Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 95 Business Negotiations

How could Liu Man know that Yu Zhan mustered up a lot of courage before he dared to be so rude to her that he ran away after touching her, for fear that the conservative Liu Man would get mad at him.

In the elevator, Yu Zhan breathed a sigh of relief, looked at his right hand, and was still thinking: Liu Man's hair is really soft, as soft as Sunlight's cat hair, as if to touch it again.

On the third day, Liu Man and Yu Zhan came to the Westland Corporation in Hong Kong - on the 22nd, 23rd and 24th floors of an office building in Central.

On the way, John briefly introduced the situation of their company to the two.

Liu Man always thought that Manager Huang was just an ordinary business manager. John was surprised by her misunderstanding. He told Liu Man that Huang Shiting was the boss of their company. To be precise, Liu Man should call Huang Shiting General Manager Huang. .

As a professional overseas pet product agency, Westland Company not only represents all the products of Cats'Garden Pet Food Company, but also the canned pet products of another New Zealand local company and the medicines of a New Zealand pet medicine company.

John directly took Liu Man and the two to the general manager's office on the 24th floor. Huang Shiting was already waiting for them there. The three sat face to face, and John closed the door after making tea.

Everyone who was supposed to chat last night was chatting. Today, when we officially talk about work, we go straight to the topic. Huang Shiting asked Liu Man four questions:

First, tariffs. When the cat food goes through the mainland customs, which party pays the tariff;

Second, transportation. Is it to send the goods to Liu Man in batches, and then Liu Man is responsible for selling them, or Liu Man transmits the order to their company, and they send the goods to the buyer from Hong Kong;

Third, the delivery price. Taking 12 pounds of Cats'Garden cat food as an example, the retail price in Hong Kong is 690 Hong Kong dollars, and the cost price of ordinary Hong Kong merchants purchasing from the Westland company is 570 Hong Kong dollars. The price is 627 Hong Kong dollars, but Huang Shiting asked to increase it to 15%, which is close to 665 Hong Kong dollars. On this point, Huang Shiting made it clear that he could not negotiate, because other executives of the company believed that the 15% was the value of the exclusive agency rights of their company's mainland network, which was equivalent to the agency rights bought by Liu Man. Below this price, other executives will definitely not agree.

It is equivalent to Liu Man's final profit margin of only 35 Hong Kong dollars, not to mention, there is also the issue of tariffs.

Since Huang Shiting brought up the tariff issue and put it in the first item, it is obvious that Liu Man is required to pay the fee himself. If the tariff is added, the cost price of Liu Man's goods from the Westland company can't wait to be higher than that of Hong Kong. The retail price is still high.

Fourth, payment. Do you ship first, or pay first? Is the payment frequency weekly or monthly? What day is the payment date set?

Huang Shiting knew that his requirements were harsh, so he stepped back and said, No matter which logistics method you ultimately choose, the transportation and express costs of cat food for the first three months will be temporarily borne by our company.

Liu Man's mind kept spinning, thinking about how to negotiate.

Yu Zhan didn't express any opinion. This is Liu Man's career, and he didn't want to interfere with her decision.

Huang Shiting said all the requirements to death. In fact, Liu Man can only bargain on the two issues of transportation and payment. She said to Huang Shiting, I don't have a warehouse for the time being, so I can't store the goods, so I'll give you the order and the buyer's address, and you can ship it directly.

On this point, Huang Shiting agreed.

I don't have any cash on hand, so I can't send you the payment in advance. I can only ask you to send the goods first. After I receive the payment from the buyer, I will transfer the money to you together. At the end of each month, the transfer will be made. Once, the time is set on the 28th, do you think this is okay?

Huang Shiting said, When we do business, we are most afraid of encountering someone like you, who asks for the goods first and then gives them the money. Many old people get lazy when they get the goods.

Liu Man repeatedly assured, I'm definitely not lazy, I still want to do this business for a long time, how could I not give you the money.

Huang Shiting glanced at Yu Zhan, if it wasn't for this person's guarantee, he would never agree to pay after delivery.

Liu Man reassured, Please believe in my character.

Haha, I believe it for now, Huang Shiting laughed, the 29th and the 30th are our company's monthly billing period. Your payment must be in place before the 28th, otherwise we will compensate us for liquidated damages. Do you agree to compensate the cash loss of one thousandth of our payment for goods?

Since Huang Shiting talked about liquidated damages, Liu Man understood that he agreed to pay after delivery.

She said, Yes, I agree to the agreement of the liquidated damages.

OK, then we have reached an agreement on all issues now, Huang Shiting called John on the internal phone, Let the legal department draw up an online agency contract and an agency guarantee contract as soon as possible, ask the company's lawyers to review them, and hand them over to me. .

OK, boss.

When Huang Shiting hung up, Liu Man asked him, Can we sign a contract today?

Huang Shiting smiled in surprise, Miss Liu, you are really in a hurry. The contract is drawn up, and you can get it tomorrow and the day after tomorrow as soon as possible.

Then let's stay for one more day and leave after signing the contract, Yu Zhan, who had not spoken for a while, suddenly said.

Huang Shiting was talking about tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. In fact, it was an implicit statement that it would definitely not be completed after tomorrow, and it would definitely be delayed until later.

Yu Zhan said this obviously to urge Huang Shiting to be tomorrow.

Huang Shiting gave Yu Zhan a lot of face, OK, we will sign the contract tomorrow afternoon at the latest.

Huang Shiting entertained Liu Man and Yu Zhan for their lunch. He took them to a tea restaurant in Central and had an authentic Hong Kong-style afternoon tea. During the meal, he introduced Liu Man about pet food. Knowledge has benefited Liu Man a lot.

Liu Man also learned that Huang Shiting was born in New Zealand from Hong Kong. He spent his childhood and adolescence in New Zealand. Like Yu Zhan, he liked small animals since he was a child, but he did not choose to be a veterinarian. 'Garden headquarters is a pet food researcher.

After accumulating enough funds, he returned to Hong Kong and opened a company in Westland, using his contacts in Cats'Garden and New Zealand to fully represent Cats'Garden's products.

After lunch, Huang Shiting asked John to take the two back to the hotel, and he called Song Junzhe, who had asked him to help send four bags of cat food to Yu Zhan earlier.

Song Shao, today I negotiated a cooperation agreement, and I would like to thank you a lot.

Song Junzhe was inexplicable, Thank me for what?

Huang Shiting took it for granted that Song Junzhe knew about Yu Zhan's coming to Hong Kong, so he made this call, but listening to his tone, he seemed to know nothing, and Huang Shiting asked tentatively, Don't you know that Mr. Yu is in Hong Kong now?

The first update is today, and the second update is at nine o'clock in the morning.

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