Travel Through The Creation Sand Table And Start The Ancient Body!

Chapter 76: Invasion Of The Aboveground World, The Terrible Disaster Of Typhon

Sumer 38 years.

The Typhon clan, who disappeared without a trace, dug underground, and it took a year to create an underground world that surpassed Typhons.

The underground world, established by Tiphous.

【Sumerian Mythology · Alien Paradise · Tiphous Chapter:

The leader of the Typhon family began to dig under the earth in Sumer in early 37th. It took a year and sacrificed the lives of countless different species and Typhon, and finally created an underground world that surpassed Tiphons, named Tiphon. Phous.

This is the paradise of alien species, the dwelling place of Tigui demons. 】

Sumer early 38.

The Typhon demons exploded, and the Typhon family, which had only 2,000, expanded to a giant of 30,000.

Every Typhon monster is huge in size, there are tens of thousands of Typhon monsters, and the barren underground world cannot satisfy the appetite of tens of thousands of monsters.

The barren underground world cannot support the food consumption of such a huge Typhon demon.

In the beginning, Typhon demons could endure hunger, and the tremendous vitality in their bodies prevented them from dying even if they did not eat or drink for seven days.

But as time went by, more and more alien species transformed into Typhon demons, and the situation intensified.

Sumer March 38.

A hungry Typhon couldn't stand the hunger, so he caught a strange species in a frenzy and ate it.


Because of this Typhon's actions, the entire Typhon family boiled in an instant, and the originally suppressed rationality was swallowed up by the terrifying hunger.

Originally, there were only more than 200,000 alien species, and there were heavy casualties in an instant. The entire underground world was stained red with blood.

April 38, Sumer.

In just one month, the number of alien species has dropped to 150,000, and 50,000 alien species have been devoured by these hungry Typhon monsters.

However, the Typhon demon who devoured the 50,000 different species was not satisfied, but felt more and more hungry.

Moreover, because of devouring the alien species, the Typhon demon discovered that own was devouring the alien species' Talent.

The Typhon demon became even more terrifying and grotesque.

Originally, only the head, or the body was mutated, and the other parts still retained the form of the wise ape.

But after devouring the aliens and absorbing the talents of the aliens, their bodies began to become more inhuman.

These Tifeng monsters could no longer maintain the body of the Hui ape, and became deformed and terrifying.

Their size skyrocketed again, as if inflated, reaching the size of three rices.

Because of the growth in size, their reason and wisdom were overwhelmed by more raging hunger.

Hoo, hoo, hoo.

In the dark underground world, bursts of violent and frenzied howls sounded, and huge monsters rushed past the ground.

Facing the crazy Typhon monsters, the remaining 150,000 alien species are in danger. In order to get rid of the fate of becoming food, they dig gold coins even more frantically.

Sumer 38 May.

Typhon demons have reached an astonishing one hundred thousand people, while the number of alien species is only 50 thousand.

Hundreds of thousands of ferocious demons are raging wildly in the dark underground world, they are hungry, and they have no reason.

"My name is Blood Food, the huge taste of Blood Food...`||."

"The upper world, I want to reach the upper world..."

A terrifying Typhon with the body of a bull, the head of a dog, the feet of a leopard, and the tail of a fish shook its nose, and then frantically ran towards the nearest pillar of the world.

"The upper world, the upper world has a lot of blood food."

Thousands of layers of energy were aroused for a moment, and in the darkness, countless pairs of Crimson's pupils opened, like searchlight eyes, reflecting the dark underground world into a blood red.


One hundred thousand tiphons began to swarm into the pillars of the world like a tide.

Their muscular arms crazily dug out huge potholes one after another, then drilled into the world passage, and crazily climbed upwards.

"Blood food! Blood food!"

One hundred thousand tiphons are powerful, and their terrifying power makes them walk on the ground in the world passage.

The passages in the entire world are densely packed, layer upon layer, all of which are Tifeng.

You can't see the end at a glance.




Sumer 38 June.

One hundred thousand tiphons spewed out of the world passages like terrifying waves and torrents.

"Blood eats, and eats the huge to infinite.

A Typhon demon spewed out from the world passage, and came to the ground world, Typhons.

On the bustling streets, thousands of wise apes stared in horror at the huge demon that blocked the scorching sun in front of them.


The Tifeng demon screamed, and then rushed directly into the center of the crowd, opened its bloody mouth, and crazily devoured the Hui ape.

For a time, blood flowed like a river.

The entire street turned into a bloody purgatory.


"It's's Typhon the demon

"My king, save your people..."

Countless wise apes were crying and howling crazily, and behind them, terrifying and ferocious demons started massacring crazily.

The world passages connecting the ground and the underground are all over the entire Tifornes, and these wise apes have nowhere to escape.

Compared with the Typhon demon two years ago, Typhon at this time is undoubtedly more terrifying, bloody and cruel.

Hungry, they crazily bit and devoured all visible apes.

It was a disaster.

The real scourge of Typhon.

In just seven days, the population of Huiyuan has dropped from 30 million to 29 million.

Yes, in just seven days, one hundred thousand typhons have already slaughtered millions of wise apes.

The entire Tifornes has turned into a real purgatory.

After seven days, the Typhon demon suddenly disappeared as if it had appeared suddenly, leaving only scars on the earth.

Even until the Tifeng demon disappeared, these Hui apes hadn't reacted yet [and even didn't understand what happened.

Sumer July 38.

The underground world, after returning from the above-ground world, a vocabulary appeared in the minds of all Typhons.

Floor dining table.

They took the above-ground world, Tifornes, as their own dining table, and began to plan the next invasion.

After devouring a large number of wise apes, these Typhon monsters became more terrifying, and even some Typhon's Talents began to change from quantitative to qualitative.


When the first fish-headed Typhon spit out a water arrow, the entire underground world boiled again.

Even the leader Typhon who lived at the top of the sky was alarmed.

this day.

In the underground world, a boundless storm suddenly blew up. In the storm, the handles of the ten statues exuding some kind of divinity fell from the sky.

"Typhon! Typhon!"

The originally ferocious and tyrannical demons all prostrated themselves on the ground the moment they saw this figure, and began to worship enthusiastically.

This is their leader.

Created the leader of the Typhon clan.

Snake Demon Typhon.

"This is really a special kind of Talent, quantitative change leads to qualitative change..."

"This is a characteristic unique to the Typhon family, Transcendent Talent...."

"I call it the power of demons."

The snake demon Tifeng looked excitedly at the demon that released the water arrow, and couldn't help but praise it.

The power of demons.

Transcendent characteristics that are upgraded by the alien energy in the body after the monster devours a large amount of blood food.

"Invasion of the Overworld..."

"I want more monsters to awaken their power."

"My countrymen, go and plunder, plunder people, plunder finances, plunder everything..."

When the snake demon Tifeng left, he said so.


The entire underground world once again emitted a dazzling blood-red light, and countless Typhons were gearing up to attack the above-ground world.

Sumer August 38.

The Typhoon demon began to climb the world passage again, and through the world passage, began to invade the ground world for the second time, Tiphons.

It was still seven days, but this time, the apes directly lost 5 million people.

Countless hui apes began to cry in grief, and the sound shook the sky.

After devouring millions of people, the Typhon demon returned to the underground world with the remaining 4 million people.

Sumer, September 38.

In the underground world, the 4 million people plundered by Typhon monsters began to thrive in the dark world of darkness.

Because of the lack of the scorching sun, their eyes lost their function, and they struggled in the dark, becoming lambs to be slaughtered.

In order to survive, these wise apes had to rely on the original 50,000 alien species in the underground world.

Sumerian October 38.

The third Typhon Disaster broke out, and the City Lord's Mansion, which had been silent for two years, suddenly opened its gates.

The only remaining two sons of Transcendent led the Black Hawk Knights to fight against the demons.

Koos and Auguston, the sons of Transcendent, rushed into the group of Typhon demons with devastating power, fought for seven days and seven nights, and killed hundreds of Typhon demons.

Seven days later, the Typhon demon receded like a tide. This time, because of the resistance of the son of Transcendent, the Typhon demon only devoured and plundered 4 million people.

The Scourge of Typhon!

All the wise apes who survived called Typhon's invasion the Typhon disaster.

Wherever it passes, there is no grass growing like a disaster.

The population of Huiyuan (Li Dezhao) dropped sharply to 20 million, while in the underground world, the population of Douyuan increased to 8 million.

And the first batch of plundered apes lived in the dark world for a month, and began to give birth to life again.

Sumer November 38.

In the dark world, Tiphous ushered in the first population explosion, and millions of wise apes began to give birth.

It seems to be the loss of the scorching sun, or the dark environment, or the combination with a different species.

Ninety percent of the babies born by these wise apes are of different species.

The number of heterogeneous species ushered in a big explosion.

In an instant, it reached millions.

*`w Typhon! Typhon!"

In the new world, newborn aliens born in the dark underground world are also born with knowledge. Immediately after they were born, they shouted Tifeng and bowed to the sky to worship Yu.

These heterogeneous talents are extremely talented, and they grow extremely fast in the dark underground world.

It seems that the dark world was born for these alien species.

In just 10 days, these xenomorphs have grown to adulthood.

In a month's time, all the heterogeneous species have grown into adults.

And the huge population base of the alien species caused the number of the Typhon clan to explode like a blowout.

Tifeng has reached a giant of 400,000.

PS: The fourth update will be delivered, the tenth update will start, the first order will be placed on the shelf, the first order will be placed on the shelf, the first order will be placed on the shelf, important things will be said three times, and readers and grandfathers are requested to subscribe more, give more rewards, thank you for your words !!!.

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