"You mean... there are awakened people coming from other places?" Yue Hongling rolled her eyes when she heard this and instantly understood what Zheng Yuanqing meant;

"Yes, there will be a lot. I don't know how many exactly;"

Zheng Yuanqing said in a deep voice: "So I am very worried that there will be one or two mentally disturbed guys among these people looking for trouble. If such people come, they will easily find you. Therefore, hiding is not an option at all." , we can only leave and try to reduce the probability of being discovered;" "Novel" novel chapter

"I have to ask a question this time." Upon hearing this, Yue Hongling suddenly turned around, raised her head and stared at Zheng Yuanqing, and asked hurriedly like a machine gun: "Tell me, what are they here for?"

"Is what they want to do also what you want to do?"

"Also, you can jump from a sixth-level awakener to a five-star lieutenant in such a short period of time. You must not be awakened so quickly after dying every time. You must have some method;"

"And why don't you tell me this method? I can help you!"


Hearing this and looking at the anxious eyes that were almost flashing with tears, Zheng Yuanqing couldn't help but sigh in his heart. He hadn't thought about letting Yue Hongling and even Jin Yutang Han Yan wake up. One more person would be enough. One point winning percentage;


The guide told him bluntly and coldly:

The electrogram on the coffin was completely customized based on Zheng Yuanqing's genetic characteristics. If anyone else lay in it, they would only be electrocuted to death;

To design a set of electrical diagrams tailored for each person, only the host can do it!

Why didn't I let it design a few sets of electrical diagrams earlier!

Thinking of the words of the terminal guide and the figure in white, Zheng Yuanqing couldn't help but regret. But it was helpless. One variable after another. As a result, they have no time to care about others at all, and the only consequence of a series of no time to care about others is what they look like today...

"Thank you;" looking at Yue Hongling's anxious eyes, Zheng Yuanqing could only whisper, "If possible, of course I hope you can help me, but..."

"You..." Yue Hongling couldn't help but her cheeks paled when she heard this, and she stretched out her hand to grab Zheng Yuanqing's collar, but then she quickly remembered something and let go of her hand tremblingly.

She got it. Zheng Yuanqing's ordinary appearance must be the result of that special way of awakening, and the reason why that way of awakening is special is precisely because that method is only suitable for a few people;

In this way...

"Okay! Just go, don't worry about us, I will lead everyone to live well;"


Having said this, Yue Hongling stood on tiptoes, leaned close to Zheng Yuanqing's nose and stared into his eyes and said word for word: "You must promise me that every month, you must come to my aunt's bed to report. If you dare not to come, "

"My aunt will definitely find a pretty boy who is younger than you and more handsome than you!"

"You can try it. See if I dare!"

After saying that, Yue Hongling reached out and pushed Zheng Yuanqing away. Almost trembling, she walked towards the crowd in the distance. Han Yan on the side looked at Zheng Yuanqing timidly, then quickly followed her, pulling Yue Hongling's sleeve and whispering:

"Sister! You don't have a fever today, do you? What stupid words did you say? Don't you think this is what men hate the most?"

"I'm talking nonsense... I'm just angry..." Yue Hongling suppressed the trembling on her face and whispered, "But I can't do anything, I can't do anything..."

"If he really can't come back..."

"I'll go find him, go find him underground!"

Listening to Yue Hongling's almost irrational words, Han Yan's lips trembled and she wanted to say something, but she could only bite her lips and remain silent. At this moment, Zheng Yuanqing's shout came from behind her.

"Damn bitch! How dare you go behind your back and look for a gigolo! This generation will never stop giving you a try!"

The night is vast and the wind is biting;

After two days of rest, in the early morning of the fourth day, under countless torches, several vehicles of various types slowly drove out of the vast ruins. Behind the vehicles, there were groups of carriages, donkey carts, bicycles and boards. After the car, there were groups of gang members following on foot carrying packages. The more than 7,000 members of the huge Black Ling Gang began their wandering for who knows how long...

"Let's make do with this for two months. When things over there are finished, I will bring back a batch of bigger cars. By then, the living conditions will be much improved."

On top of the Mercedes-Benz heavy truck loaded with food and ammunition in the crowd, Zheng Yuanqing sat on the carriage, holding Yue Hongling in his arms, looking at the darkness in the distance and whispered:

"You can do whatever you want in the past two months. In short, change places every ten days. Yoshiwara City is very big now. Once you leave Chengshan Port, you will be like a fish in water, and no one can find you at all;"

"Hmm..." Yue Hongling nodded after hearing this, still holding Zheng Yuanqing's waist tightly, curling up in his arms and looking around and asked: "How big is Yoshiwara City now?"

"It's very big. Do you remember the cement factory before? The cement factory is on the edge of the old town of Yoshihara City, only more than 20 kilometers away from Chengshan Town. But now, it has grown more than 10 times;" Zheng Yuanqing reached out and held Yue Hong's hand. Aya's hand whispered;

"It's so big? 200 kilometers. Doesn't that mean that Yoshiwara City is nearly 800 kilometers from south to north?" Yue Hongling said softly;

"Yes, more than 800 kilometers, a Yoshihara city is as big as a province before the end of the world; then how big should this province be? How big should the whole of China be?" Zheng Yuanqing said with some confusion;

The changes in the terrain have far exceeded his expectations. Although he does not have any evidence, he is still sure

The entire Eurasian continent seems to have undergone tremendous changes, and not even just the entire Eurasian continent

But the whole earth!

What has this world become?

One day later...

"Charge! Kill!"

Amidst the loud shouts of death, a huge crowd of people at the former Yoshiwara City Freight Railway Station in the western suburbs of Yoshiwara City were fighting fiercely with the zombies and mutated beasts in the freight station. With the assistance of more than two thousand guns. A group of tens of thousands of zombies is nothing to everyone. After a whole morning of fierce fighting, more than ten square kilometers near the entire railway had been cleared;

"Report to brother...oh, sister!"

When the battle was about to end, Jin Yutang ran over from a distance with a piece of paper full of numbers. He was about to report the results of today's battle to Zheng Yuanqing in the picking hall, but he saw Zheng Yuanqing pointing to his arms. Yue Hongling immediately changed her words and said:

"Sister, a total of 377 tons of fuel, 3 tons of coal, 1,200 boxes of clothes, and 12 tons of mutated animal meat were seized."

"In addition, 30 wagons were cleared, including 12 train wagons, 8 ordinary train wagons, and the rest were empty freight wagons;"

"In addition, there is a carload of condoms;"

"The rest are gone, but speaking of eldest sister..."

After Jin Yutang finished reading the numbers, he walked to a row of tables and chairs and sat in the back next to the two of them. He looked suspiciously at Yue Hongling, who was curled up in Zheng Yuanqing's arms like a cat, and said:

"I said, is this the second brother I know?"

"Don't look at it!" Seeing Jin Yutang's joking eyes, Yue Hongling quickly reached out her hand to block his eyes, but she just put it down after a brief thought. Then he took out a pack of Green Dragon Well from his pocket, handed it to Jin Yutang and shook it:

"Did you see it? There's a Dragon Well worth over five yuan. It's not a lot, so I'm sorry to give it to you in front of everyone;"

"Now it's just the two of us, let's secretly share it and give it to Yan to have a taste... Well, you can just pretend that this guy doesn't exist;"

"Okay..." Looking at Yue Hongling lying in Zheng Yuanqing's arms like a child, Jin Yutang couldn't help but twitch his cheeks, then looked at Yue Hongling with shame on his face, reached out and grabbed the package of Longjing, and then He rolled his eyes and stood up to walk away;

"There are a lot of things, enough for you to eat for a month;"

"But it's best not to move those trucks of compressed biscuits, they are for emergencies;" Zheng Yuanqing waved to Jin Yutang and said;

"Yeah, but I'm very surprised. Why are the serial numbers of those military rations all from the 1980s? Have you found the underground warehouse?" Yue Hongling asked while playing with her hair;

"We found a large mountain warehouse that was used to dig deep holes to store grain. This time we only pulled out less than one-tenth, mainly because we don't have a car;" Zheng Yuanqing began to make up lies: "But what are you going to do next?" ?”

"The next step? Of course, follow the shopkeeper's instructions to collect the corpse crystals;" Yue Hongling continued: "First, stay at the train station for ten days and a half, then go to the airport, and then go to the high-speed rail station... Then go to the big city;”

"But then again, after going around these four places, the corpses we can handle will be almost exhausted; if we go to the county or urban area, the corpses there can easily reach hundreds of thousands, which is simply not possible. It’s not something we can handle; if we send out vehicles to hunt corpses, it will be a bit more gain than loss;”

"So I thought, free up those train cars and build a large club. Aren't there Liusha Port, Boishui River Port and dozens of settlements of various sizes nearby?"

"We will engage in economic development with those settlements and let them come here for consumption. They will have food, drink, women, and everything they need. Anyone who comes here can't even think about leaving without taking out all the crystal cores from his body. What do you think?" After Yue Hongling finished speaking, she raised her head, looked at Zheng Yuanqing and asked in a low voice;

"Zhao Xia met me a few days ago and told Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com that the sisters were anxious and asked when they would start going to work. Then I thought, they have recovered now, and they have a car full of leather condoms. Plus there are those pills you brought, I think it’s time for them to go to work..."

"No, no, no, I don't think so;" upon hearing this, Zheng Yuanqing revealed his long-planned plan:

"What I mean is that the sisters will no longer accept customers, but pair them up with the brothers. If the management model of the gang is still the same, then things will easily happen over time. After all, we no longer have an iron wolf. Help an enemy like that;”

"If we form a family, it will be much more stable internally;"

"Of course, the economy must continue as usual. If there are no female workers? Then just grab and recruit from other bases;"

"what do you think about this?"

"This is a good idea;" Yue Hongling nodded and said, "I'll listen to you. When you come back, you will see a big and big family!" (To be continued...) ()

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