Minato Namikaze's shocked expression was completely normal in Kakashi's opinion.

Even he would feel the same if he heard his disciple say that.

At this moment, Kakashi suddenly thought of Naruto.

Could this guy also be Naruto from the future?


Mr. Minato, first let me explain this Sharingan.

If I hadn't come back, Obito would have been killed by the Rock Ninja's Earth Style Ninjutsu after opening his Sharingan.

I would also have been scratched and blinded in my left eye.

Before he died, Obito asked Rin to transplant his eye and eye shaft to me.

That's why I have the Sharingan.

Tomorrow after I leave, I won't have the ability of the Sharingan.

Now I exist with the strength of the future."

Kakashi pointed to his left eye and explained with a sigh.

"You mean, in the original history,

Obito would die in this mission.

You changed history!!"

Namikaze Minato stared at Kakashi sharply and said seriously

‘How could Kakashi be so ignorant!

Once history is changed, the future will definitely be affected.

Last time in Loulan, I sealed the memory of Kakashi and me to prevent this kind of situation.

Unexpectedly, Kakashi actually changed history directly this time! '

Namikaze Minato sighed in his heart and stared at Kakashi helplessly, not knowing how to start for a moment.

Could it be that he let Obito die normally? ?

No matter how eccentric Obito was, he was still his disciple.

Namikaze Minato couldn't have known that he was going to die and remained indifferent!

Perhaps, this was what Kakashi was thinking.

"Yes, I changed history. I will also change your fate.

Minato-sensei, Kushina-sensei, Obito, Rin, I will change your fate of death."

Kakashi didn't know the complexity of Minato Namikaze's heart, and looked at Minato Namikaze with true feelings, speaking powerfully and clearly.

This is why Kakashi chose this time.

Because he believed that Minato Namikaze, who knew the information in advance, would definitely change those regretful futures.


Kushina and Rin too……"

After hearing Kakashi's words, Namikaze Minato's uneasy heart was like a bomb that exploded in his heart...

He widened his eyes and blurted out nervously.

At this moment, Namikaze Minato was not concerned about his safety.

He was no longer worried about the impact of changing the future.

Instead, he focused on Kushina and Rin.

If this is the future, how could Naruto appear in Loulan in the future? ?

Namikaze Minato froze in place for a moment, his heart was shocked.

He sealed his memory and only knew that there was such a thing as Loulan and the name of his son Naruto. Other than that, he knew nothing!

Kakashi didn't think much about it. Anyone who heard this would have this expression, and continued to tell the story.

"A few months after the Obito incident, Rin would be captured by Kirigakure at the Kirigakure battlefield.

Kirigakure would seal the Three-Tails in Rin's body, planning to release the Three-Tails to destroy Konoha after Rin returned to the village.

In order to prevent Rin from committing suicide, Kirigakure set a seal on Rin that would prevent her from harming herself.

In this situation, Rin chose to commit suicide by crashing into my Chidori in order to protect Konoha.

In other words, Rin volunteered to be killed by me!"

Kakashi said this with a trembling voice, unable to hold back the unforgettable pain in his heart any longer, and his eyes became wet again.


Minato Namikaze looked at the crying Kakashi with relief and heartache, and whispered in a low voice.

Now, Minato Namikaze also knew the reason why Kakashi could change his personality.

The death of Obito and Rin would prompt Kakashi to get rid of his cold-blooded and selfish personality.

"Kakashi, I understand what you mean.

Don't worry, I will fight to the death to protect Obito and Rin.

But there is a question, if they don't die, will you still be you in the future?

Aren't you worried that the present you will disappear?"

Namikaze Minato patted Kakashi's shoulder and said seriously.

Kakashi, who was out of control, shrank his pupils and stood still.

This situation was something he had never considered before.

He only wanted to change the fate of a few people and didn't think about this.

"If this is the case, I will accept it calmly.

Perhaps, I will be happier that way."

Kakashi took a few deep breaths and said as if he didn't care.

He couldn't let Minato Namikaze hesitate for his current self.

This time, it's my turn to sacrifice.


What kind of vision did Namikaze Minato have? He saw Kakashi's decision at a glance and murmured with mixed feelings.

How bad is he as a teacher!

Three disciples, two died, and one was heartbroken.

Is he really suitable to be a teacher of three people?

"Minato-sensei, congratulations to you anyway.

You will become the fourth Hokage of Konoha after the war is over."

Kakashi saw that the atmosphere was a bit sad, so he changed the subject and let the two of them relax.


The fourth generation, I didn't expect it!

I thought the fourth generation would be Orochimaru-sama……"

Namikaze Minato also agreed with a smile, and his worries became even greater.

Since he could become the Fourth Hokage, he must have died when he was the Hokage. The death of the Hokage and his wife must be a great disaster for Konoha.

In this case, how much loss will Konoha suffer!

"Kakashi, how did Kushina and I die?"

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