Liu Man and Jason's scandal in the live broadcast room, and the topic of Yu Zhan's head on the grassland are still topping the hot search list, and the news has already spread to the Internet at the speed of light. Foreign netizens are also eager to watch and gossip. Regrettably, none of the three parties involved came forward to respond to this matter, and their respective social software is peaceful and harmonious.

Jason's ins has never been idle, and he posts an update every once in a while, full of photos of him playing in the Chinese capital. In a short period of time, he went to the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and the Summer Palace, and posted every Chinese food he ate. , due to the time difference, fans in some countries saw the food pictures he posted in the middle of the night, and couldn't help drooling, stepped on his pictures angrily, saying that he deliberately didn't let them sleep well!

Jason's latest status is at noon today, he was in a roast duck restaurant, holding a roast duck wrapped by a waiter, with his index finger wide open, he faced the camera, gave a thumbs up, and wrote on ins: very delicious, very good!

This simple photo has sparked various discussions among Chinese netizens about the specific location of the roast duck restaurant. Jason is very cautious, and there is no trace of the store's characteristics in the photo. As his agent said, he will not be responsible for any organization or individual. Advertise unconditionally.

So, how could he sing live for his birthday? What's more, Yu Zhan knows the flight number and departure time of his plane leaving China tonight. He and Jason agreed that he will see him off at the airport at that time.

Yu Zhan was as surprised as he wanted. His first thought was, could it be that Liu Man spent at least 20 million US dollars on his birthday celebration?

No matter what Yu Zhan was thinking about, the moment he saw Jason Harmer appearing on the stage, his mind went blank, and the whole auditorium screamed, wishing that the roof of the auditorium would be knocked down.

Like Yu Zhan, these crew members faced this huge surprise suddenly. Apart from screaming, they didn't know how to express their inner excitement. The superstar suddenly descended in front of them. They had never seen such a shock in their life.

Jason is sitting on a high chair, the microphone is fixed in front of him, he is holding a brown-red blues harmonica in both hands, playing the melodious melody they heard, the weather is still a bit cold this season, Jason is only wearing a A sexy gray tight vest, revealing his iconic flowery arms, a pair of ripped jeans on his lower body, and a Mohawk-style hairstyle that stands up high, which is extremely cool.

He faced Yu Zhan head-on, saw the other party's dumbstruck, he smiled, and winked at him mischievously, as if to say: I scared you, I'm so happy.

Jason was also distracted for a while, he finished the prelude of the song focused and serious, got up from the chair, took off the microphone, and sang a cappella live, The sky above your head is lit by you; your starry sky is brilliant. …”

This song from more than ten years ago, the familiar singing voice, the melodious lyrics, the singer's face that has not changed in ten years, everything makes Yu Zhan feel as if he has returned to the time when he was fourteen years old. , his last close relative was lingering on the sick bed, and finally passed away. Before his death, his grandfather arranged for him a way out, contacted his aunt who settled in the United States, and told him to listen to his aunt after he went to the United States.

With trepidation, he boarded the plane to New York alone...

In fact, at the dinner, he described to Jason how he knew him and fell in love with his songs. It was not sensational, the completely unfamiliar environment, the passers-by who were in a hurry, and the bewildered young man. Airport security, if he hadn't heard this song in the coffee shop, which gave Yu Zhan confidence and confidence, he really didn't know how he could survive the most difficult period at the beginning.

It was only then that he realized that the person who loved him the most in the world was gone. The other relatives were only related to him by blood. They said caring and pleasant words, but they didn't really care about him. You can respect them as elders, but don't give them naive trust and sincerity.

It doesn't matter who I am, what status I am;

When in doubt, raise your head;

Look at the sky, maybe you can feel better;


Believe that you can light up the night sky;

Believe that you can fly with the wind;

Believe that you can rule the sky;


Jason's voice is still so explosive. Even in cappella, it is still full of sensibility, agility and passion, with the resilience to break through the darkness and rush towards the dawn. This song is too old and too classic. Many people sang along with Jason, But their chorus couldn't match Jason's voice alone. Yu Zhan thought he was a very strong person, but his heart couldn't stop being sour, and it seemed as if there was sand in his eyes. He blinked, but there was more and more sand.

At this moment, Jason walked off the stage with a microphone in his hand. He walked towards Yu Zhan step by step. The audience was screaming and cheering, and everyone's eyes were focused on them. If the protagonists of this scene are a man and a woman, then it can be a scene in a film and television drama, or a scene in a novel script. How romantic and dreamy, it is actually happening in front of everyone now, but it is two men. Face to face, the eyes meet, the eyes meet, and there are crystal clear things in the eyes, which is the sincerity and purity of the friendship between gentlemen.

There are no pictures that make people daydream, and everyone is purely moved.

Jason patted Yu Zhan's shoulder with one hand, smiling directly into his eyes,

Happy Birthday!

You said last time that you fell in love with me because of this song, so I will give you this song as a birthday present.

He put his hand on Yu Zhan's head again, as if he was a priest, blessing someone. The lights of the stage diffused to bathe the two of them, and their whole bodies seemed to be filled with holy light, shining brightly.

Thank you, thank you, thank you... Yu Zhan's voice was choked with sobs. In the past, he repeated this song countless times. He also thought about going to the first row to watch Jason's performance. Or just pay him to sing for him. Ju Hao once did this, but the singer took the money, sang the song, said a few polite words and left.

That's a business move, not a surprise.

Don't be polite to me, you are my brother in China!

Some people laughed at the scene. Brother has a lot of ambiguity. Now it sounds a bit like a curse. Jason didn't know that Chinese characters are profound and profound. He just wanted to express his friendship with Yu Zhan, brother==friend.

Yu Zhan also smiled, Yes, I am your younger brother and your fan, and I will always support you!

After finishing speaking, he suddenly saw Liu Man standing behind the stage curtain from the corner of his eye. She poked her head out quietly and looked at them with a smile on the corner of her mouth and starry eyes twinkling.

Second update~

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