Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 932: Piano Competition

Mr. Martin asked Li Xiaoru if he was adapting to Julia's study life with concern, and apologized that he was too busy with work and neglected her.

Li Xiaoru just laughed off these scenes of asking for warmth, just listen to it, she thinks that Mr. Martin is really busy, as the head of the piano department, there are indeed many things to worry about, probably because Liu Man and Jason had a big quarrel It was the gossip that reminded him of her.

But Mr. Martin has really taken a new interest in Li Xiaoru. He deliberately went to find out about Li Xiaoru's studies at school in the past six months, his test scores, homework scores, and performances at school concerts. As a short-term exchange student, she stumbled, and it was not bad to be able to do this.

They do not have high requirements for foreign short-term exchange students. Undergraduates can only learn a little in four years. Exchange students can only learn a few months of vacation in just one year. What else can they learn? Exchange students are not so much here to learn, but to experience learning, experience life, and learn about the glorious history of Julia. After returning to their respective countries, the students have an extra glorious title - having studied at the Juilliard School for a year. So this useless exchange student quota is still being fought over by students from all over the world.

This exchange student is a face sold by Mr. Martin to Yu Zhan. In fact, he wants Liu Man to study in their piano department. However, Liu Man's piano level is really bad. If she really plays the piano here, I'm afraid she will become a laughing stock. . Li Xiaoru has real talents and learning, anyway, there is only one quota, not for Liu Man, but for her friends as well. As for Li Xiaoru's performance in school, it has nothing to do with him, anyway, his sincerity has been shown, and a year is gone in the blink of an eye, enough for Li Xiaoru to be gilded in the United States.

He didn't think that Li Xiaoru could stand out from the talented Julia, and he didn't think she would be able to get a master's degree, which is extremely difficult for foreign students.

What he never expected was that Liu Man had a relationship with Jason Harmer. Since Scott is an alumnus of Juilliard, the school has a close relationship with Jason. Jason once held a personal concert in the school concert hall, and sang songs at the opening ceremony. Many students who study pop music are his fans and regard him as their goal.

Jason was too happy to be teased by He Lushen before, so excited, he liked all the videos released by the princess of the Han Dynasty, including the ensemble of Liu Man and Li Xiaoru. Up to now, the total views of these videos have exceeded 9000w+ people. Hundreds of millions! Many of Julia and Li Xiaoru's students at the same level posted their own or their classmates' performance videos on the Internet.

In this way, can Mr. Martin not pay attention to Li Xiaoru!

He kindly asked Li Xiaoru what needs he had, or if he had any questions that he didn't understand, he could be consulted directly. Forget about needs, Li Xiaoru didn't dare to ask, but she still dared to ask questions, and she asked two questions. First, what are the requirements for passing the master's entrance examination; second, how can she get a full scholarship.

These are very common questions, but not too much, Mr. Martin told her patiently, Master's assessment depends on the student's four-year total score, and very few exchange students can pass the test unless you refer to your score in the original school, but I'm telling the truth. Well, some teachers don't agree with the transcripts of other schools. Mr. Martin expressed more implicitly, to put it bluntly, even the music school worse than Juilliard, the teachers dismissed it.

Li Xiaoru's face paled, no wonder the other exchange students seldom attended classes, they played around every day, went shopping, held parties, and played games in groups. They didn't expect to stay in Juilliard to continue their studies.

But she wants to study for a master's degree here! Had all her efforts been in vain?

Mr. Martin saw the frustration in Li Xiaoru's eyes. He heard from other teachers that Li Xiaoru was serious about her studies and worked very hard. She should really want to stay. He couldn't bear it, But... there is another way, if You can get the top five in the international first-level competition, and the transcript is not important.

His words rekindled a glimmer of hope in Li Xiaoru's heart.

The master's entrance examination is held in April and October each year. This year's April has passed. If you can't catch up, you can only try in October. I suggest you sign up for this year's Busoni International Piano Competition. The time card is just right. The competition is now We are in the registration stage, the preliminary competition is at the end of July, and the final competition is at the beginning of September, and before October, the premise is that you get the top five rankings.

The Busoni Piano Competition is one of the most famous and authoritative piano competitions in the world, comparable to the Chopin Competition. Of course Li Xiaoru knows about it, and also knows that the competition is being registered. The venue of the Busoni Competition is usually in Italy. Its judge team is very large, all of them are pianists from all over the world. These people have different personalities and are critical. Gao, Li Xiaoru didn't even think about signing up for this competition. It's like a person who hasn't even participated in a domestic championship before running to participate in the World Olympics. She doesn't have such blind confidence.

But according to Mr. Martin, this is the only chance for her to stay at Juilliard to study for a master's degree. As for the entrance exam in April next year, her student visa will expire in January next year, and she can't even stay in the United States. How else to take the exam?

Anyway, it's always a loser, why not put all your eggs in one basket and give it a try?

As for the scholarship, there is no scholarship for exchange students. I have said this before. If you can win the Busoni Competition, you will definitely get a full scholarship. Not only that, but the top five in the competition will also have a lot of money. bonus.

Mr. Martin's words undoubtedly gave Li Xiaoru a bloodbath. She downloaded the registration form from the official website of the competition that night and successfully registered.

Although there are still two months to go before the preliminary competition, the selection of contestants will start at the end of May. It's not some amateur passer-by who can just sign up and go to Italy to compete. Those arrogant judges are not interested in listening to amateur voices.

The organizing committee of the competition will initially select relatively outstanding players according to the country and region. The number of places in each region is limited, similar to sea elections, and some players who have won prizes in national piano competitions in various countries, or through various activities, have a certain reputation It is a privilege in another sense to be directly shortlisted for the Busoni preliminary competition.

Li Xiaoru inquired about it, and found that many students around her also signed up for this competition, and they were all very good. She was very worried that she would not even be able to pass the screening.

Second update~

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