Traveling Frog: Burning Fruit at the Start

Chapter 205: Clues to the Scroll

"Where are you, old man?"

Liu Xia was completely unfamiliar with the location of Beautiful Country, and he couldn't tell where the address was.

"This is the manor of a family consortium." The old man replied.

"They are considered a powerful family in the beautiful country, and I heard that there are many masters. It will be a bit difficult for you to sneak in."

Hearing this, Liu Xia felt bad instantly.

It is definitely very difficult for ordinary people to sneak into a family manor like this.

What's more important is not knowing the correct position of the scroll, which will have a huge impact on the action.

"Old man, do you know the specific location of the scroll?"

The old man nodded. "What a coincidence, this scroll is hanging in the hall. It hangs with many famous paintings."

It seems that I have to think of a way and make a decision after going to see the painting in person.

When we left the pawn shop, it was completely dark.

Neon lights of various colors shine, leaving a sudden illusion of ecstasy.

Looking at the well-dressed pedestrians on the street, the confusion during the day was completely gone from their faces.

Everyone has a cheerful smile on their face, as if the time for joy has arrived.

Liu Xia couldn't help but sigh, this beautiful country is really magical.

He randomly walked into a burger restaurant, ordered a set meal, and then watched the TV on the wall.

The news about the beautiful country is being played above, which is probably about how the awakened people of the beautiful country protect the people, and how many people voluntarily donate their property to those big financial groups and families.

"Have you heard? China sent people to communicate with our Superman Academy."

"Chinese Kingdom? Tsk! A backward land of barbarians. They come to us probably because they want to steal our advanced cultivation system!"

"Who knows! It's just a bunch of oriental clowns."

The discussion coming from behind made Liu Xia look back.

The speakers were two black men, wearing T-shirts and shorts, and a string of gold chains around their necks.

Sensing Liu Xia's vision, the two of them immediately stared at him, looking like they wanted to take action.

"What are you looking at, Eastern Monkey!" One of the black men said in a ferocious tone.

Because Liu Xia didn't want to show off too much, he deliberately concealed his aura.

"Are you talking about me?"

Liu Xia glanced at the two of them. The latter instantly felt as if they had fallen into an ice cellar, and their whole bodies were shivering.


Although the awakened ones have the obligation to protect ordinary people, if the awakened people take action against ordinary people, there is a high probability that they will only lose some money.

Especially in the beautiful country, a very magical country, ordinary people are simply worthless.

Moreover, these two people are still black, so the compensation will be even less.

"Sir... sir... we... are mean-mouthed... please spare us..."

The two black men knelt down on the spot, with their heads on the ground, and sweat dripped from their foreheads to the ground.

At this time, the two of them felt extremely regretful.

How could he be so mean-mouthed? It happened to be heard by the awakened people of China.

However, I heard that the awakened people of China are more face-saving. As long as their posture is low enough, they shouldn't embarrass themselves.

Thinking of this, the two black men looked at each other quietly, and then began to cry loudly.

Fortunately, there were not many customers in the store, and everyone was watching from a distance and did not dare to come forward.

"get out!"

Liu Xia was disgusted to see the black people with tears and snot flowing all over the floor. She couldn't bear to get her hands dirty and decided to let them go.

When the two heard this, they immediately stood up and walked toward the door in embarrassment.

When they passed Liu Xia, the pitiful look on their faces turned into laughter in the blink of an eye.

"This Eastern monkey is easy to deceive."

"Come on, hurry up, leave quickly before he notices that he is being tricked by us."

The two of them thought that their voices were soft enough and Liu Xia would not hear them.

At this moment, Liu Xia's emotionless voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

"How do you know, I'm lying to you too!"

The next second, the two of them felt pain in their knees and their bodies were hit hard.

Severe pain came from the lower body. When I looked down, there was nothing else below the knees.


The section of the knee hit the ground hard, and the two of them immediately let out a wailing sound like a slaughtered pig.

The surrounding guests looked at the two men in horror, but no one dared to step forward.

At this time, Liu Xia stood up slowly, faced the wailing two people, without even looking at them, he stepped over and walked out of the store.


After walking away, Liu Xia couldn't help but take a deep breath.

From the attitudes of the two black men just now, Liu Xia could guess how difficult it must be for the Chinese people living here.

"Forget it, I'm not a saint, why worry so much!"

"If you have this intention, you might as well think carefully about how to sneak into the manor."

Suddenly, Liu Xia was startled.

"Oops, I forgot to ask the old man what the name of that manor is."

Regarding this question, it seems that we can only ask Anna later.

When he reached the intersection and looked at the passing vehicles, Liu Xia was about to wave his hand to stop the car.

There was a sudden commotion across the street.

A Chinese girl was being grabbed by the hands by a well-dressed middle-aged white man, trying to lead her into a dark alley.

The pedestrians passing by seemed to have not seen them and walked straight past the two of them.

"Let me go! Let me go!"

The girl cried and asked for help, but passers-by ignored her like a piece of wood.

"No one will come to save you even if you scream until your throat is broken!"

"Just obey me, otherwise you won't even be able to keep your job!"

Finding that the other party's annoying face was almost touching her, the girl's eyes were full of fear.

"Let's go! Stop struggling!"

As he spoke, the middle-aged white man twisted her hands and tried to walk towards the alley.

If you go in, there is no need to say more about what happens next.

Among the pedestrians, there were also a few Chinese people. Although there was disgust in his eyes, he only hesitated for a few moments and left in a hurry.


Liu Xia sighed, put down his right hand to block the car, and stepped across the road.

Obviously, this middle-aged white man dared to do such evil things on the street, and his identity should not be simple.

But, how can it be!

Now that I have seen it, I can't just sit back and watch.


Just when the middle-aged white man succeeded, Liu Xia's shout startled him.

"Who are you! How dare you meddle in your own business!"

The middle-aged white man turned around and looked Liu Xia up and down, as if he wanted to find out his identity.

"You don't need to know who I am, let this girl go!"

"Let him go? Hahahahaha. Do you know who I am and you dare to talk to me like this!"

Just when that man was very arrogant, two people ran towards them panting.

"Mr. Mike, why didn't you wait for us!"

Liu Xia glanced at the visitors, and they turned out to be two awakened ones.

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