Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 951 Participate in Recording

Jason's ins is very active during this period, and his status is updated almost every day. For example, yesterday he posted a live photo of the charity fundraising event he participated in. The event was organized by the World Food Relief Organization headquartered in the United States. They invited many celebrities and politicians from North America to participate. Jason donated 20 million US dollars to the organization on the spot. He also delivered a speech and sang a song Liu Man also saw the song through the news, and Jason said that he hoped the money would be used to save hungry children all over the world.

In fact, Jason donates to similar charities every month, and he rarely announces it. This time it was a group event, and it was very high-profile, so the media found his previous donation records on the official websites of various charities and reported them immediately.

This news has completely changed people's inherent perception of Jason. Even his loyal fans don't know that he is so caring. A foreign netizen left a message saying, I always thought that Jason was the most successful singer in the world. Now I I feel that he can be called the greatest singer in the world, insisting on helping others and doing charity, which is rare among our idol stars, if this report is true.

Known for his rebelliousness and maverick, Jason Harmer's reputation has risen in a straight line. As a result, before people were moved by his behavior in charity activities, he made trouble again!

Jason's tattoo is also a representative of his uniqueness. Fans who often pay attention to him will notice that every once in a while, new tattoo patterns will appear on his body. When his arms are full, he will tattoo his neck, ankles, and lower back, anyway. He is too obsessed with the art of tattooing, and he enjoys it very much.

But in the past, he was very assertive. Before getting a tattoo, he never asked for anyone's opinion. This ins is the first time ever!

What's written on the paper? I can't understand it at all. Sorry, I can't do anything.

It should be in Chinese. It's beautifully written, but every word looks similar. You can choose any sentence. I don't know what J is struggling with?

There are not a few foreign netizens who hold the above point of view. Although many foreigners have tattooed Chinese characters on their bodies, Jason is not the first person to eat tomatoes, but the reason why most foreigners tattoo Chinese characters is because they think the flamboyant square characters are beautiful. , cool, as for the meaning...they don't care unless they have a Chinese friend like Liu Man around to help him explain.

However, there are also knowledgeable netizens, Chinese, and a very small number of foreigners who can speak Chinese and understand Chinese culture. They are very interested in the content on the paper.

These sentences are very classic in ancient Chinese poetry. They mainly praise friendship and personality. If you tattoo these words on your body, it will definitely be high-end and classy. It is much more meaningful than the nonsensical Chinese characters on some people. I am very happy. Curious where J found so many beautiful words and sentences.

The handwriting is also very professional. The person who writes must have Chinese calligraphy skills and a deep cultural heritage.

I have a wild guess...

You are not alone, I thought of it too.


Netizens unanimously thought of the princess of the Han Dynasty. She only released a video of writing calligraphy with piano accompaniment last night. Today Jason uploaded a photo with Chinese characters written on it. What a coincidence. Liu Man is probably the only one who can write Chinese calligraphy and knows Jason well, and is still in the United States.

However, no matter how fans and netizens broke the casserole and asked the end, Jason did not mention Liu Man's name, and said in a particularly embarrassing manner, You have too many questions, I just want you to help me make a choice!

After sending this sentence, Jason raised his head and said to Liu Man, According to my experience, they may still discuss for a long time. Let's take advantage of this time to get down to business.

Liu Man: ...

He didn't mention business for a long time, and she thought he forgot that she was here to record.

Sing the harmony from that day here again first, Jason helped Liu Man open the transparent glass door of the recording studio.

Okay, Liu Man took out the guqin from the piano case, and walked in with the piano in his arms.

Jason opened the door again and called out, Cohen, you can come here.

Soon, a man with brown hair parted in the middle walked in, and Jason asked the man, Where's Scott?

He sent me a message just now, saying that he has something to do temporarily, let us record first, he has heard the harmony of the lady, there is no problem on his side, let me take care of the rest of the work.

OK, Jason believed that something was wrong with Scott. Leaving aside the thorn in the loss of 7 million, Scott was very satisfied with Liu Man's voice and performance, and let Liu Man participate in the production of the new song. A consensus was reached, and Scott stopped complaining.

Cohen is Jason's album producer, and they have collaborated for nearly ten years. During these ten years, all of Jason's hit songs, including the song that won the Grammy Award the year before, were produced by him. It is worth mentioning that Cohen is also a graduate of Juilliard, and he is in the composition department.

Liu Man was already in the recording studio, and the sound insulation effect was very good, so she couldn't hear the conversation between the two. She could only observe Cohen's appearance through the huge glass window. Her first impression was that this man was very thin, unusually thin, and his clothes and trousers seemed to be empty. Sensing Liu Man's gaze, he turned his head to look over , Liu Man immediately smiled to express his friendliness, but he didn't smile. He looked at her twice before showing a very polite smile, or just twitching the corners of his mouth.

Liu Man murmured in her heart that Jason and these subordinates seemed difficult to get along with, but regardless of her business, she went back after recording the song.

There are shelves and tables for musical instruments in the recording studio, but none of them are suitable for Guqin, so Liu Man can only sit on the ground and play the piano. Seeing this, Cohen frowned and said, Why is she sitting on the ground? The action is too indecent.

Jason's opinion and his thoughts disagreed, This is how this Chinese musical instrument is played. Haven't you seen the promotional video of Autumn Moon? Liu Man is sitting on a stone under a tree and playing the piano. I think her posture is very beautiful. Yes, the elegance and casualness with an oriental charm fits the title of my new song That Princess from Han.

Cohen's eyes widened, Don't you want her to participate in the production of the MV?!

Of course, it was agreed in the contract, didn't Scott tell you? Why are you so surprised? Jason stared at Cohen with puzzled eyes.

No, no, I just want to know the specifics.

The specific situation is that Liu Man will participate in the production of the entire song, the harmony, the accompaniment, and the post-production MV recording. I hope she has at least one minute of footage. Do you understand my needs now?

Cohen nodded slightly, perfunctorily, Then let her begin.

He turned on various devices at the same time, and the entire recording studio was in operation immediately.

The first update~ About masks and disinfectant in Wuhan, I can’t buy them near my house. I still have a few masks at home. I’ve run out of vegetables. I have to go shopping tomorrow. I’ll walk a kilometer. There’s no way. The supermarket downstairs has no vegetables. , I have to go to a big supermarket a little farther away. I am the only young person in my family. I heard that young people are more resistant.

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