Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 899 Ensemble and Harmony

Jason trusted Liu Man very much, and immediately sent the recording file of the song to her through the social APP, without worrying that she would leak the unreleased song. If Liu Man sold the song to the American paparazzi or Jason's rival company, he would earn more than 20 million US dollars. Of course, Liu Man is not a short-sighted person, and the benefits he can get from establishing a friendship with Jason are far more than 20 million.

Song adaptation is not easy. First of all, Liu Man must be loyal to Jason's original work. He cannot change his thoughts and emotions, but he must also incorporate Liu Man's own understanding. Liu Man locked herself in a quiet room first, not even allowing cats and dogs to enter. She listened to the single 10 times on a loop and wrote down the lyrics in English—the first time she listened to it in Jason's hotel room, she didn't understand some sentences, and when talking to Jason, she had to pretend to understand his look.

Fortunately, music knows no borders, and her understanding and guessing hit Jason's heartstrings.

After reading Jason's lyrics carefully, Liu Man found that it resembles a famous piece in The Book of Songs - Guan Ju. Guanguan Jujiu, in the river continent. A fair lady, a gentleman is so good... Replace the ancient natural background in the original text with the modern Internet, Liu Man is a slim beauty, isn't Jason just a young man who pursues beauty Well, Jason's lyrics also wrote: I pray, I hope she can look at me (I prey that you will look my way).

I can't wish for it, I am thinking about it. I am leisurely and leisurely, tossing and turning... It is a psychological portrayal of Jason. The long night is long, tossing and turning, worrying day and night, and he wants to pursue the princess of the Han Dynasty wholeheartedly. It is similar to the I stay awake at night and Your face is always on my mind are exactly the same,

My fair lady, you can play the qin and zither for friends. The young man played the qin and the zither in pursuit of beautiful women. Jason wrote this song for Liu Man, who in turn adapted the song on the guqin and gave it back to him.

The more Liu Man reads, the more he finds it amazing. Jason must have never read the Chinese Book of Songs, but he inadvertently wrote a state of mind similar to that of a young man more than 2,500 years ago. It probably comes from human nature, which is eternal. , has nothing to do with skin color, nationality, creed and civilization.

Since the lyrics are similar, can she sing it in an ancient way? The ensemble also includes chords and harmony. If there is Guan Ju as the harmony, is Jason's new song still worried about missing Chinese elements? There are Chinese elements everywhere!

The heart is not as good as the action.

Liu Man sat in front of the guqin, plucked the first note, and began to sing: Guan Guan Jujiu, in the river continent. My fair lady, a gentleman is so good...

The next day, after Liu Man finished his afternoon class, he immediately went back to the apartment to pick up the guqin and rushed to the hotel.

In Jason's room, Liu Man saw Scott, a middle-aged man with a slightly fat body and a medium build. Just looking at Scott's appearance and clothes, he knew that his occupation must be a businessman. And the shiny hair has a kind of greasy characteristic of white businessmen.

When he saw Liu Man, his eyes were a little critical. He looked at Jason, as if to say, She is a princess of the Han Dynasty? It's incredible.

Everyone has different tastes and visions, and a girl like Liu Man with a shriveled figure is not Scott's favorite. However, Scott still greeted Liu Man solemnly and politely. For her, they gave away $7 million in profit.

He wanted to see if she was really that talented.

Liu Man has dealt with all kinds of businessmen now. She is not afraid of Scott's gaze, looks at him, smiles dignifiedly, Hello, I am Liu Man... Her self-introduction is not Han Dynasty Princess, but Liu Man. Before she decided to cooperate with He Lushen, Princess of the Han Dynasty was not synonymous with her.

Her neither humble nor overbearing demeanor is worthy of Scott's affirmation, at least worthy of the title of princess. He has come into contact with countless young girls in their early 20s, either they are too confident and flamboyant, and they take themselves too much as a green onion;

Jason was very interested in the long thing on Liu Man's back, Is this your musical instrument?

Yes, it's a Guqin, Liu Man took off the box, and she customized a pure wood box for her Guqin, which was more expensive than hers.

Liu Man's Guqin is still the copycat Green Qi bought in a hurry at Boss Li's musical instrument shop at the back door of the Conservatory of Music for more than 2,000 yuan. With her current financial resources, she can definitely exchange for a better Guqin, but this is the first Guqin she obtained in this world, people always have deep feelings for the first time, Liu Man is no exception, and she is used to this violin, and if she gets used to it, she will change to a better one. The effect of playing may not be much better than that of a cheap violin. The key to performance depends on the player's level and aura. Before she went to the recording studio to record the guqin part for the promotional video of Autumn Moon, she used her own piano instead of the expensive paulownia guqin when filming.

Jason's room is very large. Besides a bed, there is also a small living room. Liu Man took out the piano from the case and put it on the tea table. Jason and Scott gathered around and began to study it curiously.

Jason has only seen this instrument in YouTube videos, and he was fascinated by Liu Man playing the guqin. He asked Liu Man, Can I touch it?


Jason stretched out his hand carefully, fearing to damage a few strings, and the strings issued a long tone, which made Jason smile with satisfaction, Yes, yes, I just want this effect, some ethereal, some Mysterious. Jason was really interested in Guqin, and he asked Liu Man some questions about Guqin, such as playing method, rhythm rules, etc., which involved several very professional questions, and Liu Man could not answer them in English. There is no equivalent word in English at all.

Seeing Liu Man racking his brains for words, Jason said shyly, Am I too ignorant?

No, no, in fact, some Chinese people don't understand our own musical instruments. Most of the music we write is based on modern music, and it also uses the Western music theory system. These ancient musical instruments are gradually forgotten by everyone, so I am very happy. Thank you for your willingness to add guqin accompaniment to your songs, so that Chinese musical instruments can be known to more foreigners.

Jason smiled, he is not as tall and selfless as Liu Man said, he just wants to make his new song more perfect, get the first place on the billboard, and it is best to win this year's Grammy, to win more fame and fortune .

He asked Liu Man to help him adapt and play with him. He didn't pay her a penny, and she didn't ask for it. Isn't it obvious that he took advantage of the other party? This is also the reason why he exempted Yu Zhan from the 7 million fee.

The first update~ When I wrote this lyrics before, I always thought about whether to write it in English or Chinese. Considering the convenience of reading, I wrote it in Chinese. Today, I found out in this chapter that it is still in English, and the contrast is stronger.

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