Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 934 I am the Setter

Li Xiaoru didn't care about other people's eyes, she was about to cry with excitement, she finally understood why the ancients regarded meeting an old friend in a foreign land as one of the four great joys in life. The moment she saw Liu Man, she actually felt like a dream.

She didn't say anything, just hugged Liu Man for a while, she had to rely on the soft and fragrant nephrite to suppress the shock.

Liu Man let her hug her. She didn't know what happened to Li Xiaoru in the United States, but she could clearly feel that Li Xiaoru had lost weight. Li Xiaoru was not fat at first, but was tall and slender. Now her hips protruded abruptly. can touch.

The two separated and looked at each other's faces. Only then did Liu Man realize that Li Xiaoru's cheeks were sunken, and she was dark and thin. Her waist-length hair only reached her shoulders, and her hair was thin, with dark circles under her eyes. It was very heavy, and there were a few pimples on the face, and the whole person felt very haggard.

It made Liu Man very distressed to see it. Obviously, Li Xiaoru's study and life in the United States was not going well. But she reported good news but not bad news to their group of friends, including her boyfriend. However, her grin was still the same as before, full of vigor and vividness, Why did you come to the United States suddenly? You didn't tell me in advance, and I wasn't mentally prepared.

I want this effect, Liu Man also said with a smile, I want to give you a surprise.

Li Xiaoru was really pleasantly surprised, she couldn't see her eyes from laughing, Why did you get here? Where do you live? What are you doing here?... She asked Liu Man several questions in succession.

We walked and said, I'm here to treat you to lunch!

It was also a treat, but Li Xiaoru was not polite to Liu Man, and the two walked outside side by side.

The eyes of the surrounding students have been on the two of them, to be precise, they are looking at Liu Man. Thanks to the YouTube videos, Li Xiaoru has become half a celebrity on campus. No matter what grade, major, or race, students know her more or less or have watched the video. Even if they haven’t spoken to her in reality, they all know her. I have also heard that she studies very hard, is relatively low-key and introverted, and is not good at socializing. She spends most of her time in the piano room, not to mention practicing piano on weekends. Seeing her practicing in the piano room was terrifying.

That's why everyone was so surprised to see Li Xiaoru expressing her emotions so exaggeratedly, and what was even more surprising was that they seemed to see the Princess of the Han Dynasty!

Is that girl the princess of the Han Dynasty? Some students asked uncertainly.

Be confident, remove the 'ba', she is the princess of the Han Dynasty! I just went to the cinema to watch Han Palace Autumn Moon yesterday.

Yes, I remember her face. Although I am a little face-blind to Asians, she really impressed me. Her temperament is so special.

Oh my god, she came to America without saying a word, and her YouTube hasn't been updated for a long time.


The students talked a lot, and soon the news that the princess of the Han Dynasty appeared at the Juilliard School spread like wildfire, spreading throughout the school at the speed of light.

Before Liu Man came, she searched for some delicious restaurants nearby. Yu Zhan, who was worried about everything, had already downloaded the more commonly used foreign apps on her mobile phone in advance. Most of these apps have Chinese or traditional Chinese versions. For example, finding a restaurant is as convenient as Dianping. Liu Man chose a few restaurants with good reputation, and asked Li Xiaoru which one to go to.

Whoever treats the guests decides, Li Xiaoru said with a smile, I haven't eaten anyway.

No way, these restaurants are all nearby. Considering that Li Xiaoru may have classes in the afternoon and it is not easy to go too far, Liu Man chose the restaurants closest to the school in a straight line.

The price of goods in the center of Manhattan is too high, I can't hold it, and I will have heartache for a long time after eating a meal, and I have to save money to pay off your debt, Jiang Chengfeng lent Li Xiaoru in the name of Liu Man. Li Xiaoru didn't spend all of the 400,000 yuan for studying abroad, and there was still 100,000 yuan left.

Starting from March, Sun Weiwei adjusted the monthly dividends of the members of Ladies and Sisters from 3,000 yuan to 7,000 yuan, which is almost 1,000 US dollars, which is enough for Li Xiaoru to pay the rent. The house she rents is not in Manhattan, it is about 15 kilometers away from the school, or The kind that lives with others and shares the bathroom in the living room. Her roommate is a Chinese student she found on the Internet, a couple, Li Xiaoru leaves early and returns late, and sometimes even sleeps on her stomach in the piano room or library, almost never seeing them face to face.

Li Xiaoru didn't uninstall Weibo after re-downloading it last time, and the same goes for YouTube. If Liu Man does something big again, she doesn't want to be the last to know. Before going abroad, her Weibo followers were about 400,000+, and it rose to 1000,000+ in a blink of an eye. This is because she hasn't updated a single Weibo in half a year. It can be seen from this that the influence of Liu Man and Jason's scandal is terrifying, and anyone who has anything to do with them can benefit.

At this time, a company sent a private message to Li Xiaoru on Weibo, asking if she could help them promote their products. Bloggers with millions of fans have enough appeal to bring goods. Li Xiaoru was originally unwilling to do it, and the principle of ladies and sisters has always been to not accept or accept less advertisements, especially products that do not know the origin. But she is now in debt, and under various pressures, she can't pretend to be arrogant, but she still has to have a bottom line. Li Xiaoru carefully selected two companies to sell music peripheral products such as piano fabric covers and metronomes for them.

Every time Li Xiaoru sells an item, she can get an 8% commission. She doesn't need to start a live broadcast to make a fuss, she only needs to post a few product promotion Weibo every day. The Weibo is written by the merchant, so she can just copy and paste, without wasting her time. Unexpectedly, the effect was not bad, and she earned 10,000 yuan a week.

Julia's classmates look down on Li Xiaoru's experience, but domestic netizens, such as some families with children learning piano, and middle school students who are preparing for art exams, still buy Li Xiaoru, and some even regard her as an idol. So many people learn piano, how many of them actually get married and become famous? Most of them are on the street, and the achievements like Li Xiaoru's now are already the dreams of many people. These fans who support her are also another spiritual pillar for Li Xiaoru to move forward firmly

Including the remaining 100,000, Li Xiaoru now has 120,000. Just when Liu Man came, she wanted to return the money to her first.

Liu Man didn't know whether to laugh or cry, Why did you mention this matter as soon as we met, making it seem like I came here to collect debts.

It's not that you don't know that I don't like to owe favors. It's very uncomfortable to be in debt.

Li Xiaoru opened the online banking, and really wanted to transfer money to her. Liu Man hurriedly stopped her, You don't owe me any money. Chengfeng lent you the 400,000 yuan. I'm just a setter. If you want to pay it back, just give it back to me. he.

Second update~

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