. If you don't want to fight, go down."

Pu Yongren was startled, then laughed three times and rushed towards Ding Ling:

"If you don't eat the toast, you'll be fined with wine! Suffer death!"

He jumped up and kicked Ding Ling's head hard. This kick was sharp, fast, fast, and at a tricky angle. It was kicked from an angle that no one expected. Many people had no time to react. Being kicked away by him is his secret skill. This is the first time he has used it. He is confident that he can defeat the enemy with one move!

He even thought about the grand scene of being welcomed back home as an epic hero after defeating Ding Ling, and his whole body became energetic and his eyes lit up.

But the next moment.

He only felt a pain in his abdomen, and then his whole body flew out uncontrollably. However, hearing a snap and amidst the screams, Pu Yongren was dazed for a while, turned his head and looked around, and found that he had already Flying out of the ring?

"How did I fly out of the ring?"

"Why don't I feel anything?"

"This is impossible!"

Pu Yongren turned over and jumped up quickly. Seeing the strange looks from all directions, his face turned red and he shouted:

"Ding Ling, you must be cheating. There is absolutely no way I could fail so quickly. I want to do it again!"

His cry was translated by the host.

There were boos in the audience.

"People from Kimchi Country just can't afford to lose. I despise you!"

"In full view of everyone, you were kicked away by Ding Ling, and you still have the nerve to accuse Ding Ling of cheating?"

"Why did Ding Ling cheat? Hahaha, that's hilarious. This is an arena match! It's a 1V1 arena match. Where are the props for cheating? Is this person crazy?"

"I just can't afford to lose!"

Ding Ling decided the country with one kick.

With one swift kick, Park Yongren was kicked out of the ring.

This is several meters away.

He kicked a tall man like Park Yongren and flew several meters away.

How powerful this is!

The eyes of those present looking at Ding Ling changed. They were filled with admiration, enthusiasm, and excitement, followed closely by screams and cheers.

Ding Ling, Ding Ling! You are the best! "

‘Ding Ling, husband, I love you! ’

"Ding Ling, the strongest man in the world!"

‘Ding Ling, I want to marry you! ’

The ‘relatives and friends group’ of Kimchi Country had dark expressions on their faces.

Everyone looked at Park Yongren with eyes full of hatred.

It would be nice if Park Young-in persisted for a little longer.

He was actually kicked out of the ring. It was such an embarrassment that he was thrown into the international arena!

This is the first person in Taekwondo!

Isn’t this clearly telling the world that Taekwondo is not as good as Shangguo’s Kung Fu?

"Axi! Damn it!"

"This guy Park Young-in is a sinner!"

"He has disgraced our country!"

How Park Yong-in finally got out of the "spit zone" of the masses, he himself does not know.

All he knew was that he was finished.

His face was gloomy, and he looked at Ding Ling, who was calm and composed on the stage, with an incredible look on his face:

"How did this guy do it? Lao Zhang, did you take a picture?"

Lao Zhang is his agent.

His agent also looks sad now. He and Park Yong-in have both prospered and suffered losses. Now Park Yong-in has suffered a huge defeat. You can imagine what will happen after returning to China. He will be despised by thousands of people. By then, do they want to make a lot of money? It can be said to be more difficult than reaching the sky!

Maybe some of the advertising contracts signed before will have to be compensated because of this failure!

The losses involved cannot be calculated based on facts.

How could he have an easy time as an agent?

He wilted and handed the camera in his hand to Park Yongren.

Pu Yongren couldn't wait to take it and looked at it carefully.

In the video, he is high-spirited and arrogant. He flies up with one foot and crushes Ding Ling with the force of a mountain, as if he wants to crush Ding Ling.

But in the next moment, Ding Ling turned slightly to the side and kicked him directly, hitting him in the abdomen, and then he flew out.

Is it that simple? !

Park Yongren was a little confused.

Then why couldn't he see Ding Ling's kicks during the fight?

Could it be that Ding Ling's legs were much faster than his, but he took a closer look and found that although they were faster than his legs, they were not ridiculously fast. When he looked at his eyes, his face turned dark. I guess I was a little distracted at that time, imagining the outcome of victory. As a result, Ding Ling caught the opportunity.

The more he thought about it, the more unwilling he became.

"I'm going to fight again! This time it's because I underestimated the enemy and got distracted! If I try again, I will definitely win."

Lao Zhang glanced at Park Yongren helplessly, "This is an arena match, a challenge match. There is only one chance." If you lose, you lose. No matter how unwilling we are, we can't reverse the outcome. Moreover, Ding Ling's agent has long said that in the challenge, everyone only has one chance. If you lose, you will never be able to challenge again. We can only sit back and watch the results of the next game. If all three people lose. That's better. If someone beats Ding Ling. All you need to do next is defeat this person who defeated Ding Ling, and you can still save face for our Kimchi Nation. You may even get greater honors! ’

Park Yongren was perked up after hearing this, and couldn't help but turn his eyes and look towards the stage.

Now they are standing on a higher viewing platform.

This is a location area developed by the local TV station in conjunction with other relevant units and specially prepared for challengers like them. (End of chapter)

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