Traveling through the myriad worlds: Divine skills automatically reach maximum level

Chapter 1727: Twelve Ancestral Witches, Advancement of Laws

The entrance to the temple is in the giant's mouth.

At the entrance and exit, there are a large number of Wu people living there.

Seeing Hou Tu coming.

They made a hasty salute.

Houtu nodded and smiled, and was very kind to the Wu Clan members. It could be seen that she had a good relationship with the Wu Clan here, and the Wu Clan members also respected him very much.

And Hou Tu Zuwu, whom they respected very much, was very respectful and courteous to a young man, which surprised them very much.

They paid attention to Ding Ling and looked at each other with confusion. They all clearly saw in each other's eyes and faces, 'Who is this person? ’ ‘How come I don’t know you’!

A person they didn't know was treated with such respect by Hou Tu Zuwu!

This made them very excited and curious:

"There are only a handful of people in the entire prehistoric world who can be treated with such caution by Hou Tu Zuwu. Who is he? Why have I never seen him? Does anyone of you know him? Tell me and share!"

Unfortunately, no one present knew him.

Even Xing Tian among the great witches.

Xingtian, who claimed to have traveled south and north and eaten countless monsters, also looked confused.

‘I don’t even know Xingtian! This is really strange. Remember to inquire about it later. Maybe this person will be related to whether our Wu clan can dominate the ancient world,'

The resolute-looking Hou Yi said this.

There are the largest number of shamans in the vicinity of Pangu Temple.

The great witch Jiufeng, Hou Yi, Xiang Liu, Xing Tian and others gathered here.

Without exception, none of them knew Ding Ling.

Therefore, he was very curious about Ding Ling, who was highly respected by Houtu Zusha, and was full of strong desire to explore.

Jiufeng even stepped directly into Pangu Temple.

She is a strong sister with a heroic appearance and extremely high talents and qualifications. He is the strongest among the great witches and is expected to catch up with the ancestral witch. Therefore, the ancestral witches were particularly kind to her and allowed her to attend sermons and freely enter the Pangu Temple to meet the ancestral witches.

Others were not so lucky and could only stand helplessly at the door of the temple, waiting for news.

‘Who do you think this person is? ’

Xing Tian is tall and tall, and his body is filled with a wild aura, like a tyrant who came out of the long river of time and space in ancient times!

"Probably the ancestor of a certain race that has a close relationship with our Witch Clan."

Hou Yi said uncertainly.

‘Look at how this person looks very similar to us, and he has no demonic aura about him. Isn't he from our Wu clan? ’

Xiang Liu has a sinister appearance and a slender figure. At this moment, he said from the side:

"I have been walking on the ancient land for many years. I have devoured countless races and spirits, but it is rare to find someone with such an appearance and temperament. From what I can see, only our witch clan is worthy of that senior. Which other race is worthy of that senior?"

In Xiang Liu's eyes, other races are just food.

When the other great witches heard this, they all had their own guesses, but without exception, they were all curious about Ding Ling's origins.


Pangu Temple.

Inside the palace.

The ancestral shaman Houtu introduced Ding Ling to the ancestral shamans such as Di Jiang, Jumang, and Zhu Rong.

These ancestral witches have different shapes, some are domineering, some are arrogant, some are scornful, some are resolute, some are indifferent...

The one with the hottest temper is undoubtedly Zhu Rong.

When he saw Hou Tu Zu Wu treating Ding Ling so cautiously and politely, he felt a little restless and immediately jumped out and laughed:

"Ding Ling, right? I am good at the way of fire. My fire way is domineering and decisive, very fierce and powerful. There are few people in the world who can match it. I am very curious about your fighting power. You might as well fight with me and let me try yours. How about water!"

Houtu Zuwu wanted to stop it.

Ding Ling said it was okay and told Zhu Rong to attack.

Zhu Rong was not polite. He immediately made fists with both hands and punched Ding Ling. With this punch, the sky was filled with flames like huge waves. Each wave was higher than the last. He flew towards Ding Ling, as if to Ding Ling was submerged in the sea of ​​fire and completely annihilated.

Ding Ling did not retreat but advanced. He just flicked his finger and grabbed it. Flames filled the sky. He was caught in his hand and turned into a fire ball. Then while Zhu Rong was stunned, he flicked his finger and boom!

The fire ball was bounced out and shot in front of Zhu Rong in an instant. Zhu Rong did not dodge in a hurry and was hit in the face. In an instant, he was knocked backwards for hundreds of miles. With a bang, he hit the wall in the middle and his whole body was in a big shape. The shape is almost embedded in the wall!

If it weren't for the Pangu Temple, there would be a great world of Qiankun inside, and the material would be extremely special. Maybe Zhu Rong will be sent flying hundreds of thousands of miles away!

Just one hit.

Show off your skills a little bit.

Ding Ling completely suppressed Zhu Rong, Gonggong and others.

They all looked at Ding Ling with astonishment and disbelief.

"Your way of fire seems to be even better than Zhu Rong's. You, who are you?!"

Zhu Jiuyin was shocked.

But just now, Zhu Jiuyin used the Law of Time to travel through time and space, trying to observe Ding Ling's past and find out Ding Ling's identity. Unfortunately, he saw nothing. Ding Ling's past was chaotic and hazy, and he could only see it. A white mist.

That's why. Zhu Jiuyin would be very surprised.

You must know that according to his law of time, from birth to today, except for a very few people who are unpredictable, most people can detect one or two feet.

Unable to explore all.

A few can always be detected. But Ding Ling really couldn't see any useful information here.

Seeing this, Hou Tuzu Wu hurriedly said:

'Brothers, Ding Ling is my savior. He even captured several demon saints with his own hands. He cannot be friends with the demon clan. Aren't these two points enough? ’

Dijiang Ancestral Witch stood up and said:

‘Well said. It is our honor to have a big man like Ding Ling visit our Pangu Temple! ’

He smiled at Ding Ling and said:

"Zhu Rong has an impulsive temper and a hot temper. I have offended many people. Please forgive me."

Ding Ling smiled and said it didn't matter.

Di Jiang breathed a sigh of relief and said, "My fellow Taoist, the purpose of this trip has been told to us by Sister Houtu. In that case, if you don't mind it, you might as well discuss Taoism with me first." ’

'You dare not ask me to listen to you! ’

Ding Ling smiled.

'Ha ha. ’

Di Jiang laughed three times, and then began to explain the laws of space to Ding Ling.

He is the strongest among the many ancestral witches.

He is also the first ancestral witch to reach the realm of quasi-sage.

Walking along the path of the law is extremely long-term.

His space is naturally more profound and difficult to understand. In ordinary times, the ancestral witches will also communicate with each other and share each other's Tao.


They each seemed to be good at something, and in Pangu Temple, they all realized different ways.

Even if they share and communicate with each other, they can only understand the surface of each other's ways. There are very few ancestral shamans who are proficient in both ways.

Most of them are proficient in one thing and go far.

The same is true for Dijiang Ancestral Witch.

He is proficient in the laws of space, he can come and go without a trace, he can be invisible, he can escape into the air, he can cut the space, break the space and other divine passage methods.

Make perfect use of space together.

Under his hand.

It was almost difficult for Zhu Rong and others to block his three moves.

Precisely because the ancestral witch Di Jiang is strong enough and has a more stable temperament, he is the leader of the ancestral witches and the real big brother!


Zhu Rong has recovered from his paralysis. He has now come closer to watch Ding Ling and the emperor discuss the Tao.

The look he occasionally looked at Ding Ling was filled with wonder and admiration. On the road of fire, Zhu Rong asked himself that he had come a long way. On this road, he felt that he had few opponents. But Ding Ling's burst of fire completely suppressed him!

With a snap of his fingers, he was sent flying far away. If he was really facing an enemy, he might have been beaten to death by Ding Ling. The gap between the two is too big.

‘How did Ding Ling practice the Way of Fire? I'll have to ask later. ’

Zhu Rong suppressed his curiosity and stood aside to watch the discussion.

In his opinion.

Dijiang's Space Law is too difficult and too difficult for Ding Ling to learn.

Not to mention mastery or even perfection.

Not only him, but also the ancestral shamans such as Gonggong, Xuanming, Zhu Jiuyin, Jumang, etc. all think so. After all, they have also learned the laws of space, which are extremely mysterious and difficult to achieve.

Being able to understand something superficial is already considered a gift. If you can master it, you are truly a genius. Can you reach Consummation? That is the second Dijiang! !

But they don't think that a second Emperor Jiang can be born in this world.

There is one in Dijiang, and it is already a blessing in disguise! How could a second one be born?



They witnessed a miracle! !

As the Ancestral Witch Di Jiang continued to preach, Ding Ling's progress in the Law of Space began to soar.

Moreover, the aura of Pangu Temple is extremely rich and of extremely high quality.

When Ding Ling practices, once he has enlightenment, he can quickly absorb the spiritual energy from all directions and reach the level of his current enlightenment.


Emperor Jiang Zuwu preached faster and faster.

Ding Ling's enlightenment speed is getting faster and faster, and his cultivation of the law of space is getting higher and higher.

Dijiang Ancestral Witch was shocked, took a breath, and looked at Ding Ling in disbelief, but he did not stop and continued to preach quickly.

In the opinion of Emperor Jiang Zuwu, the laws of space he talked about were too mysterious and difficult to understand.

Even many of his brothers couldn't master it. How could Ding Ling, an outsider, master it?

But the reality is so unexpected.

Not only did Ding Ling gain enlightenment quickly, but his cultivation quickly reached the level of Golden Immortal, Great Yi Immortal, and Great Luo Immortal.

Heading towards the quasi-sage realm quickly.


Zhu Rong, Gonggong, Hou Tu, Zhu Jiuyin and other ancestral shamans all had scalp numbness!

Even Hou Tu had known for a long time that Ding Ling was extremely talented, but she didn't think that Ding Ling could have any achievements in the laws of space! Needless to say, the other ancestral witches are not optimistic about Ding Ling.

But Ding Ling abruptly subverted their inherent views and cognitions.

Ding Ling unexpectedly arrived in just a few days.

Together with the laws of space, he reached the state of perfection of Daluo Immortal.

The next quasi-sage realm, which is as powerful as Emperor Jiang's ancestral shaman, cannot be explained. It can only practice and evolve the principles and rhymes of the Tao.

Ding Ling observed carefully and found himself among the principles and rhymes of the Tao. Soon, a book automatically formed in his mind.

As the book is read.

Ding Ling reached full level in an instant.

Then, together with the laws of space, he reached the quasi-sage realm.


Dijiang Ancestral Witch's mouth opened wide and he stood there stunned, looking at Ding Ling as if he was looking at an ancient giant!

Just a few days.

Ding Ling has actually completed his lifelong journey.

Compare the two phases.

Dijiang Ancestral Witch instantly felt that he was a waste.

"Thank you for preaching."

Ding Ling's space law advanced to Quasi-Sage, and his strength became stronger. He did not hesitate to point his martial arts in the air, pointing at Dijiang's eyebrows. Dijiang did not dodge, and the next moment, all kinds of martial arts knowledge and mysteries bloomed in his mind.

Dijiang was fascinated and amazed.

He admired Ding Ling more and more.

People like Ding Ling are really rare, and the martial arts taught by Ding Ling are unheard of and unseen. Dijiang saw this kind of Tao for the first time, and naturally he was like a treasure, extremely happy, and immediately sat cross-legged to the side, and carefully comprehended it.

Ding Ling then looked at the other ancestor witches.

Zhu Rong stepped forward and said:

"I wonder if I can discuss the Tao of Fire with fellow Taoists."

Ding Ling nodded.

Zhu Rong immediately couldn't wait to start sharing his own Tao of Fire.

His Tao of Fire is still very different from the Tao of Fire that Ding Ling had obtained before.

By observing and listening to his Tao of Fire

Ding Ling's Fire Dao has made further progress and reached the [94th level], which has risen again and is closer to becoming a saint. I think if Ding Ling listens to more people's Fire Dao, he will definitely have the hope of becoming a saint.

'Very good. '

Ding Ling secretly said, 'It seems that in terms of the Fire Dao, everyone's perception direction and the results of cultivation are different. I only need to observe the results of these people to understand the relevant Fire Dao. Then continue to improve and complete the Fire Dao! '

If the Fire Dao can reach the 100th level.

Ding Ling will definitely be able to become a Fire Dao Saint!

Thinking of this, Ding Ling's spirit was greatly lifted, and he couldn't help but look at Zhu Rong more favorably. He didn't hold back and pointed directly at Zhu Rong's eyebrows. The next moment, a large amount of Fire Dao information flow rolled into Zhu Rong's sea of ​​consciousness.

Zhu Rong showed an ecstatic look on his face. After paying a great salute to Ding Ling, he sat cross-legged and began to comprehend the Fire Dao.

He was very talented in the Fire Dao, but he didn't have a famous teacher to guide him.

Now that he has learned Ding Ling's detailed fire path, he naturally has a clearer path in his mind for the future.


Gonggong, Zhu Jiuyin, Xuanming and others discussed with Ding Ling.

Ding Ling's water law, time law, thunder law, electricity law, wind law, rain law, ice law, gold law...

The laws of the twelve witch ancestors were all understood and practiced successfully in just over a month.

He completed the exploration path of the twelve witch ancestors for countless years.

This made the twelve witch ancestors amazed, and they were naturally more enthusiastic and friendly to Ding Ling.

One by one, they tried to win over Ding Ling to become a member of the witch tribe.

Even the dumbest people can see that Ding Ling has a promising future and will definitely have incredible achievements in the future.

If they don't win him over and get close to him now, when will they wait?

Ding Ling didn't hesitate too much, but smiled and nodded in agreement.

The witch ancestors were overjoyed and immediately held a banquet to celebrate Ding Ling's joining the witch tribe.

That is, from this day on.

Ding Ling settled down in the Pangu Temple.

He found that living here could block the perception and exploration of the outside world. Even a saint would not be able to see through the temple and see the scenery inside. (End of this chapter)

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