The whole recording studio was very quiet. Everyone listened intently to Jason's singing. His lingering singing voice lingered in everyone's hearts. Now Cohen didn't need to say Shut up, he himself was absorbed in it.

Jason has rich singing experience, and he wrote this song himself. No one understands the core of the song better than him. He sings it once, pours his heart into it, that is, reaches the best state, and easily completes his recording task. It's no wonder that everyone came to listen to the song, Jason can really make the recording studio sing the effect of the concert. Only when he sings can Liu Man understand why so many fans in the world regard him as a god.

When Jason came out of the recording studio, Scott gave him a thumbs up and joked, It seems that you are not exhausted.

Even if I really run out of talent, I'm still better than those who never have 'talent' and only criticize. Just because Jason didn't release a new album for the whole year last year, foreign media wrote various articles to despise him Old, they should retire, and their ideas are right. Singer-songwriters usually become famous at a young age, and their inspirations spring up. Well, isn't it the same for Lu Yuanning, that's why he came to the mainland to seek a living.

In fact, Jason almost encountered such a crisis. Before seeing Liu Man's video, he really couldn't write the music. He sat in front of the piano all afternoon in a daze, and even got annoyed looking at the staff. It doesn't matter if he doesn't release a new single or new album, his money is enough for him to lie on a golden mountain for ten lifetimes.

It’s just a pain for the employees in his personal recording studio, they make a song, which is equivalent to completing a project, and the project bonus is a big one, so they have been taking a “subsistence allowance” salary for more than a year, Amanda is not the only one” Victims, originally Jason had 3 backing singers, and the other 2 felt that the money was too little and they couldn't get along. High income, a little lower, the mentality will collapse.

Hearing Jason's new song, the employees present rekindled their confidence and applauded Jason at the same time. Everyone's support encouraged Jason and his emotions were high. He immediately decided: Everyone worked hard last year. Follow me and get nothing. Thank you I can still hold on until now, after That Princess from Han is released, I will use one-tenth of my sales revenue as your bonus this year.

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone cheered and Amanda jumped up excitedly.

According to the actual situation in previous years, Jason's single or album sales mostly exceeded 100 million US dollars. Of course, Scott has to take part of the money, as well as various taxes and other fees. Even so, a tenth of it is several million dollars. There are only a few employees in the recording studio, and it is equally divided among everyone. It's a lot of money. Some people were secretly happy. Fortunately, many people had resigned before. If they were all there, wouldn't they have less money.

This money is Jason's own income and has nothing to do with the company. He spends it as he likes, and Scott has no objection. Sending money has nothing to do with Liu Man and Li Xiaoru, they just watch the excitement and see everyone is happy, they are also infected, and they are happy. However, Liu Man found that everyone was laughing, only Cohen had a stern face and was not happy.

Can't he get the bonus?

This idea also flashed in Liu Man's mind, after all, she didn't care about her business.

The main parts of the song have already been recorded, and then only the mixing production is required, and the guitar and drums may be added as embellishments in the later stage. These are small problems that can be easily solved.

Now Liu Man's job is only to shoot the MV. Scott’s company has a long-term cooperation MV director. Jason’s MVs are basically produced by him. Scott sent him the original harmonica version of the song. After listening to it several times, he said that if the actual accompaniment instrument is not a harmonica, this version will It doesn't make much sense, because the different instruments have a crucial influence on the style of a song, and the director needs the final version of the song. Scott urged Cohen and the entire studio to speed up and make a preliminary master. He wants to send it to the director to let the other party design the overall framework and script of the MV, and strive to shoot on Wednesday or Thursday.

Everyone got busy, and Liu Man and Li Xiaoru, who were fine for the time being, were about to leave. Before leaving, Liu Man rewrote Wang Bo's poem again, and the handwriting was more serious and neat. The one she wrote to Jason at the beginning was a bit scribbled , is not satisfactory, the words tattooed on the girl's wrist must be small and delicate. After writing, she put the paper next to the potted plant on Amanda's desk at the front desk.

Li Xiaoru smiled from the side, According to your current operation, in the future, those who like tattoos in the United States will all have a line or two of ancient Chinese poetry tattooed on them?

Liu Man said, What you said is very likely to come true.

She has been in touch with Bang for the past two days, and Bang has two old customers who have made appointments for Chinese character tattoos. He hopes that she will design some ancient poems to meet the needs of customers. It is best that they can sign a cooperation agreement as soon as possible.

This is what you call cultural intrusion. It's still invisible, and you've brainwashed people. Li Xiaoru no longer chases stars or worships anyone, because her idol is by her side and is her best She has seen how Liu Man struggled from nothing to where she is now. She has never seen anyone more powerful than Liu Man.

The two walked outside while chatting, Jason strode up and asked Liu Man curiously, What did you write on Amanda's desk just now?

Liu Man told him about Amanda's tattoo, but Jason knew about it a long time ago, and said with a smile, I knew you would agree, she got what she wanted, so let me treat you two to dinner, Jason said. He is not a stingy person. Amanda is his employee, Liu Man is a free helper, and Li Xiaoru's piano accompaniment today was perfect beyond his expectations. Everything went so smoothly, and he was naturally in a good mood.

Liu Man replied wittily, We plan to go shopping in Chinatown and have a big meal there. Jason has invited guests several times, and she is embarrassed to make him spend more money, and there are so many people in the recording studio, let everyone see them With privilege, she worried about the bad influence.

Li Xiaoru also reacted immediately, nodded and said, Thank you, but we have already booked the restaurant.

Both of them looked serious, Jason believed it, That's right, there are too many things today, he thought for a while, Do you have time tomorrow night? I know there is a famous Chinese restaurant in Manhattan, let me show you go eat.

Li Xiaoru is free, but Liu Man is not. She is going to Maria's birthday party. She vaguely remembered Maria saying that she also invited Jason, I have to go to Miss Miller's birthday party tomorrow.

The first update~The second update is at night~

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