Travel Through The Creation Sand Table And Start The Ancient Body!

Chapter 85 Uranus Ignites The Spiritual Fire And Believes In The Road Of Conferred Gods

Sumer 43 years.

Uranus, the sky knight, once again shattered the invasion of the Typhon demon with his devastating power.

Tens of thousands of Typhon demons were beheaded by Uranus.

Sky Knight, the name of Uranus, resounds throughout the world.

In the underground world, countless tifengs were frightened by the news, and never dared to set foot in the above-ground world.

These ferocious Typhon monsters are scared.

They were frightened by the more brutal Uranus. When they faced Uranus, they seemed to be facing the master of the entire sky.

The terrifying coercion that was against the entire sky made these Typhons tremble all over.

All the Typhons flinched and retreated from the world light film to the underground world Tiphous one after another.

The battle in the sky ended with Huiyuan's overall victory.


In the sky, a three-meter-high perfect figure exuding terror suddenly fell to the ground.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.

Behind this figure, there are tens of thousands of soldiers of the Skeleton Knights.

These warriors are full of energy and blood, and they have been tempered into steel. In the perennial battles with Typhon, these warriors have already devoured a large amount of Typhon's flesh and blood, and were promoted to Transcendent warriors.

Yes, Transcendent.

The difference between a Transcendent warrior and a Transcendent knight is only one word, but the difference is thousands of miles.

Transcendent warriors are Transcendents who have surpassed the limits of the psychic apes.

The Transcendent knights are detached people who have surpassed the limitations of the Hui ape race.

The two cannot be compared in the same breath.

"Sky Master!"


After landing on the ground, tens of thousands roared wildly like a rainbow.


A stone stirred up a thousand layers of waves, and the countless wise apes who were still stunned suddenly prostrated themselves at the feet of Uranus, and shouted 05 enthusiastically.

"The ruler of the sky."

"Your brilliance is like my king's eternal glory, like the scorching sun's eternal glory!"

With the fanatical praise of the wise apes, invisible forces merged into the body of Uranus without a sound.


The huge and vast fanatical beliefs, quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, and Uranus only felt his brain roaring and shaking.


As if the sound of opening up the world sounded, Uranus suddenly realized that he had turned into a blazing flame.

" this?"

This group of flames exudes terrifying and surprising fluctuations. Under the burning of this group of flames, Uranus' illusory spirit began to solidify.

"Sky Knight!"

"Master of the Sky!"

"Sky Knight Uranus..."

"Yongyao! Victory! The sky..."

Waves of faint voices came from the void and merged into the gradually solidified spiritual flame of Uranus.


Like gasoline, the spiritual flame of Uranus began to burn and grow rapidly.


"Spiritual fire!"

"Under these beliefs, I have kindled a spiritual fire."

"Will the wise ape rule the road?"

The spiritual fire of Uranus surged crazily, and the spiritual body of Uranus was both real and illusory, which was indescribably surprising.

After igniting the spiritual fire, Uranus has already realized the root of the spiritual fire.

This is the only way for the wise ape to dominate.

However, an indifferent smile appeared on the corner of Uranus' mouth afterwards.

"Human ape master? No, no!"

Uranus keenly felt that the road he was on was not a pure Huiyuan domination road.

To be the master of Huiyuan, you must first go back to the source, ignite the fire of own spirit, and then absorb the beliefs of the tribe to achieve the road of mastery.

But Uranus is different. He didn't know the way of the wise ape to dominate before. He just simply believed that the title of knight requires the belief of all beings.

Therefore, Uranus first absorbed the beliefs of the tribe, and then through the huge beliefs, oppressed his own spiritual consciousness and let himself ignite the divine fire.

Put the cart before the horse!

Uranus knew that this was definitely not the true path to master the wise ape, on the contrary, it was another path.

"This is the road to becoming a god through faith!"

Uranus suddenly realized, and couldn't help laughing heartily. There is no doubt that he has created a brand new path, a path that is very different from that of the wise ape.

Faith in the Conferred Gods way.

"Grass all beings, collect beliefs!"

"Steal authority, God will destroy!!"

"I, Uranus, created a road to immortality."

Uranus danced excitedly, and then his spirit merged into the burning spiritual fire.


A wave of terror and surprise swept out, and the originally weak voices began to become more numerous, like hundreds of rivers entering the sea, gradually converging into a mighty voice of faith.





The vast sound of faith poured into the spiritual fire of Uranus crazily, as if it had been nourished, the spiritual fire of Uranus soared rapidly.

one meter.

five meters.

ten meters.

Twenty meters.

fifty meters....

At this time, Uranus turned into a fifty-meter-high spiritual giant under the blessing of the vast voice of faith.

"I can feel it.……"

"This is the power of faith. It is gathering crazily to form some kind of power..."

The fifty-meter-high spiritual giant opened a pair of breathtaking eyes, feeling excitedly the fire of own spirit.

At the core of the spiritual giant's body, there is a group of belief crystals as vast and lofty as clouds, which are slowly forming, and it seems to be both real and illusory, vaguely absent.


Uranus's consciousness was integrated into this belief crystal, and suddenly, he seemed to be transformed into the sky of this world, the absolute master.

However, at the moment Uranus transformed into the sky, Uranus' consciousness felt a vast, infinite and magnificent power.

This is the power of the world itself.

In front of this vast and omnipresent force, Uranus is like an ant, small and small like dust.

"This is the power of the Creation God!"

"And I am stealing his power right now!"

A realization appeared in Uranus' mind, he was very excited, and he trembled because he was a thief.

And because he is stealing the power of the creation god, he is ecstatic.


Uranus's consciousness has been separated from his own spiritual world, and in his eyes, a group of condensed spiritual fires are burning blazingly.

A divine radiance grew in Uranus' body, faint but vast.

"Grass all beings!"

"Collect Faith!"

Uranus finally realized his future path, his eyes shone like ambition, and he strode towards the Immortal Hall with great strides.

On this day, Uranus, the sky knight, entered the Immortal Hall with a great victory.

"I, Uranus, the sky knight under my throne."

"Congratulations to my king!"

Uranus prostrated on the huge throne of bones, his tone was pious, and his voice shook the sky.

"Uranus, the sky knight, is temporarily in charge of the Ape Clan on behalf of Fan!"

A lonely and arrogant voice resounded throughout the Sumerian royal city.

"It's my king's voice!"

"My king Yongyao, my king Yonghui!"


After hearing the voice of the solitary king, countless wise apes roared and shook for a moment, and directly prostrated themselves on the ground to worship.

Countless Hui Yuan burst into tears with excitement, because after three years, they finally heard the voice of my king.

Countless wise apes spontaneously poured into the magnificent Immortal Hall, kneeling before the huge throne of bones.

"When will my king return?"

A Hui Yuan cried bitterly, was very excited, and asked a little presumptuously.

"I don't know when I will return."

"The place where I am is the residence of the Creator God."

The lonely and arrogant voice resounded throughout the Sumerian royal city again. This time, all the wise apes boiled instantly.

"The residence of the Creation God!"

"Could it be that my king has become a god?"

"Before, my king said that Uranus, the sky knight, should temporarily manage the wise apes."

Countless wise apes worshiped the huge throne of bones, but they didn't notice it at all. Uranus, who was crawling in front of the throne of bones, was pale at this time.

"The consumption of spiritual fire is more than I imagined."

Uranus smiled wryly. The previous solitary voice was only simulated by Uranus using part of the strange ability of the spiritual fire.

However, it is so difficult to imitate the arrogant voice of the Sumerian king. Even if Uranus ignites the fire of the spirit, the consumption still makes Uranus break out in cold sweat.

"As expected of my king who is like a god.

Uranus couldn't help admiring, and then stood up from the ground.

His purpose has been achieved.

He has embarked on the path of herding all living beings and collecting the beliefs of all living beings.

"I, Lord of the Sky, Ouranos!"

"By the order of my king, I will take care of the ape clan.

The three-meter-high body of Uranus sat on the huge throne of bones.


A terrifying power swept out from Uranus, covering the entire Immortal Hall.

"The Master of the Sky!"

"Master Uranus 820 will always shine!"

Countless wise apes worshiped Uranus with a pious and solemn tone, but Uranus' face was a little gloomy.

Uranus did not feel the power of faith from these wise apes.

What they bowed down to was the Throne of Bones.

What they worshiped was the king of Sumer.

"However, it is finally the first step."

On the high throne of bones of Uranus, the huge throne of bones makes Uranus look extremely small.

However, Uranus didn't care.

From the very beginning, he did not intend to replace the Sumerian king, but intended to cultivate lambs and herd all living beings through everyone's belief in the Sumerian king.

"Belief in the Conferred Gods begins with me."

There was a deep smile on Uranus's face, and he looked at the wise apes below from above, as if he was looking at a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

"This guy Uranus is really a hero."

"And, good at taking advantage of the situation!"

In front of the Throne of Skeletons, Luo Hao looked at Uranus, whose divine radiance was looming, and couldn't help admiring.

"However, faith in the Conferred Gods...."

"There are still many shortcomings!"

Shaking his head slightly, Uranus put the cart before the horse and started the road of believing in the Conferred Gods.

Compared with the Eternal Titan Road, this road has advantages and disadvantages.

First of all, if you want to embark on this path, you need a huge amount of faith.

Only by collecting a huge amount of faith can one ignite one's own spiritual fire.

The advantage is that huge beliefs will make one's own spiritual fire grow rapidly.

The disadvantage is that the fire of the spirit is mixed and imprecise, condensed and unreal, and it needs to devour beliefs to keep it alive. Once the belief disappears, the fire of the spirit will be extinguished.

The so-called success also has faith, and failure also has faith.

One drink and one peck is all Karma.

"However, if Uranus can really succeed..."

"Then, this era will jump from the Transcendent era to the Gods era."

Luo Hao glanced at Uranus, and then directly opened the high-dimensional insight. Everything in front of him was developing rapidly as if the time accelerator had been turned on.

PS: The first update will be delivered, first order on the shelves, first order on the shelves, first order on the shelves, important things will be said three times, readers and grandfathers, please subscribe more, give more rewards, thank you for raving!!!.

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