Yun Xinyao next to him turned red and glared at him angrily.

"You... do you know who I am? How dare you..." Song Yushu's face was a little pale and she bravely said.

"What I hate the most is the second-generation ancestor like you who relies on the power of his family's race to dominate!" Ye Qingyuan had no patience to talk nonsense to him any more, so he raised his hand, grabbed him, and beat him violently!

Ten seconds later, the guy had completely turned into a pig head!

"How can you embarrass yourself with this little skill?" Ye Qingyuan laughed and said, "Go back and practice hard before you come back! Don't think that because you are from the Song family, I am afraid of you!"

Song Yushu brought a lot of people, but even the strongest Qianxing was eliminated, and the others came up to deliver food! He didn't dare to be arrogant anymore, got into the speeding car and left in despair. I didn’t even dare to say a few words! However, looking at the resentful expression in his eyes, he will definitely not give up!

However, Ye Qingyuan really doesn't care. His fighting ability is not bad now. The ordinary Qianxing is not his opponent at all, and with the princess backing him up, he doesn't worry about the other party playing tricks on him! As long as he participates in a few more battles, it will only be a matter of time before he breaks through the Qianxing and becomes a general! At that time, he didn't have to care about the methods of a playboy!

"Okay, the unnecessary business has been settled! Let's talk about remuneration next, right?" He looked back and smiled at Yun Xinyao.

Yun Xinyao stared at him for a while, nodded slightly and said, "Yeah! What do you think you want?"

"Is this it? I have to evaluate it carefully!" He began to think about why he could get as many benefits as possible.

"Why don't I give it to you..." She suddenly moved and moved lightly to his side, with a pair of enchanting eyes less than ten centimeters away from his face.

"What?" he asked with some confusion.

"I'll give you something, you'll definitely like it!" She smiled mysteriously. "Close your eyes first!"

What is this incomparably beautiful ethnic girl going to do? There were question marks on his forehead, but he still did as she said.

A fragrance like orchid came over her before he could react. A pair of arms wrapped around his shoulders, and then his mouth was gently sealed. A soft and smooth ******** parted his teeth abruptly and entered his mouth.

For a moment, Ye Qingyuan felt as if he had been struck by lightning. Waves of flesh-corroding sensations hit his brain like a tide. His body became stiff and the source energy in his body almost stopped functioning. It would be better if Yun Xinyao hugged him, and he would almost fall straight out of the air and be smashed into a meat pie like that miserable old man from Qianxing!

that moment. The wind is calm and the clouds are still. Time seems to have stood still!

After a long time, Yun Xinyao finally let go, her face flushed and bright!

"Do you like it?" She breathed lightly and asked a little shyly.

"..." He didn't know what to say, and his brain hadn't reacted yet. Yun Xinyao did not let go, still hugging him tightly. The proud breasts on her chest were pressed against his chest and squeezed into a seductive arc. The deep ravine in the middle exudes fatal charm all the time! He almost fell into it completely and couldn't extricate himself!

"Like... why?" He subconsciously used his arms to tighten her waist. His right hand moved down involuntarily, reaching for the full moon-like, slender and round vagina! A flame slowly rose from his lower abdomen and quickly engulfed him!

Just when he was planning to continue his "attack", the surrounding temperature suddenly condensed, dropping by more than ten degrees in an instant, finally making him wake up! Yun Xinyao pushed him away slowly but resolutely, and said softly: "Okay, this is the reward for you, are you satisfied?"

"Is this the end?" He stared at the beautiful face that brought disaster to the country and the people. He asked without hesitation.

"Yes! That's all!" Yun Xinyao glared at him angrily, "Otherwise, what else do you want?"


"Okay. I can't stay out for too long, it's time to go back!" She regained her elegant and calm demeanor. She said softly: "You should go back too! I have already violated the family rules by coming to see you today! If they find out, I'm afraid there will be some unnecessary gossip!"

"Sister, I really don't want my family to be an enemy of you. I have informed your family's clan's venerable association about your matter. As long as there is still a chance, I will fight for you and try my best to resolve the grudge between my father and you!"

"Step up to improve your combat effectiveness, so that your status will become more important. When you grow to be strong enough, no one will dare to ignore your existence!"

Gently push him into the flying car and close the door.

"If there is a chance, sister will come to you again!" She finally said, then turned around and flew towards the nearby home race base.

"Why am I doing this? Do I really fall in love with her?" He sat blankly in the speeding car, his mind filled with her beauty.

As stunning as she is, no normal man would dare to say he doesn't like her. From the surprise when they first met to the many close contacts later, it was not that he had not thought about this in his mind. It was just that the other party had a noble status, and with her conditions and status, she was almost a Qianxing strongman. Compared with her, The gap is still huge and difficult to make up! Unless he can reach the level of a semi-divine level expert, he can give it a try.

Now, she actually kissed herself, and the scene that should have appeared in her dream happened so realistically! Even with his IQ, he still doesn't know what she is guessing! Although I have good qualifications and great potential, it's not enough to make her excited, right? At least I don't have such combat effectiveness yet! So what is she picturing?

"Let's expose it for now, don't make assumptions if you don't know the truth! In short, this should not be a bad thing!" He said to himself, slowly started the speeder, and flew towards the Imperial Fleet station.

Maybe, I have another goal! Of course, before that, the grudges with the head of the Yun family must be resolved first. Anyone who dares to hurt him will definitely pay the corresponding price! He will not temporarily abandon his principles just because of her!

On the ground, Yun Xinyao watched the speeding car go away, took out a thumb-thick and extremely delicate sapphire vial from the space ring, lightly spit a few mouthfuls of saliva into it, and then sealed the bottle cap carefully.

Watching the bottle rolling in the white and beautiful palm. A proud smile appeared on her infinitely charming face...

"Is this our latest mission?"

Ye Qingyuan asked while looking at the information on the monitor.

"Well! The superiors have formulated a new round of combat plans! They have decided to change the previous strategy and change from direct confrontation to roundabout maneuvers. Wait for opportunities to annihilate the enemy!" Tian Xuanhao explained while busy on his command terminal: " The Commander has selected the ten squadrons that are in the best condition. Led by the ten officers with the best tactical command awareness, they have traveled through some remote and unknown wormholes to have been occupied by the Kilizako people. Let’s go to the star field to break the war!”

"We are one of them, huh?"

"Yes! The commander picked me first!" Tian Xuanhao said proudly, "Each fleet is composed of the most capable battleship commandos, and the power system has been temporarily optimized and multiple sets have been installed. Auxiliary power propulsion equipment! The hull of the ship is also sprayed with the most advanced stealth paint, and all kinds of weapons carried on the ship are also open to supply! Our mission is to go to their rear to cause damage and delay their offensive as much as possible!"

"Sounds good, but what have those guys from the headquarters been doing so long ago? Are you just thinking of using this trick now?" He said with some contempt.

"The conditions were not suitable before!" Tian Xuanhao explained, "At that time, the territory they occupied was not large enough and their troops were relatively concentrated, so we did not have much chance! Now, more than 90% of the entire federation's land has been lost to them! Each star field must be guarded by separate troops, so their current power is no longer so daunting!"

"In other words, we just have to pick the soft persimmons and squeeze them! When we encounter a hard nut to crack, we just slap the butt and leave! Right?"

"Yes. That's it!" Tian Xuanhao smiled, "This time, I can guarantee that the results we can achieve are the best among the ten fleets!"

"Well, I believe that!" Ye Qingyuan clenched his fist, "This fighting method should be what you are best at! It can bring out the power of your fighting method to almost perfection!"

"Let's go together! As long as you finish this round, you can also hang up the general star when you come back!"

"No problem!" He nodded gently.

"Commander, the 19th Reconnaissance Detachment has reported news! Everything is normal at the wormhole, and no enemy has been detected!"

In the main control room of the flagship, a staff officer reported back to Tian Xuanhao, who was sitting in the main seat.

"Very good! Order each squadron to pass through the wormhole in turn, and immediately implement contact silence after passing through. Expand the combat formation! Double the deployment of reconnaissance satellites and conduct a comprehensive search of nearby places!" He ordered.

"Yes!" The staff officer immediately forwarded the order to the commanders of each sub-ship.

Although no unusual situation was found. But you still can’t take it lightly! The area within a thousand light seconds must be carefully explored to find a suitable hiding place. After the fleet settles down, we can discuss the next step!

Three days ago, under the order of the headquarters, a task force built by ten new commandos set off! They have the most accurate federal star map, and through carefully selected routes, they secretly sneak into the occupied areas and wait for the opportunity! When encountering targets such as lone small fleets and logistics bases, destroy them with lightning speed; if you encounter difficult targets, temporarily avoid them.

The headquarters of other defense zones have also dispatched varying numbers of task forces to implement this extremely dangerous plan to break the engagement! In short, there is only one purpose: to find ways to delay the enemy's attack and buy enough time for the empire to complete pre-war preparations!

The fleet led by Tian Xuanhao has a total of 10,000 new warships, 29,000 mecha legions accompanying the ships, and more than 18,000 awakened troops from three divisions! Since there is no supply fleet accompanying them, the storage rooms of each warship are densely packed with space containers. Space equipment of this size and the same size as ordinary containers can hold up to twenty times more supplies than ordinary containers! Utilizing the extra space on all battleships is enough to ensure that the fleet can operate independently for two months!

For three days, the fleet specially selected those remote and narrow wormholes to travel, carefully avoiding the detection of the Kilizako people. At this time, it was already more than 5,000 light-years deep behind enemy lines.

Along the way, we also discovered two lone small reconnaissance fleets and a medium-sized temporary garrison base. The result is obvious: under Tian Xuanhao's incredibly precise attack method, the fleet secured victory with just a few salvos!

As soon as the battle was over, the fleet retreated and hid along the pre-selected route as quickly as possible. When the enemy slackened slightly, it would then come out to look for new fighters and wait for an opportunity to take a bite!

Through the information transmitted intermittently from the hyperspace liaison device, we know that other harassing fleets have also achieved varying numbers of results! Prove that this plan is still feasible.

For the Kilizako people, this starry sky is so unfamiliar! Even with reconnaissance and space mapping technology that is much more advanced than humans, it is estimated that it is still an impossible task to fully understand the situation in all star fields in such a short period of time!

After all, human beings have thrived in this starry sky for thousands of years. They are well aware of various complex space environments, star roads, remote wormholes, and dangerous extremities, etc. They are veritable local snakes. ! Although the people of Kilizako are strong, they suffered a lot when they first arrived!

"General, a suspicious situation has been discovered! More than 730 light seconds ahead, on a second-grade administrative planet labeled qws0935! It seems that a small aircraft has appeared!" An officer responsible for processing and analyzing information raised his head and reported to Tian Xuanhao road.

"Use the ship-borne large-scale hyperspace detector to conduct a comprehensive and accurate scan of the planet! Don't let other detectors get close yet, so as not to alert the enemy!" Tian Xuanhao said, "Maybe there is work to be done! Inform the brothers. , get ready for battle!”

"Yes!" The order was immediately implemented.

In the dark universe, tens of thousands of warships began to change formations in an orderly manner. The hulls sprayed with multiple layers of stealth paint were dim and dull under the starlight, as if they were inconspicuous space meteorites.

The fleet formed a vague semicircular formation and slowly surrounded the planet. All the main guns of the battleships were aimed at the target, and the muzzles of the main guns began to flash with faint electric light. Look for the book That was a sign that the energy reactor began to charge it quickly!

A few minutes later, further detection yielded results, and more than a dozen relatively clear pictures were sent back, which revealed a dish-shaped warship about a hundred meters in diameter.

"Sure enough, it's those devils!" Karadzic, the deputy commander of the task force, said excitedly. "They definitely have their secret base here, but we don't know how big it is! If the force is too strong, we will have no choice but to run away. !”

"Continue the reconnaissance, and carefully scan the space within a radius of 2,000 light seconds, not to miss any suspicious situations! To avoid falling into a trap!" Tian Xuanhao said calmly.

The fleet cautiously approached the planet. All the powerful detection instruments and long-range radars on the ship were turned on. Various energy wave frequencies were carefully scanned by more than one detection method. Even a suspicious object the size of a mosquito could not be estimated. Hidden from the eyes of the fleet.

Half an hour later, the information constantly fed back showed that everything was as they expected. There was indeed a secret base of the Kilizako people on the planet, but the function and purpose of it, as well as its scale, were temporarily unclear.

In the lounge in the middle of the battleship, Ye Qingyuan was playing Go with Luo Qingyue. (To be continued.)

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