Travel Through The Creation Sand Table And Start The Ancient Body!

Chapter 71 The Road Of Titans, The Road Of Eternity

The Underworld, Tifauns.

Not far from the battlefield, an ordinary-looking 2.5-meter-tall Hui ape was sitting on a branch calmly.

"Cronus, you really gave me a surprise."

"Sure enough, in the sand table world, the most indispensable thing is a genius who shines through the ages."

There was a smile on Luo Hao's face, and he sat casually on the weak branch, but he was as motionless as a mountain.


"This is the ultimate characteristic of water bears."

There was a smile on Luo Hao's face, and the fire of spirit instantly melted into the depths of his own genes.


In the vast inner world, in front of Luo Hao, a mysterious double-helix gene chain structure is slowly rotating.

One of the gene chains exudes a golden color, like golden glaze.

This is Luo Hao's first gene, the Magu gene.

Returned to Origin has been reached.

The other one is gray and looks a little dull.

This is the second gene, the water bear gene, produced by Luo Hao after merging into the blood of strength.

This is a very pure gene chain, there are no miscellaneous other biological genes, and some are only the genes of tardigrades.

Although Luo Hao smelted the peerless Desolate Ancient Sacred Body, its power is already as powerful as a god.

He even cultivated the master of wisdom ape, ignited the divine fire, embarked on a path to steal the authority of the creation sand table, and stepped on the ladder of becoming a god.

However, the development of the second gene has been stagnant.

To be exact, Luo Hao just borrowed the Transcendent characteristics of the second gene, and didn't carefully understand and develop the second gene at all.

But now there is no need for Luo Hao to develop it.

Cronus developed a brand new Transcendent path for Luo Hao, and now Luo Hao only needs to steal the Transcendent achievements of Cronus.

It's also like Luo Hao once stole the Transcendent fruit of Alos, the master of the wise ape.


Luo Hao's consciousness lightly touched the second gene, and then easily found the adaptive gene hidden in the second gene.

With Luo Hao's terrifying insight, Cronus's flesh and blood, genes are like a magnificent and beautiful painting of flesh and blood, which are displayed in front of the wearer in a straightforward manner.

Luo Hao now only needs to draw a scoop according to Calabash, and that's it.


As Luo Hao lit up the adaptability of the second gene, the whole gene roared and vibrated.

Just like a sleeping dragon waking up, like the sound of opening up the world, a special Talent appeared in Luo Hao's body.

Adaptive Talent.


Luo Hao's body began to flow rapidly like running water, and the cells in his body were undergoing earth-shattering changes.

Luo Hao's cells are adapting to this body.

The terrifying body brought by the Desolate Ancient Sacred Body contains extremely terrifying energy.

Especially Luo Hao is still frantically compressing the cell volume, so that the cells contain a large number of energy regions.

The terrifying power brought about a crazy growth in size.

In order to limit the size of own body, Luo Hao no longer compresses the volume of own cells and body size all the time.

Just like carrying a weight, if you are not careful, your own body will grow again.

However, after Luo Hao's cells evolved adaptive properties.

Luo Hao's cells renew iteratively at an astonishing speed, crazily adapting to the terrifying mountain-like pressure brought by the huge life energy.


The flesh and blood of Luo Hao's body flowed like running water, but the cells in his body were undergoing earth-shaking changes.

The volume of cells that originally required Luo Hao to expend a lot of energy to restrain, now does not need to expend energy at all.

Luo Hao's cells were frantically adapting to this pressure at an incredible speed.

Cells become extremely powerful, able to perfectly contain and carry the huge energy in cells.

The strength of the cells made all the pressure on Luo Hao disappear. Even under the body size of 2.5 meters, he can still perfectly display his own terrifying power.

Between every move, there is no longer the sense of shackles that once existed.

And this is just the beginning of adaptation.

The cells in Luo Hao's body suddenly trembled, and then all kinds of Talents appeared in the cells.

Cronus' terrifying resilience.

The power, speed, talent of Typhon demon.

As long as the abilities adapted by the cells in Cronus' body are perfectly expressed by Luo Hao in own.

The second gene Talent adaptability activated by Luo Hao itself is based on Cronus as a template.

Therefore, the Talent adapted in the Cronus cells became Luo Hao's possession.

For others, Luo Hao is not interested.

What Luo Hao is really interested in is that after Cronus adapts, it produces a certain kind of upgraded terrifying resilience.

Pure resilience cannot make Cronus revive even if he is turned into a fleshy paste.

Obviously, after Kronos adapted to the terrifying resilience of the Typhon demon, he activated the second gene in his body, a certain undead characteristic of the tardigrade, thus upgraded to what he is now.

Luo Hao knows very well how terrifying the tardigrades on earth are.

These are undead creatures in the real world. Unless they die of old age, there are few things that can really kill them.

And Kronos obviously accidentally activated a trace of immortality.

"Adapt and change, plus immortality`~!"

"Cronus, without a doubt, has embarked on an eternal road that is as ancient as it is today."

Luo Hao looked at Cronus in the distance, and praised him generously.


On the battlefield, Cronus heard the terrified murmur of the Sphinx, and couldn't help being stunned.

"Adapt to everything, transcend everything!"

"The name of the Titan belongs to me!"

Cronus was very satisfied with what the Sphinx said was a Titan, and turned on the adaptive Cronus, a well-deserved Titan.

"From now on, I am a Titan!"

"Titan, adapt to everything, achieve eternity!"

Cronus had a solemn expression, and his whole body suddenly burst into a glaze-like brilliance.

The whole body is crystal clear, looks pure and flawless, an indescribable Sacred.

While speaking, Kronos' body spontaneously melted all the energy in Kronos' body together adaptively.


A terrifying breath was released from Kronos' body, layer upon layer, sweeping in all directions.


As if the entire sky was crushed down, the terrifying pressure made the clouds in the sky start to fluctuate.

Glass without scale body, constant titan body.

Just standing here, Cronus was crushed by an invincible force, as if the undefeated God of War, eternal and immortal.

"Eternal Titan!"

The body's spontaneous adaptation made Kronos laugh heartily.

Once upon a time, I racked my brains in order to achieve Transcendent.

But now, even if Cronus doesn't do anything, his body is slowly adapting.

It is a radiant path beyond the eternal path of the Transcendent knights.

Adapt, then evolve!

#I have already stood on the eternal road. "

Kronos laughed heartily, his eyes were closed tightly, the flesh and blood rolled on his back, and a pair of wings spread out quickly.


Cronus spread his wings, like a cloud hanging from the sky, fluttering his wings and flying high, and in an instant, he had already entered the high sky.


Kronos soared upwards, and the surrounding air was layered, setting off an endless gust of wind.

[Sumerian Mythology Eternal Titans:

In the 36th year of Sumer, Cronus, the son of Uranus, and the Typhon demon Sphinx fought a decisive battle in the Kaxi Mountains. , Cronus resurrected from the flesh and blood, opened a new path.

Way of the Titans!

The cells of Cronus can adapt to everything and make corresponding changes according to changes in the environment.

This is destined to be a road to eternity, Kronos called it: Eternal Titan!]

Eternal Titan Cronus, born!

[Transcendent gene detected: Eternal Titan, whether to transplant. 】

In the countryside of Lincheng, Lin Tian stared at Kronos with his eyes wide open, his eyes filled with amazement and excitement.

"It's really great, the body of an eternal titan that can adapt to everything..."

"Will it be able to adapt to the cancer cells in my body?"

Lin Tian's eyes were fiery at this time, and he seemed to see the hope of overcoming cancer.


Taking a deep breath, (good Zhao) Lin Tian directly transplanted Kronos's Transcendent gene.

Lin Tian's body, musculoskeletal changes began to undergo earth-shaking changes, and countless muscles trembled and rolled crazily.

"Is Lin Tian also stealing Cronus's Transcendent fruit?"

"Lin Tian, ​​it's not far from Transcendent."

Luo Hao's gaze pierced through the limit of the sand table world, and saw Lin Tian, ​​the owner of the creation sand table with an excited and fanatical expression.

Luo Hao knew that Lin Tian would definitely engrave on himself the road of eternal titans created by Kronos.

Compared with the many restrictions imposed by Hui Yuan, the road to Eternal Titan is undoubtedly more suitable for Lin Tian's growth.

Especially, under the modern environment, Lin Tian's road to eternal titan will become easier to pass.


Lin Tian only felt that Own's body roared and shook as if it had broken through some kind of shackles.

For the first time, he heard the deafening sound of the torrent of life.

Also for the first time, in a real sense, began to transcend human beings.

"I will be the first Transcendent creature in the real world."

Lin Tian murmured secretly, then opened his eyes, and a dazzling light burst out from them.

PS: The third update will be delivered, and the tenth update will start, and the first order will be placed on the shelf. !!!.

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