In the Grand Line Marine Headquarters, in Marinford, the four admirals gathered together for the first time since the inauguration ceremony. They were Kizaru Borsalino, Fujitora Ichisho, Kinkade Ryuu, and Green Bull. In addition to these four, this not-too-small office also gathered several other guys with the highest influence and power in the Marine Headquarters. The

Marine Headquarters Chief of Staff Tsuru, the retired Garp and Sengoku, and Sengoku's predecessor, the Navy Admiral, the current commander of the three armed forces of the World Government, Steel Bone Sora. Steel Bone was the title given to him by the world, a title similar to that of Iron Fist Garp.

In this not-too-small office, everyone was discussing a major event that would affect the entire pirate world, the decision of whether the Marine Headquarters would move to the New World!

"The pirates in the first half of the Grand Line were all small fish and shrimps, and it would be enough to send some vice admirals to garrison here for a long time.

But in the second half of the Grand Line, the pirates in the New World are rampant and threaten the safety of the people under our rule.

The Navy has been established for so long, but has not been able to completely solve the problem of pirates.

This time, in the most powerful year in the history of our Navy, I think we can’t miss this opportunity again.

We must wipe out all the pirate forces in one fell swoop!

"Akainu Sakaski is a radical as a navy marshal, and he speaks his mind loudly.

Although Lu Fei has a bad relationship with Akainu, he still has the same idea as Akainu on this matter. If the navy does not enter the New World, it will only make the pirates stronger and stronger, and then every era will have a drama of competing for the Pirate King, which is something that the navy and the government do not want to see.

"I agree with Admiral Sakaski's point of view.

The top combat power of our navy is gathered here today.

The four admirals, the marshal in his prime, the old and strong Iron Fist, Buddha, Crane trio, the alternate admirals who have not yet come, and more than a dozen powerful vice admirals have surpassed any pirate force.

Even if they face two of the Four Emperors at once, they can withstand it.

And how do we know that we can't succeed if we don't try?"Lu Fei is a man of action.

He doesn't want to say it's impossible without doing it.

Akainu glanced at Lu Fei. He didn't expect Lu Fei to be the first to agree with his point of view. Suddenly, his misunderstanding of Lu Fei was reduced. However, these could not resolve the contradiction between Lu Fei and Akainu. After all, Lu Fei indirectly let go of the Pirate King's son, Fire Fist Ace.

It was discovered that even Lu Fei, who had always stood on the opposite side of Akainu, agreed with Akainu's point of view, and Fujitora also spoke up.

"I agree that those pirates who harm people should not exist in this world.

I will do my best to eliminate all evil!

Of course, it would be even better if Marshal Sakaski agreed with my idea of abolishing the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

As long as Marshal Sakaski nods, I will solve the evil guys among the Seven Warlords of the Sea alone without any help.

"Fujitora naturally agreed to eliminate evil, but he did not forget to mention his views on the Seven Warlords of the Sea, not to get Akainu's agreement, but to let everyone present know his attitude.

"When we eliminate the Four Emperors, powerful pirate forces, and forces opposing the navy in the new world, the Seven Warlords of the Sea will naturally have no need to exist.

The Seven Warlords of the Sea system was originally created to help the navy suppress pirates.

What if all the pirates are gone? Naturally, they will not be needed.

"This was the first time Lu Fei heard Green Bull speak.

He had two black curved horns on both sides of his head above his temples.

His short, sharp hair was covered with small grass like the one on the head of the slow sheep in Pleasant Goat.

His voice was very comfortable and indescribable.

Judging from his appearance, if it wasn't for the Bull-Bull Fruit, he might be a hybrid of the Fur Tribe and the Human Tribe.

He was a very handsome middle-aged uncle, but no one knew what this guy's abilities were.


Green Bull's speech did not say it explicitly, he also agreed with Akainu's point of view. Kizaru still had an indifferent attitude. He agreed with everyone if they agreed, and he also opposed everyone if they opposed. It can be said that the admirals all agreed with Akainu's point of view.

"When I was young, I fought Roger and Whitebeard every day on the sea in the New World. I think the New World is much more interesting than here."Garp crossed his arms, and even though he had a head full of silver hair, he did not doubt the power of his calloused fists.

"I have no objection. Anyway, no matter where in the world there are sins that have not been wiped out, I will cleanse their sinful hearts."This legendary female navy soldier also expressed her own opinion.

At this time, everyone's eyes fell on the two former navy marshals, Sengoku and Kong. The opinions of these two people are crucial. After all, many people were under the command of Sengoku and Kong, just like the status of the two old leaders in modern times.

"As long as you don't do anything harmful to the navy, we won't object, right, Sengoku?" Kong Kong, with his white hair in a Mohawk style, smiled slightly, moving the centipede-like scar on his face that stretched from his earlobe to the corner of his eye.

"Well, the old leader is right.

When I first introduced the Seven Warlords policy, there were more objections, but the final decision was passed, stabilizing the turbulent sea at that time.

Even now, there are still people who oppose it, but the benefits outweigh the disadvantages, so I still launched the Seven Warlords system.

Now the advantages and disadvantages of the Seven Warlords need your consideration.

"Zengoku took himself as an example.

Although he failed to make Aokiji the admiral, he would not have any opinion on Akainu because of this.

After all, everyone is for the navy, for the people and the country under his rule.

No one knows that a major decision that can change the world was made in this small conference room. Akainu will not tell the rest of the navy until the day when he can move. This news cannot be leaked. The same is true for Lu Fei and others. Once the pirates know about it, when the navy forces leave Marinford, they will launch a surprise attack, which will be bad.

Dozens of days later, when Akainu sorted out and transferred many important confidential documents and items, the vice admirals of the Navy Headquarters learned about this major news. Some vice admirals opposed this matter, but everything was already a foregone conclusion. A few small vice admirals could not change the choice of the admirals and marshals.

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