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Tải ảnh: 0.279s Scan: 1.048sInside the Mogu Town Naval Base, the Chief of Staff of the Mogu Town Naval G-30 Base, Ma Que, was reporting something to Lu Fei, mainly about the security and economy of Mogu Town. At this time, a voice in their ears interrupted them.

""Dong, dong, dong, dong!

" The deafening sound of the bell rang across the sea area of Magic Valley Town.

The sound of the golden bell being struck came from more than 10,000 meters above the clouds.

The residents of Magic Valley Town stopped working and looked at the sky.

The people in the salvage team also had tears in their eyes.

The truth will always be known by only a few people.

Even if the bell rang, the story of the big liar Rolando and the Golden Country will still spread around the world.


Vice Admiral, the Navy Headquarters suffered heavy losses in this operation.

Not only did it fail to prevent the meeting of the two Four Emperors, Red Hair and White Beard, but it also lost dozens of warships.

The world situation is becoming more and more unstable.

The current peace seems to be a precursor to the coming storm.

The Navy Headquarters also has several candidates to replace Crocodile as the new Seven Warlords of the Sea.

The balance of the three major forces does not seem to be broken for the time being, but I am still uneasy.

" Although Sparrow has been managing the Magic Valley Town, he has a clear understanding of the world situation.

The problem of the vacant Seven Warlords of the Sea must be solved, and the meeting of the two Four Emperors will make the New World even more precarious.

Lu Fei naturally understood what Sparrow said. As a time traveler, he knew very well where the problem was. The ambitious Blackbeard Marshall....D.Teach and Portgas, the Pirate King with the Fire Fist.D.Ace

"Prepare the boat! I'm going to Banaro Island, and I'll leave the matters of the base to you, Sparrow!" Banaro Island, where Ace and Blackbeard had their decisive battle. It was here that Ace was defeated by Blackbeard and captured and handed over to the navy as a bargaining chip in exchange for the status of Shichibukai. If Ace does not listen to advice and insists on fighting Blackbeard, the story will eventually repeat itself.

Grand Line G-2 Navy Branch, Ace came here by chance. He was still investigating the whereabouts of Blackbeard and his gang. The direction indicated by the life card was still in front of this branch, and Ace continued to pursue.

Banaro Island, a deserted island west of Magic Valley Town, is home to a row of dilapidated wooden huts covered with a layer of sand, and uninhabited wild grass and messy land. Most of the island is sand dunes, with desert lizards crawling from time to time. This was Crocodile's masterpiece before he became a Shichibukai.

"This island is the only way to reach the Sabaody Archipelago.

We just need to wait here for some time for the Straw Hat Pirates to come to us.

By then, we will have taken his 100 million heads, and the position of Shichibukai will be secure, and the first step of our plan will be taken.

"On Banaro Island, Blackbeard and his gang sat in a circle on the eaves of a broken house.

When trying to get these people to join the pirate group, Blackbeard clearly told them his plan.

Blackbeard's huge ambition is also one of the keys to attracting so many strong players, but the focus is still on the heaven-defying fruit ability of the Dark Fruit.


Dark Dark Fruit can be said to be born for Blackbeard. The most that others can get is to devour the fruit abilities of others. Moreover, this so-called natural devil fruit has lost the largest natural element. If an ordinary person gets it, it is almost a useless fruit, but for Blackbeard with an abnormal body, this is the key to his rise.

This is a plan that can only succeed and not fail.

Become Shichibukai, and then hunt for powerful people with abilities on the sea to absorb their abilities.

Blackbeard's original plan was Therefore, Blackbeard had never thought about seizing the power of Whitebeard's Tremor-Tremor Fruit.

As Blackbeard, who had been under Whitebeard for decades, knew how powerful Whitebeard was, he had never thought about it and dared not think about it.

It was just that the world was unpredictable.

As the context of all events extended, things changed, and opportunities came to him, Blackbeard would change his plan improvisationally, obtain the power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit, and achieve the position of the Four Emperors in the future.

The starting point of all this was the capture of Ace, the son of Pirate King Roger, and Lu Fei was going to Banaro Island to cut off this source!

On the warship, Lu Fei brought the other three major generals of the Magic Valley Town Naval Base except Carl, Enel, Hakuba, and Oden. This time, they went to capture the four members of Blackbeard, Blackbeard Teach, Supersonic Van Oka, Death Poison Q, and Champion Pakis, to help Ace. At the same time, Lu Fei was taking precautions. They were all captured now to avoid greater harm to the navy and the sea in the future.

Enelu and the other two were also very curious about what kind of enemy was worthy of Lu Fei taking them to capture.

They remembered that Lu Fei did not personally go out to capture the pirate group with a total bounty of 1 billion.

Instead, he sent Hakuba and Enelu to solve the problem.

However, these warmongers were more excited.

They dealt with the weak pirates near the sea area of Mogu Town in the base every day.

They really had no sense of accomplishment, and it was difficult to make the headlines (this must be Hakuba's idea).

Hakuba always wanted to do something big to make himself known to people all over the world.

Oden, on the other hand, was more focused on training his fruit ability. When he first got the Blue Bird Fruit, Lu Fei watched Oden transform into two huge blue wings that drove The giant's huge body flying in the air was indeed a bit out of place, but when the whole body was transformed into a beast, the huge blue bird was really shocking, like a deep-sea sea king among birds.

The gorgeous, cool and powerful blue bird made even the white horse who didn't want the fruit envious. In his words, he liked things that could attract other people's attention. His mouth was often injured and bleeding because he held a red rose with thorns in his mouth. He really didn't care about anything just to show off.

Enilu was chewing a red apple on the warship. He ate the apple without spitting out the apple core. After swallowing it, it was all shattered by lightning and turned into energy. There was also a black data cable on his body, connected to Lu Fei's mobile phone for license plate. At the beginning, Enilu couldn't control the energy and the current was too large when charging in this way, which blew up many mobile phones. Later, after training, he steadily controlled it at 220V.

The black flame danced in Lu Fei's palm, sometimes turning into a flying bird and sometimes into a walking beast. Lu Fei's control over the flames has taken a step closer. Even the natural-type Enelu cannot match Lu Fei's control over his own energy. Moreover, you have to know that Lu Fei is not a natural-type but a fantasy-beast-type. The fantasy-beast-type strengthens the body and increases recovery ability while also having special abilities. It is truly a heaven-defying fruit.

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