Travel Through The Creation Sand Table And Start The Ancient Body!

Chapter 79 The Sky Falls, The Earth Collapses

Sumer 39 years.

Sumerian city.

In the majestic, luxurious and majestic Immortal Palace, an eternal, god-like existence is looking up at the sky above.

Just sitting there, its majestic figure has surpassed the dome of the Immortal Hall.

A lone king's air swept out from his body.

This domineering and invincible existence is the king of Sumer.


At this time, Gilgamesh had a majestic and huge body, sitting high on the throne of bones.

Although the Temple of Immortal is majestic and majestic, the dome is open, because Gilgamesh doesn't like the feeling of being bound.

"The sky is falling."

Gilgamesh looked up at the sky, his eyes shining with endless wisdom.

It only took two years... This world is surprisingly small.

Gilgamesh let out a sigh. Gilgamesh was not surprised that the sky fell.

Because this itself is Gilgamesh's plan.

As a supreme king, he has conquered the whole world, but this did not satisfy Gilgamesh.

On the contrary, after conquering the world, it is accompanied by endless doubts.

Where did the ape come from.

Where is the end of the world.

Where is the vast giant giant?

Why is the scorching sun in the sky never extinguished.

Why is the ground barren "Two Forty Zero".

Where does the blood of power come from...

Endless doubts, endless questions.

The closer to the apex of the world, the more confused Gilgamesh is, and what doubts bring is an alternative desire to conquer.

Yes, Gilgamesh is ready to explore, to conquer his own doubts.

The plan to excavate the world itself is Gilgamesh's torture of this world.

The supreme king issued his own torture to this world: Is there a world outside the world?

And the world has responded...

it is falling!!


In the extreme west of the world, the earth collapsed at this time, and the world film poured down like a light curtain, and the terrifying energy surged wildly.




The solid ground under his feet collapsed crazily at this time, revealing the underground world Tiphous below.

"It's Typhon!"

"It turns out that there is actually a world under our feet?"

After the earth collapsed, countless wise apes saw a corner of the underground world for the first time, and were stunned for a moment, extremely shocked.

Afterwards, countless wise apes uttered miserable screams, falling into the underground world like dumplings, falling from the dome, and then being divided and eaten by the infinite Tifeng below.


The earth is collapsing, and the sky is now tilting towards the extreme west of the world.

Originally eternal and eternal, the eternally shining sun that radiated light and heat began to shake above the sky.


The scorching sun was lowered by one point, and the terrifying light and heat layered on top of each other, falling down in a mighty way.

Countless skeleton buildings were ignited by the scorching sun in an instant.

The lakes and rivers above the earth evaporate in an instant.

The scorching sun that originally brought light and hope to the wise apes began to bring destruction.

The flames began to burn blazingly.

Countless buildings ignited terrible flames, forests, mountains, rivers, mountains...

Everything is lit by the scorching sun.

The originally peaceful world ushered in a devastating disaster in an instant, and millions of wise apes died in an instant.


The land of the Far West is still collapsing crazily, and the end of the world is falling, becoming bleak.

"The world, that is a vast and boundless world..."

When the wise ape was on the verge of death, he saw beyond the end of the world, where there was originally darkness and nothingness.

But at this time, there was a scene that made this Huiyuan crazy.

It was a vast, infinite, and indescribably magnificent world...

As far as the eyes can see, it is a vast world that is unimaginable and cannot be described in any language.

Compared with the vast world outside, the world where Hui Yuan lives is like a drop in the ocean, small as dust.

"Beyond the world is also the world!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

In front of the Temple of Immortal, the talented Sumerian king, Gilgamesh suddenly stood up, his eyes penetrated the space, and saw the end of the world that was falling.

Looking at the vast, indescribably vast and terrifying world outside, Gilgamesh let out a hearty laugh.

He finally found his own goal again, he wants to conquer the outside world.

That vast world is unimaginable.


The dome of the sky once again collapsed towards the land of the extreme west. At this time, the land of the extreme west was already empty. The endless sky fire fell from the dome of the sky, igniting the distant underground world.

Countless Typhon monsters were instantly turned into fly ash in the sky fire.

"Beyond the world, there is a world!"

"Typhon! Typhon!"

The remaining tens of thousands of Typhons roared insanely, and they witnessed history.

These Typhons, regardless of everything around them, rushed up to the Brilliant Stone Platform frantically, and then started to crawl towards the Brilliant World Light Film with all four hands together.

Boom, boom, boom!

The vast film of light flickered with the brilliance of glass from time to time, and a terrifying power burst out, devouring all Typhons.

chi chi chi․ ...

However, as if because of the fall of the sky, the light film of the world has become flickering, and the terrifying power is also intermittent.

Countless Typhons climbed onto the light film of the world, and then used their hands and feet together to bite the light film frantically.

Boom, boom, boom.

These typhons are like locusts, climbing and wandering crazily on the world's light film, looking for the weakness of the world's light film.

However, this vast film of light is too terrifying, no matter how hard the Typhons try, they still cannot affect it in the slightest.

With the passage of time, the earth on the ground, the land of the extreme west has completely collapsed and shattered, as if a piece of cake is missing a corner, which is extremely surprising.

In the entire land of the far west, 10 million wise apes, all of them stepped into death in the collapse of the earth.


The dome of the sky sank again, and the temperature of the entire above-ground world soared rapidly, rising twenty degrees in an instant.

The extremely high temperature made countless hui apes suffer unspeakably. They looked at the scene of annihilation of the world in despair, and knelt down powerlessly on the ground.

"My king, please"

"I beg you to save your people."

Countless wise apes rushed into the Immortal Hall, worshiped the supreme king, and begged bitterly.

"it's time."

Facing the entreaties of these people, Gilgamesh stood up, stepped out, and disappeared into the Immortal Hall.

The far west of the world.

The earth had long since collapsed, however, at this moment, a lone figure wearing a skeleton battle armor and a skeleton crown was approaching from the sky.

The air seems to have surrendered to this solitary existence, and spontaneously gathered into a ladder to climb Heavenly Rank.

Gilgamesh, stepping forward.

"Beyond the world, there is a world!"

Gilgamesh just stood there in emptiness, staring at the light film of the world in front of him with contemptuous eyes.

This is the second time Gilgamesh has stood in front of the World Light Film.

The first time, Gilgamesh was disappointed.

But this time, Gilgamesh saw a brand new disappointment on top of the world's film of light.

Gilgamesh casually pulled out the King's Sword from his waist, as if feeling Gilgamesh's heart, this King's Sword burst out with bright golden light 0..


A terrifying breath erupted from the king's sword, and just the breath easily tore apart the space and cut the air in front of him.

"My sword..."

"It can open the world!"

Gilgamesh looked at the light film of the world that was flickering in front of him, and then swung his sword.


The color of the sky and the earth changed, and even the scorching sun that was sinking in the sky could not stop the light of this sword.

The radiant brilliance illuminates the whole world, as if the power of a god bursts out, like a nuclear bomb explodes.

A terrifying energy spread out, and the aftermath alone divided the mountain peaks into two neatly.

The power of a sword.

The world changes color.


Huge energy crazily impacted on the world's light film, and the entire light film suddenly burst into brilliant glazed brilliance.

However, after only resisting it for a moment, the world's film of light instantly dimmed, and then a vast crack was cut open by a sword.

It was as if the void had been cut open, revealing the vast world outside.


The world's light film completely dimmed, losing its proper color.

In the underground world, the Typhons who were frantically biting the world's light film suddenly felt that the world's light film in front of them had become extremely fragile.


A Typhon opened its huge mouth full of fangs, tearing a hole in the light film of the world in front of it with one bite.


This Typhon crazily bit out a hole that could hold him, and then used all four hands to quickly get out of the hole.

"The vast world..."

"A world of horror..."

Typhon, who just got out of the world's light film, crouched on top of the world's light film, a pair of crimson pupils constantly scanning the vast and boundless world in front of him.


Just when this Typhon was so shocked by everything in front of him, a violent hurricane instantly submerged this Typhon.


In Typhon's eyes, the hurricane in front of him was like a world-destructive storm. The incomparable power made Typhon close his eyes in despair.

Typhon's body was smashed into pieces in an instant, turned into a blood mist and sprayed on the world light film.

Chi chi chi.

However, although this Typhon was Death, the other Typhons also tore holes one after another, and then swarmed out of 5.0.


Outside the world, in an instant, it was covered with typhons, and these typhons climbed crazily on the world's light film, biting the world's light film under their feet full of holes.

Afterwards, tens of thousands of Typhons began to quickly move towards the top of the sky, leaving a devastated film of light in the world wherever they passed.

[Warning, warning, there are sand table creatures breaking through the sand table world limit and entering the real world!】

[Warning, warning, there are sand table creatures breaking through the sand table world limit and entering the real world!】

[Warning, warning, there are sand table creatures breaking through the sand table world limit and entering the real world!】

Lincheng and the countryside.

Lin Tian, ​​who had obtained the anti-electricity characteristic, heard the warning sound of the creation sand table just as he went out.

Then Lin Tian stared dumbfounded at the own sand table world, looking at Tifeng who was climbing rapidly on the plastic film like a bug, Lin Kai was stunned.

"I f*ck, these typhons are so insane that they bit my plastic film full of holes?"

"Also, these Typhons..."


"It's okay, why don't you just stay in the sand table world and do something?"

Lin Tian was stunned, looking at Tifeng crawling on the plastic film, his scalp felt numb.

PS: The third update is here, first order is on the shelf, first order is on the shelf, first order is on the shelf, important things are said three times, readers and grandpas are asked to subscribe more, give more rewards, thank you for raving!!!.

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