That night, Liu Man had a good night's sleep.

The next day, according to the time agreed with Bang last night, she came to his tattoo studio again. For this business, all her calligraphy tools were left in Bang's office, and she would continue to use them today anyway.

Bang collected the seal script version of the three characters she wrote here yesterday, and hung them in the most conspicuous place in the office, where he could see them as soon as he entered the door, as an alternative tattoo advertisement. The other two regular script and official script editions were taken away by Jason, who said he would keep them in his home.

Liu Man thought she was on time, but she didn't expect that the female client who changed boyfriends like changing clothes had already arrived.

The appearance of the female client is really like her heroic style - she also has a flower arm, Jason is on the left, she is on the right, but the color lines are not as dense and exaggerated as Jason, in fact, her dress is well-regulated, not unusual at all, High-necked sleeveless knitwear, black hip-wrapped skirt, stiletto heels, long dark golden hair softly draped over her shoulders, big dark blue eyes, and a delicate face. With three gem studs on her ears and flaming red lips, she looks even more like a famous lady.

She looked at Liu Man with great interest, and Liu Man also looked at her curiously. She also had blond hair and blue eyes, and was also a rich second-generation foreigner. This young lady had a completely different temperament from Lina, and her brows were a little down. The pressure made her look a little disdainful, a little strong, and extremely aggressive. Liu Man guessed that she might have a bad temper.

Bang introduced the two of them to each other. The eldest lady is Maria Miller.

He said to Maria: Liu Man is the Chinese character consultant of our studio, and this character was written by her. Bang pointed to the calligraphy on the wall, which Maria just looked at for a long time.

Liu Man and Bang have not officially cooperated, and she tentatively accepts the new title of Chinese Character Consultant.

Maria smiled and said, I have been looking forward to the pattern she designed for me since last night. Fortunately, I made an appointment for you today half a year in advance, so that I can just catch up with this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Here at Bang, no matter how cheating customers are, You can't jump in the queue, you have to wait in line to make an appointment honestly. If you have a high status, there will always be someone with a higher status than you. Jason was able to jump in the queue yesterday and was exempted from the ticket. It was really thanks to Liu Man.

Bang and Maria exchanged greetings, Liu Man couldn’t get in the conversation, walked to the desk, started to grind ink again, prepared to write, and designed a tattoo pattern for the crooked nut. If you don’t write it, it’s meaningless to talk about poetry, and people won’t listen to it at all. Understand.

The two were talking, but there was no sign of Liu Man. When they turned around, they found that everyone had already started working. The girl was holding a brush and writing at the desk. Her concentrated expression and demure posture made Maria and Bang stop talking involuntarily. , for fear of disturbing her.

Maria wanted to know what she was writing, and walked over. Liu Man heard the movement, raised her head and smiled at her, and said, Wait a minute, I'm almost done.

It's okay, I'm not in a hurry, just write slowly, Maria stared at the black and white letters on the table without blinking. On the surface, she is expressionless, but in fact she is super excited - this pattern is what she wants!

Born in a wealthy family, she rarely has the urge to get something at this age, because her family's money can buy 99% of the things in the world, such as luxury goods, jewelry, mansions, etc. , She bought boredom, lack of interest, and making a boyfriend is also the same reason, she hooked her fingers, and the man came, no challenge.

Until yesterday when she saw the photo of the tattoo on Jason ins, her eyes suddenly lit up, and her dull heart was filled with a long-lost feeling. She likes tattoos. Since she was sixteen years old, she has added a pattern to her body every year. Originally, she had no Thinking of tattooing Chinese, Jason made her change her mind. It happened that during this time, she was entangled by two ex-boyfriends and was very annoying, so she made such a request on a whim.

After Liu Man finished writing, he stopped writing. He took a step back to see the effect, and then explained to Maria, This is the Chinese character pattern I designed for you. It comes from the poem of Su Shi, a poet of the Song Dynasty in China. Where there is no fragrant grass in the end of the world', Liu Man read this sentence in Chinese, Maria and Bang listened carefully to her explanation, Its original meaning is that the catkins on the willow branches are blown less and less by the wind , but it doesn’t matter, soon there will be lush grass everywhere again, in China, this sentence is usually used to persuade the persistent side of a couple to let go, I think it should meet your requirements.”

Liu Man felt that this sentence seemed elegant and subtle, but in fact it was simple and rude to keep people away from thousands of miles away. She just didn't know if Wai Guoren could understand the mysteries of Chinese. She had tried her best to explain it, exhausting her English vocabulary.

Maria didn't speak for a long time, probably digesting Liu Man's meaning, That is to say, we women are all grass? Without my grass, there are thousands of grass?

Eh... Liu Man felt that Maria's understanding was correct, This is just a metaphor.

Very good, I think it is very good. Grass is better than flowers. After blooming, it will wither. Grass has tenacious vitality, day after day, year after year. Maria's thoughts are quite philosophical, Thank you for your support. The pattern I designed, I like it very much.”

Liu Man originally thought that Maria was picky, and her heart was always up and down. She never thought that she was so tolerant, and her first design job was completed so easily?

Bang said, I learned another lesson today, and after a few more visits, I can also become proficient in Chinese.

The atmosphere was lively, and all three laughed.

What's the price? Maria asked Liu Man, Do I need to pay you for the design separately?

This is the most critical question.

Liu Man took a look at Bang. She wanted to say that Bang would settle the fee uniformly, and there was no need to pay her directly, but Bang snatched her away, Yes, she charges separately. You can refer to this for pricing.

Bang sent Maria some pictures on his mobile phone. After returning home from dinner last night, he was not idle. He found the transaction price of Liu Man's calligraphy works at a Chinese auction. For $4,000, she wrote you 14 words, or $56,000.

Liu Man was stunned, why did Bang help her formulate the charging standard without saying a word?

A word of 4,000 U.S. dollars, almost 30,000 RMB, she thinks is too high, and she is suspected of cheating.

But Maria actually said, Oh my god, this is so cheap, I don't like small change, let me pay you $60,000.

Liu Man: ...

Wipe the odd head, or is there such a way?

Maria is serious, she has already got out her card and is ready to swipe it.

Liu Man hurriedly said, You are the first client I have received. I should thank you for liking my writing. I will give you a half discount. You can pay me 30,000 yuan.

The first update~ I went back to my own home today to get cat food and litter, and I ran out of what I brought. The second one is at night.

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