Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 980: Displaying Tattoos

Maria is well known as a scumbag, and Google can find a lot of gossip articles, saying that her ruthless treatment of men is as cruel as He Lushen's treatment of his ex-girlfriends in the past.

For example, in the recent case of Maria's cheating and breaking up, Liu Man easily found relevant information on the Internet. It was said that during the relationship between Maria and a young Hollywood actor, she cheated on a football player, and the two men fought for her, causing a great quarrel. , same as the plot of the movie, but in the end Maria dumped both of them directly. Then she asked Liu Man to help her design a tattoo.

That Hollywood actor has been very popular in the past two years, his career is on the rise, and he has a strong flow, so this matter has been hyped and magnified. The online comment Maria said that she has a very poor character and is a promiscuous woman. Everyone sympathizes with the actor. How rare it is to cheat and be infatuated with the woman. At that time, Liu Man casually glanced at the actor's photo, but didn't remember his face, but vaguely remembered that his name was Richard.

After listening to the words of the ladies, she realized that this handsome guy was Maria's ex-Richard. Such a handsome man deserves to be a hot star in Hollywood, but Maria can dump it at will...Liu Man is not from the Appearance Association, I don't know the specific situation, so I won't deny it. The character was hooked, and she felt that Maria was not as bad as described on the Internet. Maybe she and Maria just knew each other and didn't know her well.

Richard got frustrated in front of Maria's friends, was humiliated by their words, was very embarrassed, and worried that they would ask the security to drive him out, turned around and left, and mixed in with the guests.

As soon as he left, the celebrities began to whisper, and they didn't care that Liu Man was still there, gossip about Maria.

Maria is asking for trouble this time, being entangled in two slugs that can't be shaken off. I seemed to see Tom Garden (football player) when I entered the field just now.

It's normal for him to come. The Garden family is okay in the west of the United States. To be honest, Maria chose him as a better family.

What's right? She's not married, she's just playing around. If I were her, I wouldn't want to easily step into the grave of marriage. Tch, why do these men take it seriously?

This sentence made the celebrities laugh tacitly. Liu Man found that Maria and her friends not only like tattoos, but also contempt for men. Presumably they also change boyfriends like changing clothes.

I don't understand. There's no need for Richard to be so obsessed with Maria. Although he doesn't come from a good background, he's already made a name for himself in Hollywood.

I guess he just doesn't want to be cheated on by a woman, a man's face, you know...

The celebrities gathered together, and the news was passed around, as if they forgot that there was someone who did not belong to their circle. Liu Man blinked her eyes and pricked up her ears, trying to understand their conversation, not wanting to miss a hint of the inside story. She felt that emotional disputes all over the world were similar, and women gossiped about the same thing.

At this moment, the music stopped, and the lights of the venue dimmed. The next moment, the stage ahead was lit up, and Maria appeared in the middle. Two beams of spotlights hit her, making her look like a goddess descending into the world. The clothes on her body changed from a red skirt to a green skirt, and a white cape was put on her shoulders. Obviously, during the time she disappeared, she went to the backstage to change clothes.

Maria in a green dress does not look like an overbearing queen. The fresh and elegant color suppresses the fierceness of her whole body, wrapping her elegant and moving curves. The white cloak blocks her flowery arms, and her blonde hair is braided into a complex French-style princess braids, dotted with crystals, with broken hair hanging down, and the skirts are full of wavy arcs when walking. At this time, she really looks like a family heir, confident, decent and beautiful. It's also no surprise that the two men got into a fight over her.

Everyone quieted down unanimously, and their eyes were cast on the most dazzling woman in the audience. With admiration, admiration, and envy, Maria lived out the best appearance of a woman.

Maria held the microphone and said to the audience, Welcome to my 25th birthday party. Yes, starting from today, I am 25 years old. Friends who know me know that ten years ago, when I was 15 years old I made a decision to turn my birthday party into an annual holiday carnival. Fortunately, my idea has come true and it has lasted for ten years. Thanks to most of the friends present, who have continued to support me for ten years , and thanks to the new friends who joined this year...

Maria's aura was enough to calm the audience the moment she spoke, even though her tone was relaxed and humorous, the guests in the audience laughed from time to time. Her birthday party can develop to today's scale, her strong family background and her personality charm, two elements are indispensable.

Every year like this, she will express her personal thoughts like this, just a few impromptu remarks, which will not take too long for everyone.

However, there are two parts worth looking forward to in her speech. First, anyone who knows her knows that she gets tattoos every year before her birthday and adds new patterns. She will disclose what she has tattooed at this time.

Second, is the birthday cake. Maria likes sweets and cares about cakes very much. Before her birthday every year, she will hire different cake makers from all over the world to make all kinds of strange cakes, and the amount of preparation is enough for every guest to eat a piece. One year her birthday cake theme was the Black Forest, and she really created a Black Forest on stage.

Today's stage layout is very ordinary, it seems that her focus this year is not on the cake.

Maria's opening speech ended in five minutes. She thanked again, turned around, and seemed to be ready to end. The guests applauded and wondered why the tattoo session was gone? Unexpectedly, Maria suddenly took off the cloak on her body.

The whole audience exclaimed,

The seemingly conservative green skirt turned out to be a completely vacuum design behind it. The entire back of the woman was exposed to the guests. Maria has a very good figure, light honey-colored skin, flat shoulders, slender waist, butterfly back, and slightly protruding shoulder blades. Black tattoos are so sexy!

Turns out Maria's new tattoo is on her back!

There are few willows blowing on the branches, and there is no fragrant grass anywhere in the world. The fourteen Chinese characters are completely and delicately engraved on both sides of her spine, and the flowing brushstrokes are a perfect calligraphy of the human body.

I just realized that words can be so beautiful, it's simply a work of art!

Although it takes up a relatively large area of ​​skin, I think this is Maria's best-looking tattoo.

Which country's text is this? Does it have any special meaning?

Looks like the same font as Jason Harmer's new tattoo.


The guests were discussing one after another. Some people had discovered that Maria's new tattoo was made by a princess of the Han Dynasty. They all looked at Liu Man. No wonder Maria invited her to the party.

Liu Man was stunned. She never expected that Maria would show off her tattoos in such a blatant and shocking way.

The second is more done~

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