"Dear Mom and Dad ~~

Guys ~ how are you ~~

I was pretty good in ancient times ~ just a little bit ~ homesick ... "

"Eh-!" My tea was completely reimbursed on Xiao Er's face!


************************************************** *******************

A table of people stopped and looked at me in shock.

Xiao Er's poor face wiped his face and laughed: "The spray is good! The spray is wonderful! The spray is so cool ..." = _ = ##

My hand was in the position of holding a tea cup, and my brain was blank for five minutes ... "Pop!" I jumped up! (Because there is only one foot)

The hall that was originally quietly listening to the song was all looking at this side because of the sound. The singer also stopped and turned to this side.

I took a deep breath and yelled:

"Favorite water ~~~ Always the Yellow River ~~~~

Give us a sun to melt that snow ~~~~

Favorite dish ~~~ That is the tofu with tofu ~~~~

One in two, one innocent, one innocent, and no adulteration ~~~~ "

The "pipa" in his hand fell off ... Slowly, he stood up and looked at me dumbly ... For a long time, he suddenly said:

"Favorite shoes ~~~ It's the mother's millennial ~~~~

Stand firm and go straight to the world ~~~~~ "

He came to me step by step ...

"Favorite words ~~~ Always Chinese ~~~~

The words are straightforward and the words speak loudly ~~~~ "

I hopped towards him ... = _ = ##

"Favorite writing ~~~ It's a box word taught by Mr. ~~~~

Hengping is upright and upright like a man ~~~~~ "

I looked at him with affection ...

He looked at me affectionately ...

The Cowherd and Weaver Girl is at Yanqiao, and the white lady Xu Xian meets the bird ~~~~~

Our heart slowly speaks in unison:

"My favorite thing to do is to repay our mother ~~~~

Traveling across the world without changing my heart will always love China ~~~~~

Aspiring Chinese baby ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "

(Author: What is the heart have, obviously because the lyrics are the same ......

Minmin: Let's go! Don't we create an atmosphere? !! )

Arrogant short hair dyed in gold, contours of the facial features between Easterners and Westerners, blue eyes, a row of studs on the ears are slouchy and neat, a tall body of about 1.9 meters, a temperament of sunshine, a bright smile , Biracial-all in all, handsome guy!

"Zhao Minmin, worn on November 14, 2005. A year and a half."

"England Premier League, worn on May 1, 2010. Half a year."

"England Premier League? I'm still Manchester United ~"

"Hahaha ~~ NO ~ NO ~ NO ~ I support Inter ~~ How about you?"

"That must be Juventus ~~"



"Same ~~~ Chi ~~~~~~~~~~ Let me find the bird ~~~~~~~~" Tears burst into tears!

Minmin gathered in the Premier League and cried down a drunk fairy house;

Minmin Premier League dimer head, the Yangtze River and the Yellow River flow back;

Minmin Premier League triple head, Comet Halley hit the earth ...

The big fox, King Luo, played all the people and played a fierce role as the queen mother and mother and Fa Hai forcibly separated me from the Premier League! Then he started to brighten the guy ... if it wasn't for me crying, making trouble, hanging three, my majesty, "Who dares to touch a single hair of the Premier League, I will show it to him!" Was it to keep my revolutionary colleagues ... Leave the mess When I was in the drunk fairy house, I and the Premier League already said that my brother and my brother were inseparable, and Xiao Chaochao decided to go with me without hesitation for almost half a second ... "Just kidding, how can I rest assured that you are a girl running around!" The big hand rubbed my hair and rubbed my shoulder affectionately. The younger me immediately fell down under this elder brother's full declaration! The big fox's eyes were cold, and the knife passed out of the sheath ~~ It was a mess again ...




Premier League

21-year-old Sino-Russian mixed child lives in Harbin

Second-year Chinese medicine major (I'm also surprised ...) Gifted students (I'm also surprised ...)

Soccer Captain Band Guitarist and Leader

Still the innocent man of bachelor

Reason for crossing:

On May 1st, I went to Beijing's classmates' school to play. At night, I went to the rooftop adventure where a person disappeared five years ago. The moment I opened the incinerator, I wore it.

Through life:

This kid is much worse than me. I did n’t know what was wrong during the crossing. My bones were misplaced and my veins were broken. I was picked up by the sacred doctor Babao. ...

After worshiping Eight Treasures as a teacher, he devoted himself to studying ancient medical classics and exerted his professional expertise.

A while ago, I found that selling songs was more profitable than selling drugs, so I started to lose my job ...

When King Luo's **** heard that Xiao Chaochao was a close apprentice to the killing divine doctor, he immediately turned to welcome Premier League colleagues! Last night, our party went to Yaodu, a suburban killing doctor, and said goodbye to Xiao Chaochao's master ...

"Kill ... the killer?"

Everyone was stunned and looked at the pink and tender little baby up to thirteen years old!

"Aren't all the doctors old men?" I turned to the Premier League.

"He is an old man, or an old monster ... Ah!" Xiaochao screamed backwards, "You immortal you pierce Lao Tzu ?!"

"It's okay, as long as you stop speaking for three hours from now on, you won't bleed to death after five viscera fester, seven tricks ~" Babao said with a smile.

Everyone is cold ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"You're Minmin?" Babao turned around and looked up and down, "It's like Mingjing said, it's interesting and tight ~" Stopped, he suddenly came over with a smile, "Guess, I have How old is it? "


"Guess right, I'll let Chaoer go with you ~ Guess wrong, I'll kill you ~"

The atmosphere in the room was suddenly tense!

The big fox and King Luo all looked at me with a breath of breath, and stood beside me without any traces.

The Premier League who couldn't speak desperately shook his head at me ...

"I don't guess," calmly smiled, "because, in fact, he doesn't have to follow. It doesn't matter." I don't have to follow him, he wants to follow him ~

"Ah ... ah?"

Everybody is stiff ~~~

Our miracle doctor, Eight Treasures, seems to have been hit hard. "No, nothing? Then ... how can that work? Isn't it threatening? I finally thought of such a powerful multiple choice question! No, no, you You have to think about it nervously! At least you guess it ~ Very good guess ~ At most I will give you some hints? Okay? "

People say: people will go back after a circle of life, and old people are no different from children. It really is like this ... this childish idiot is wayward eight treasures -_- ####

"Okay ~" Minmin smiled, "Why don't you guess how old I am ~ If you guess correctly, I will let you detoxify Xiaochaochao. If you guess wrong, you must detoxify Xiaochaochao, how?"

"Okay!" An idiot entangled in Minmin replied cheerfully.

In this way, one night, the horrific killing doctors on the rivers and lakes were persuaded by us, saying no one ...

When we left early the next morning, Babao called this reluctantly, dragged my skirt, and damaged the belt ... Finally, I stuffed a small purse in my arms, a nose and a tear It ’s said that if it ’s difficult in the future, take it apart and have a look ... with some of his old friend Mingjing Master! Did the old man of their time popularize this trick?

Until we walked to the entrance to the village, we could hear Babao's incomplete voice and often went home to see ...

"Did you teach him to sing?" I gritted my teeth.

"Sorry, I was wrong ..." The Premier League silently ...

Singing out of tune is not your fault, deep inside singing out of tune is you wrong!

The crowd rushed away, covering their ears.

A lot of dead birds fell along the way along the way ...



The team continued to set off for Changle, sitting in the wobbly carriage, and I was staring at the scratches on my wrists, a little bit lost ...

The two teams diverged outside the gates of Yaodu:

"Originally your real name is Zhao Minmin," said the big fox, holding my wrist coldly before entering the car. "You never ... hmm!" As soon as his hand closed, a sting came from his wrist!

"It hurts! What are you doing?" Shake off his hand vigorously, I somehow rubbed my wrists and stared at him.

The big fox looked at me and said nothing, tossed me a small porcelain bottle for medicine, turned around, raised the curtain and got on the carriage.

He ... Wang Badan, what do you mean? !! !!

Tobecontinued ...

Carry my travel bag on my back, put on my peaked cap, and tie my handsome jacket coolly around the waist, Let'sgo! !! !! Depart for Nanjing Bird ~~~~~~~

Everyone has a good time to eat on May 1 ~~~ & gt; _ & lt;


The chapter that was hard to destroy was a bit scribbled ...

One chapter two days after May Day? ^ _ ^

I like crossing and anti-crossing. The first volume is for everyone to collect: (www.wuxiaspot.com) Crossing and anti-crossing. The first volume of literature updates the fastest.

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