After Liu Man and Li Xiaoru left the recording studio that day, they did go shopping, but they didn't go to Chinatown. They were shopping on Fifth Avenue. Because after Li Xiaoru learned that Liu Man was going to attend the birthday party of the rich American daughter, she reminded her to wear formal clothes! Liu Man only brought two sets of Hanfu for the new song, and the rest of the clothes were everyday clothes. She had to buy a dress—it would be impolite not to dress up well on an occasion where the clothes are full of beauty.

The two girls spent an afternoon shopping in a luxury store, and Liu Man spent a lot of money on an outfit, including dresses, shoes, bags and matching jewelry, as well as simple and commonly used cosmetics. She also thought about whether to wear Hanfu, which is also a formal Chinese dress, and she could take this opportunity to let the upper class in the United States understand traditional Chinese clothing, but she dismissed the idea at the very beginning. She has to save her clothes for the MV, although I don’t know if both sets can be used; besides, Hanfu may be a fancy dress for Americans. She is unconventional, so it is inevitable that people will misunderstand her and want to steal the limelight from her owner. To be conservative, she might as well do as the Romans do and wear a Western-style dress.

The next day, at six o'clock in the evening, Liu Man was sitting in a taxi and was about to reach his destination. The location of Party is an upscale nightclub on the Upper East Side, and the nightclub occupies a large area. It is enough to see the scale of Maria's birthday party, which is similar to a star's small solo concert.

At this time, the parking spaces on the nearby streets have been occupied by all kinds of luxury cars, and the roads are very congested. However, there are still luxury cars coming in an endless stream. On the sidewalks on both sides, groups of police officers can be seen patrolling along the street. The lights dotted with high-end consumer stores shine through the window glass into Liu Man's eyes, making her deeply amazed at how extravagant the life of the rich in the United States is.

We will soon reach the heart of the congestion - the entrance of the nightclub, where every luxury car will stop, get out of the car in luxuriously dressed guests, the car will drive away, and the next car will continue.

When it was my turn, the taxi driver turned to Liu Man and said, Thank you, miss, you have opened my eyes.

Liu Man was probably the only guest who came by taxi in the audience. Among the luxury cars, the yellow car was particularly eye-catching. The security personnel thought that this taxi entered by mistake, maybe it was during traffic control. , ignoring it. Unexpectedly, it stopped in front of them, a girl of yellow race got out of the car, and the eyes of people around her were all on her. Just like the vehicle she took, she herself was different.

First of all, there is no doubt that she is beautiful, but there is never a shortage of beauties in such occasions, not to mention women, men can't wait to compete for beauty, cosmetics and clothing are the most expensive and the best.

This girl is wearing an ordinary long black dress, which can be seen by a knowledgeable person at a glance. This dress is an out-of-season model of the XX brand. It was very unpopular when it was first launched, but now it is 30% off, and it still cannot be sold. Going out, because the skirt has long sleeves and a round neck. It is not the deep V that foreigners like. The style is conservative and old-fashioned, but it is very suitable for this girl. It is eye-catching and catches everyone's attention in an instant. Everyone Not only does she not feel earthy, but she also feels that she is playing retro, with an ancient and elegant charm.

Her hairstyle was also very ancient, with her long black hair pulled up into a complicated bun they had never seen before, and an emerald green hairpin was inserted in her hair. Her makeup is also very simple and elegant, only the key parts are applied, light lip color, red rippling from the lips, eye makeup is very clean, without the heavy ink and heavy color of European and American makeup, but it is not dull at all, making her look pure and beautiful dignified. What is even more paradoxical is that this girl is obviously a new face, but she looks very familiar. Which family's daughter is she?

The welcome man in a black suit at the door stepped forward and said to her politely, Hello, ma'am, please show me your invitation letter.

Liu Man turned on the phone, and the invitation was a PDF document. The welcoming man was surprised when he saw the name on the invitation letter. He looked up and gave Liu Man a quick look, and said respectfully, Please come in.

Thank you.

In fact, not only the staff members were curious about Liu Man's identity, but also the guests before and after Liu Man wanted to know who she was. Maria has no Chinese friends, but at the banquets of the Miller family, Chinese people who are friends with the family or have business contacts are always invited to participate. There are only a few that appear frequently, and everyone knows them.

Under all kinds of prying eyes, Liu Man walked into the birthday banquet, and suddenly it was like walking into a high-class Vanity Fair. Countless blond men and women in fine clothes were chatting and laughing happily, and even the waiters who shuttled through the crowd were all handsome men.

Liu Man stood there in a daze, not knowing where she should go. English was in her ears, or other languages ​​were mixed in. It was difficult for her to understand. She felt a little alienated and unfamiliar. This feeling was very invisible. Yes, after all, the cultural backgrounds are completely different, and even the appearance is different. They come from similar backgrounds and belong to the same circle. She also knew that many people were looking at her, and the black hair and black eyes were too conspicuous here, so she had to retreat a little to a hidden place.

She thought, shouldn't she come to this banquet? She is not the kind of person who is particularly good at socializing. She takes the initiative to strike up a conversation with strangers and can easily integrate into other people's small groups.

Did she just stand in the corner like an idiot all night, watching how luxurious and rich America's Vanity Fair is, drinking two glasses of champagne and cocktails, and eating something? So boring... She would rather go shopping with Xiaoru.

Thinking about it this way, the waiter actually came over with a wine tray and asked her if she wanted wine. There were colorful wines on the wine tray. Liu Man was a little thirsty and nervous! She asked the waiter if there was any water. The waiter said no, thinking that this Asian is so weird, who would drink water on such an occasion! Maria is addicted to alcohol. The main drink in the parties she holds is always alcohol. Even if the capacity for alcohol is not good, there are still alcoholic beverages suitable for drinking. Otherwise, why would she choose a nightclub? There are endless drinks in nightclubs.

Liu Man could only grab a glass of the darkest liquid. She thought that the color was dark, which meant that the alcohol was low. Referring to the fact that liquor is white, she smelled it first, and then took a sip carefully. In a foreign country, faced with a strange drink , she should be more careful.

As a result, the first sip was so spicy that she choked on it. It tasted completely different from the wine and cocktails she had drunk before. She lowered her head and covered her mouth, digesting the liquid in her mouth. Getting closer, like a crowd is coming towards her?

She looked up in surprise and saw Maria standing in front of her! !

Today's Maria is so beautiful, she is wearing a dark red dress, matched with her fiery red lips, like a rose with thorns, more like a queen, with such a powerful aura, eyes looking at the world, looking at Liu Man, the corner of her mouth raised.

The first update~The second update is at night~

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