Fenghuang, Ao Bin and others were quite polite to him. They respected him, and Ding Ling could not bully them. Naturally, I have to repay this cause and effect.

Feng Susu and Ao Bin were great Luo Immortals and were very smart and clever. Naturally, they instantly understood Ding Ling's thoughts. They were touched and moved in their hearts. They each bowed to Ding Ling and said emotionally:

"Since the birth of the Demon Ancestor Rahu, the prehistoric world has experienced a breakdown in etiquette, music, and morals. It is full of intrigues, intrigues, and hypocrisy! There will no longer be peace in the past, and there will be bloody killings! It seems that God does not bully the weak, but also gives the weak the opportunity to become enlightened. The strong man has become extinct! God, please accept our worship!"

Feng Susu and others saluted Ding Ling.

Ding Ling waved his hand, and they stood up involuntarily.

They wanted to worship again.

Ding Lingdao

"The cause and effect is over, it's time for me to leave the Vulcan Realm."


Feng Qiaoqiao and Ao Qiu immediately said:

"We are your mounts, remember to take us with you!"

Ding Ling made a casual move, and Feng Qiaoqiao and Ao Qiu transformed into flowing light and disappeared into Ding Ling's palm.

Feng Susu and Ao Bin also looked hesitant to speak.

If a supremely powerful man like Ding Ling doesn't follow him right now, he might miss the opportunity, but as the actual leaders of the Vulcan Realm, if they leave, what will the people here do?

If the clan members accidentally flew out of the outside world and were found out by Luo Hu, wouldn't all of them be destroyed?

They were worried and could only watch as Ding Ling disappeared in a flash.

"God is gone!"

Feng Susu and others felt as if they had lost something, and felt empty in their hearts, as if they had lost the greatest opportunity and treasure. They all felt inexplicably irritable and heartbroken.

‘This time we didn’t follow up in time, will we never have another chance in the future? ! ’

Thinking about this.

They are even sadder!

While Ding Ling was walking, he picked the perfect Fire God Fruit! And advance to a realm above the quasi-sage!

Such a character will sooner or later reach the path of the strongest, and even Rahu will die at his hands! !

They missed this opportunity to follow, and they might not even be able to see Ding Ling's back in the future!

How can this not make them uncomfortable just thinking about it?

The only thing that made them happy was that they had obtained the Way of the Fire God given by Ding Ling.

As long as you practice step by step, you will advance to quasi-sage sooner or later!

‘The law of fire given by God is easy to understand and the explanation is perfect! Even the most common monsters can understand it! This ability is so incredible! ’

The law is one, mysterious and mysterious!

It is simply impossible to condense it into a book and instill it in people!

This is a well-known truth and fact!

Even Zu Feng and Zu Long said, ‘You can only understand the law by yourself! It is impossible to master the law by relying on others to tell you! ’


The law is one that can only be understood by oneself.

That's why.

With the same law, many tribesmen have realized various methods.

Likewise therefore.

After Zu Feng discovered the Fire God Realm, he would cherish this place very much, because the Fire God Dao here is very clear and rich, making it easier for the tribesmen to understand and understand the laws.

But even so.

They have been comprehending for hundreds of thousands of years, but they still have difficulty understanding the profound meaning of Da Luo.

And now.

Ding Ling clearly marked and wrote out the path to heaven for this law.

The writing is clear and clear, and you can understand it at a glance!

It is precisely because they know that the law is mysterious and cannot be explained clearly that they were shocked and amazed to the extreme after seeing the heaven-reaching method given by Ding Ling.

This creates the desire to follow.

Otherwise, as Great Luo Immortals, the last members of the Phoenix Clan and the Fire Dragon Clan, how could they easily follow someone and become their servants?

It's not because Ding Ling gave them too much shock!

However, Ding Ling walked too fast.

They only hesitated for a moment, and Ding Ling disappeared.

This made them annoyed and regretful.

I feel like I didn’t open my mouth in time to follow.

As long as they can follow Ding Ling, they will be able to listen to Ding Ling's teachings at any time. Isn't it a certainty that they will become quasi-sages?

Once you become a quasi-sage, you will reach an even higher level of cultivation!

When the time comes, protecting the ethnic group will be easy, right? !

But now they reacted, it was already too late.

‘Being slow and hesitant can kill people! ! ’

Feng Susu and others were annoyed and stamped their feet.

At this moment, Ding Ling has brought Feng Qiaoqiao and Ao Qiu to the ancient world.

Look around.

An endless ocean dotted with star-studded islands.

Any island is as big as one Earth or several Earth worlds.

And such islands are endless, with no end in sight!

But such islands dotted in the vast ocean are like grains of sand falling on a playground! They also look very small compared to the sea.


For the first time, Ding Ling truly felt the vastness and immeasurableness of the ancient world.

Compare to prehistoric times.

The universe of Journey to the West and Conquering Demons can only be regarded as a grain of sand.

Just because when Ding Ling stepped onto an island, he discovered that there was a universe inside the island. It seemed that it was only as big as the earth, but one step made the world smaller, and after a few steps, there was a small universe hidden inside.

That is to say.

Within this island, there are countless small worlds and small universes!


Ding Ling was speechless.

This ancient world seems to be beyond his imagination!

When Ding Ling arrived at the Gate of Glory and chose one of the three in the Demon-Conquering World of Journey to the West, he had already imagined the prehistoric world to be grand, majestic, and boundless.

However, this world is still incredibly big.

"It seems that this level should be the last level of the fairy world!"

Ding Ling was thoughtful:

"This is a qualitative leap. After this world, I don't know what kind of world I will face and what kind of enemies there will be. Time is running out, I have to be more careful!"

Ding Ling took a deep breath, took one step, and passed through worlds one after another.

He has reached the high level of quasi-sage, possesses all kinds of perfect Daluo Dao fruits, and possesses many magical powers.

Ding Ling can now traverse dozens or hundreds of universes with a single instant of magical power! In the eyes of ordinary people, it is impossible to cross the Milky Way in a lifetime or even a hundred lifetimes, but Ding Ling can cross tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of Milky Ways in one step!

Even in the prehistoric world, suppressed by the power of heaven and earth, Ding Ling can step out and cross small worlds in one step!

He is now so powerful that ordinary people can only look up to him.

"In these small worlds and small universes, countless racial civilizations have been born."

Ding Ling took one step forward and entered a small universe.

The size of this universe is equivalent to seven galaxies.

Very vast.

Among them, thousands of races compete for hegemony, and technological civilization has developed to its peak level.

‘If you hadn’t seen it with your own eyes, who would have dared to believe that such a splendid technological civilization would be born in a small universe hidden on a small island in the endless sea? ! ’

Ding Ling stepped into space.

Looking at the two races ahead, they were fighting fiercely to seize territory and resources.

Their tribes have all invented spaceships and battleships that can easily travel across the galaxy.

We also invented battle armors and mechas that could travel across space.

You can clearly see mecha warriors driving fighter planes, flying out of the battleship, shooting and colliding with each other in space!

I don’t know who discovered Ding Ling first.

Then the leaders of the two ethnic groups turned their guns in a tacit understanding and fired at Ding Ling.

Ding Ling was speechless.

‘The ignorant have nothing to fear. ’

Ding Ling didn't know who gave these two groups the courage to fire at him, but Ding Ling didn't let them go. With a flick of his finger, boom!

The two fleets that fired at him were shattered into space, and endless fireworks bloomed.

The other fleets were preparing to fire their cannons. Seeing this, they were all dumbfounded, shocked, and trembling:

"That is?!"

"Who saw clearly how the A-shaped fleet and the golden-shaped fleet disappeared?!"

‘As the two strongest fleets of Kingdom A and Kingdom Jin, with millions of fighter planes and armored troops, they just disappeared? ! ’

‘…! ! ’

"Did that person do it?!"

‘The A-shaped fleet and the golden-shaped fleet fired at him, but the artillery fire was still blazing in space, and they all perished! ’

The rest of the fleet was trembling and uneasy.

Then they saw Ding Ling cross over and suddenly disappear before their eyes.


‘What about others? ! ’

'Report Captain, he is missing. Searching the entire Sky Wolf Galaxy, there is no trace of the other party! ’

‘In an instant, the other party disappeared into the Sky Wolf Galaxy? ! ’

Everyone was stunned, and then quickly reported the matter to their superiors with pale faces.

The superiors naturally didn't believe it.

But when they sent all the videos and videos to their superiors.

The superior was silent, and then decisively sent the video data to the king.


This universe.

There are five big countries.

Country A controls two galaxies;

Jin Guo controls two.

They are the strongest country, and the other three powers join forces to occupy the other three galaxies.

This small universe can barely be said to be the ‘Three Kingdoms at their peak! ’

Recently, under the guidance of spies from the other three major countries, countries A and Jin have frequently had frictions. Today, the strongest conflict in history broke out!

Seeing the two sides getting really angry, they were about to blow each other's brains out.

Who would have expected that a 'god' would appear halfway through! ! ’


After seeing those video materials.

All the high-level officials in the seven galaxies unanimously believe that this man is God! !

‘Only God can wear simple clothes and stand safe and sound in space! How could we mortals do it! ’

‘Knowing that the other party is most likely a god. The countries A and Jin actually dared to take action against God! You're done! ! ’

The other three countries immediately launched a public opinion war!

Spread the video to the networks of both countries.

After countless netizens saw it, it caused an uproar.

Suddenly, public opinion was boiling! Major folk organizations that believe in gods have jumped out to promote world theism. Don’t blindly believe in science, but cultivate your mind, spirit, and morality!

The universe is in chaos.

It's just that this time it's the network that's in chaos, and it's the people's hearts that are in chaos.

The fighting subsided.

No one wanted to fight at this point.

Especially the troops of Kingdom A, Kingdom of Jin.

The person who gave the order to attack Ding Ling was held accountable.

Asked why he issued such an order?

The general said:

"At that time, we all thought that the other party was a spy from the other three countries. He was so blatant and wearing a transparent space suit. He was not from our two countries. He must be a vanguard sent by the other three countries. So after we communicated for a while, They fired at him tacitly. Who knew that the other party was not wearing a battle suit and was a real god? "'

The general cried out:

"I was wronged. If I knew that the other party was a god, how dare I fire!"

But when the two countries came together, they were afraid of the wrath and accountability of the gods;

Secondly, it also calms public anger.

Put the two generals in jail! Qiuhou asked to behead!

A matter of gods.

It is getting more and more intense in the universe and has not subsided.

Finally, a minister from Country A suggested gathering the power of the seven countries to search for gods throughout the universe to see if they could find each other. If not, gather the power of the entire universe to break through the dimensional barrier and see if they could go to the residence of gods!

Only by reaching the abode of God.

Only mortals like them have hope of immortality!


The allure of these four words is unparalleled.

Many people in power agreed to this motion.


They searched for a full year but failed to find this god.

Then they gathered the power of the seven countries and used all high-tech cannons to aim at the same place, where the 'god' stood before!

In their opinion, there must be something fishy about this place and it's worth a try.

To their surprise.

The power of their seven countries came together and really opened a crack leading to other worlds.

"That is?!"

They widened their eyes and seemed to see that beyond the crack, there were countless densely packed cosmic worlds, large and small!

“God’s dwelling place?”

'wrong. It seems that there are still many ordinary people. ’

‘Is that also a mortal world? ! ’

‘Where is God’s dwelling place? ! ’

The Seven Kingdoms opened a way to other universes.

And such a universe.

There are many on this 'small island', densely packed and countless.

And this is just one island!

I want to jump out of the universe and jump to an island.

Unless you become a powerful Golden Immortal!

Only the powerful Golden Immortal can manage to escape from the shackles of the universe, step into the island, and travel freely between the major islands!

But the characters in these seven countries don't know.

They just fanatically dispatched troops to explore another universe!

What is waiting for them is just another universe where physical skills are practiced. In this universe, thousands of races are also competing for hegemony, but the physical skills are practiced to the extreme!

But with their physical skills, the strongest ones are just earthly immortals. It is also difficult for them to leap out of the big universe and get rid of the shackles of the big universe.

When the strong men of this universe collided with the technological universe.

The strong men in this physical universe knew that a god had arrived in the technological universe, so they decisively took a spaceship to the technological universe to follow in the footsteps of the gods!


They are destined to be disappointed.

They searched the technological universe, but it was also difficult to find traces of gods.

They had seen the photo of the God of the Technological Universe and were sure that it was indeed the real God.

But they had no chance to meet.

"If we meet this god! We might be able to transcend the universe! Go to the real divine realm!"

For mortals in the technological universe, how dare they offend the gods.

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