The first class in the piano department is a group class—English 4.

On the first day of school after the winter vacation, everyone was out of shape. In class, sleeping, playing with mobile phones, chatting in a low voice, there are all kinds of things, but no one has a good class.

The English teacher was also absent-minded, following the script, just waiting for the task to be completed and leaving the get out of class quickly. While reading the text, she looked around the class boredly, and suddenly found that the most beautiful student in the class was not only listening to her lectures carefully, but also taking notes.

She has taught English classes in the piano department for three semesters, the fourth and last semester with English classes. She was very impressed with this student. She remembered that she was in class 3 of the piano department, and her name was Liu Man.

She knew Liu Man, first of all because the girl was beautiful, and more importantly because Liu Man failed the English test for three consecutive semesters.

The English test for instrumental music-related majors in their school is usually held in the middle and late stages of each semester. For the English test in the first and second semesters, Liu Man only passed the make-up test later. For the third time, Liu Man still failed, with a score of 59. Liu Man Call her, cry and beg yourself, be accommodating, pity her, and give her a point.

She was soft-hearted and couldn't hear the girl's cry, so she added it to 60 points and let Liu Man pass.

At this moment, seeing Liu Man concentrate on listening to the class, and the contrast with others, the English teacher is very pleased, thinking that this semester, Liu Man should not fail.

Wang Nina squinted at Liu Man's studying hard, and sneered in her heart. Did she think she was really a celebrity, and she was so pretentious that she was afraid of being lazy in class and being photographed online. It's just a small internet celebrity. After this period of time, let's see who still remembers her.

All in all, Wang Nina just looked at Liu Man more and more unpleasantly for no reason. No matter what Liu Man did, she felt that it was hypocritical.

Liu Mancai didn't care what others thought of herself. When she saw that Yu Zhan and Song Junzhe communicated in such fluent English, she made up her mind to learn this foreign language well.

This era is the era of world harmony, even if you can't speak English, what will you use to compete with others in the future? When she was a child, she especially liked to listen to Mrs. Xu's story about Zhang Qian's mission to the Western Regions and opening up the Silk Road. She envied Zhang Qian's ability to travel all over the world at that time, and she also wanted to go abroad and take a good look at this future world like him. , to see different customs.

After class, it was twelve o'clock at noon, and it was the first day of school. The students came out of the teaching building in a swarm, and all the cafeterias were overcrowded.

Liu Man can no longer go in and out of the school's public places as freely as before, because no matter where she goes, she is surrounded by people and photographed. The power of Internet celebrities should not be underestimated.

Originally, the cafeteria could not be crowded, but Liu Man was even more crowded within a few meters, and even Wang Nina and Li Xiaoru were crowded. Not to mention queuing up to eat, they couldn't even go to the place to get the meal.

Wang Nina suddenly said to Liu Man and Li Xiaoru, Xu Zihan just sent me a WeChat to ask me to go out to dinner, so I won't eat with you.

As mentioned above, Xu Zihan is also a student of the piano department, and he is not in the same class as Liu Man.

After speaking, Wang Nina didn't wait for the two of them to respond, she pushed the crowd away and left, with a hint of impatience in her expression.

Li Xiaoru looked puzzled, When did Nana get along so well with Xu Zihan? Didn't she dislike Xu Zihan before?

All Wang Nina's abnormal actions today, Liu Man sees and remembers them in his heart.

Liu Man smiled and said to Li Xiaoru, There are too many people in the cafeteria. Let's go out to eat. I owe you a big meal last semester, so I just invite you now.

If you don't tell me about this, I'll forget it. Li Xiaoru was of course very happy when someone invited him to dinner, she put Liu Man's hand together, Let's go, let's go have a big meal, but unfortunately Nana doesn't have a good meal.

This time, the two did not go to the expensive izakaya, and Li Xiaoru chose a Sichuan restaurant.

While eating, Liu Man was always looking at his phone and typing, and his fingers were never free.

Li Xiaoru asked her, Are you busy with 'Princess and Man'?

Liu Man nodded, and did not hide Li Xiaoru, I am now selling cat food as an agent.

Well, I saw it on your Weibo, you were still in Hong Kong yesterday, Li Xiaoru snickered, Your sentence 'I am here now' has already brainwashed everyone.

Because yesterday, Liu Man’s Weibo live-streamed the whole process of signing the contract with the Hong Kong Westland Company. The caption for each picture was “I am here now”. Fans imitated this sentence and wrote comments under her Weibo.

Now I'm here, with photo XX University.

I'm here now, with a picture of a city's landmarks.

Now I'm here, with the picture of a local supermarket.

I'm here now, with the photo at the door of a public toilet.


This brainwashing stalk swept the Internet overnight. Not only Princess and Man's fans imitated, but other netizens also began to follow suit and imitate. When they posted on Weibo, or when they left a message to their favorite idol, they all Add I'm here now and show where you are.

After the dishes were all served, Li Xiaoru took a group photo of all the delicacies, posted it on her Weibo, and wrote: Now I'm here, me and @Princess Qiman.

Manman, I @you, follow me on Weibo, Li Xiaoru urged.

Liu Man opened his Weibo,

Li Xiaoru's Weibo name is also called Hee Hee Haha. Li Xiaoru doesn't use Weibo to socialize. She only uses Weibo to read news and gossip. She doesn't have any relatives and friends on Weibo.

The only acquaintance he paid attention to was Princess Qieman.

Liu Man went back to shut her down, reposted the photo she just posted, and liked it.

Who is this giggling?

I remember! I remember! She is the roommate of Princess Princess. - Weird young man in a fat house

That is also a talented girl who learns the piano. I will pay attention to it.

I'm also paying attention.

Hee Hee Haha is Li Xiaoru's trumpet. Originally, she only had 9 zombie followers. After Liu Man followed her, the number of followers became 10. After lunch, when she looked at her followers, it actually rose to 259.

Wow, I've touched your light, Li Xiaoru said in surprise, your fans are too sticky.

Liu Man also discovered this phenomenon. As long as it is someone related to her, her fans will also pay attention to them. Is this Aiwu Jiwu?

According to this trend, depending on your fame, will I become a celebrity in the future?

At this time, Li Xiaoru was just joking, where did he think that his dream would really come true.

Today's second update~~The third update is twelve o'clock at noon~~

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