As soon as the live broadcast was over, Liu Man called Jiang Chengfeng and asked him if he could develop an overseas version of Xuewen Tumo.

The two of us want to go together. I just mentioned this issue to Mr. Fu and the others. I will ask Mr. Li and Yu Dashen for their opinions in the daytime tomorrow. If the major shareholders agree, we will immediately start overseas business. Version.

Fortunately, when I designed the APP payment method, I reserved a credit card port. I thought it would be used by overseas Chinese and overseas students, but it turned out to be wrong, which is convenient for foreigners.

Jiang Chengfeng's tone also has a kind of excitement and enthusiasm. There are endless live streaming apps in China, but only Douyin has gone abroad. If live broadcasting apps are divided into levels like celebrities, Douyin is the first line, with more than one billion users; Ai Live is the second line, with almost 200 million users; Xuewen Tumo is probably outside the sixth line, and the number of registered users has been as low as recently. It seems that the scale is still very small, far inferior to the first two, but their APP has only been online for a month, and the number of paid users accounts for 70%, which is the proportion of other social software. Incomparable.

With Liu Man's influence and the strength of AiLive's drainage and publicity, there should be more users of Xuewen Tumo, but it has to pay to watch the live broadcast mechanism, which makes many people give up downloading this software, and everyone has not yet cultivated it. The habit of spending money on online courses. Therefore, many videos of live courses leaked online were recorded by netizens during the live broadcast, and then privately posted on the Internet after the live broadcast, which is equivalent to pirated copies, so that netizens who do not want to spend money can also watch these live broadcasts.

There is no way to prevent this kind of thing. When the movie is released, there are still people secretly recording the pre-release version in the cinema. However, there is a big difference between recording a live video and recording a movie. The most attractive part of a live broadcast is the relationship between the audience and the host, and the audience and the audience. The interaction of the recorded and broadcasted videos cannot achieve this function. Simply watching the video of the teacher's lecture is as boring as teaching in school, and it is difficult for ordinary people to stick to it.

Therefore, Liu Man and the others turned a blind eye and allowed these pirated videos to spread on the Internet. Changing their thinking, this is also an alternative way of publicity. If the audience who watches the pirated videos really wants to learn, it is possible to convert them into genuine ones. users.

Through this phone call, Jiang Chengfeng reported to Liu Man the relevant data of the company's operations this month.

He said that Xiong Jie's class has also become popular these days.

Xiong Jie was the first batch of teachers who taught Xuewen Tumo, mainly teaching poetry. However, at the beginning, the number of subscriptions to his courses was very low. Xuewen Tumo had the most teachers who taught poetry. There are many choices for audiences in various dynasties and angles. , Just looking at the teacher's profile, everyone naturally chooses those experts with the title of professor instead of this ugly college student who is still studying.

During the period when Liu Man was busy going abroad, a popular variety show Poetry and Cloud Meeting on the National TV began to select contestants from all over the country. Due to the copyright transaction of Youth Project, National TV and Ye Ziliang turned their fighting into friendship, and they also had an intersection with Xinghe Film and Television. National TV wanted to invite Liu Man to participate in this program to increase the topic. Liu Man learned that the official broadcast time of the program coincided with the time when she went to the United States, so she declined. However, she asked if the national TV station could give this opportunity to her classmates. At that time, the staff who contacted her said that she had to ask the leader for instructions, but there was no further text after that. Liu Man was too busy and forgot about it.

She only found out today that Xiong Jie participated in the Poetry Meeting.

I heard from Wei Wei that the national TV station went to our school's College of Arts to select, and the battle was very big. There were written tests and several rounds of interviews. Xiong Jie won the first place, and the TV station was selected. There are still many masters, but they are all defeated by his subordinates, it's really a shame.

Jiang Chengfeng made no secret of his admiration for Xiong Jie. Last Friday, the first episode of the third season of Poetry and Poetry was broadcast. Xiong Jie's eloquent words swept thousands of troops and directly advanced to the group arena.

He also advertised Xuewen on TV. When the show was coming to an end, the host interviewed him and asked him if he had a secret to memorizing so many poems. He nodded and said, Yes, I have my own unique way of understanding poetry.

Host: Can you reveal a little bit to the audience?

Xiong Lei: Of course, I am happy to share with you. I have set up related live courses on 'Xuewen Tumo'. If you are interested, you can come and learn. My live broadcast account is XXXX.

As a result, the number of orders for Xiong Jie's poetry courses skyrocketed from the original 1000+ to 100,000+.

Xuewen Tumo broke through 10 million users so quickly, thanks to Xiong Jie's advertisement, Jiang Chengfeng said on the phone, Although many of the newly registered accounts have not been recharged, I believe they are all potential users. , if Xiong Jie can pass all the way in Poetry Fengyunhui, Xuewen Tumo will welcome more new registered users.

Then we should pay Xiong Jie for advertising, Liu Man said, not joking.

His live broadcast income has also achieved a qualitative leap in a short period of time. We are in a win-win relationship. These days are the billing and settlement time for Xuewen Tumo. Professor; the worst is only two or three thousand dollars. If Xiong Jie hadn't participated in this show, he would only be able to get such a little, but now he has an income of nearly 100,000.

However, he still didn't get as much as Liang Shengnan. Liang Shengnan's history and Fengshui class was so popular that it was close to Professor Su's Chinese studies class. If she hadn't participated in the study, she would not have known that she had the potential to be a teacher. This month, Liang Shengnan will probably be able to earn 200,000+. For a college student, what is the concept of a monthly income of 200,000? Liang Shengnan thought he was dreaming, so he sent WeChat and called Jiang Chengfeng to confirm if it was real.

Now all the students in Liu Man's class have joined the online teacher team of Xuewen Tumo, and set up live broadcast rooms according to their areas of expertise. Everyone wants to seize this opportunity to make money.

Not only that, students from other departments and even teachers from other schools poured in to participate in it, and the scarce teacher resources were filled to the brim. Follow the schedule to watch the live broadcast. No matter when and where, there are at least ten teachers live broadcasting.

Jiang Chengfeng did not let go of the registration authority of the anchor teacher all at once. He asked the background staff to strictly review the qualification certificates uploaded by these people to prevent garbage and people with ulterior motives from mixing in. In the early stage of APP development, the quality of the platform was more important than anything else. Therefore, people who do not have real talents and learning, don't try to fool around and cheat money.

The first update~The second update is at night~

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