Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 892 Letter of Promise

Can Ji Qingqing, who is arrogant and domineering towards Tao Zhiyao, tolerate being bullied by Feng Qingyu like this?


She and Feng Qingyu had a complete crush on each other. The fight between the two of them in the crew, both in the dark and in the open, had quarrels both inside and outside the play, and they were only close to fighting.

However, Ji Qingqing didn't complain to her father when this happened, and asked him to help her deal with Feng Qingyu. If Ji Qiansong made a move, killing Feng Qingyu would be as easy as crushing an ant.

Sweet Jessical214 was dubbed the Queen of Rumors. After being banned and killed, Ji Qingqing felt a complex emotion of resistance, fear and suspicion towards her father from the bottom of her heart. Her father was not even willing to open his mouth to ask her father for pocket money when he spoke.

In fact, she has nothing else to do except filming from dawn to dusk. All her friends have broken up with her. She can't even find a person in her peer group who can talk. , and no one praised her. She now feels that filming is quite good, at least it can divert her attention, so that she will not be immersed in the pain of having nowhere to vent after being cheated by her father.

Ji Qingqing is not smart, learning acting from scratch will definitely take a lot of detours, it is normal to keep reshooting, and she also works very hard to follow the director's requirements, Cai Honglong praised her for making progress every day, she is really good I am very happy and have a sense of accomplishment.

But she worked so hard, why did Feng Qingyu insist on going against her?

Last week, Ji Qingqing posted a Weibo on her new Weibo Jessical_Jessical, complaining that Feng Qingyu relied on her qualifications and celebrity status to compete with her, publicly challenged Feng Qingyu on the Internet, and made a lot of money A wave of attention. Feng Qingyu has a lot of fans, and there are many people who hate her. They think that Ji Qingqing has a straightforward personality, dare to speak and act, and praise her one after another.

Not to be outdone, Feng Qingyu retaliated to Ji Qingqing, mocking her for bringing money into the crew, her poor acting skills dragged down the entire crew, and Ji Qingqing immediately fought back... After a few back and forth, the two directly quarreled on Weibo.

The crew of Chicken Thief's To the Beautiful just sat on the mountain and watched the tigers fight, and even used the opportunity of the two heroines to fight each other to promote To the Beautiful, making this TV series a wave of hot searches.

To the Beautiful was previously on the hot search for the weekly drama permission and the opening ceremony - the crew spent money to buy it, but the third time it was on the hot search, they really didn't spend any money. Fortunately, netizens like to watch tearing.

All in all, To the Beautiful has become a big hit, and it has become one of the May new dramas that many viewers are looking forward to alongside Youth Project.

Yu Feng asked Ji Qiansong to borrow money, certainly not for the Cangyun Sword that he and Cai Henian invested in - Ji Qiansong didn't spend a penny on this movie.

Therefore, Yu Feng said that if Late Ming Dynasty is a big hit at the box office, the popularity of Xinghe Film and Television will definitely rise, and more TV stations are willing to buy Youth Project, which will seriously affect the selling price and ratings of To the Beautiful , these are chain reactions.

Based on the previous incidents, Yu Feng also vaguely guessed that Ji Qiansong had conflicts with Yu Zhan and Tao Zhiwei. He said, The scale of Xinghe Film and Television Company is not large, but in the entertainment industry, a small and medium-sized company can easily grow into a big company within a year or two. A big company only needs a few movies and TV series that can be sold, and it is enough to make a name for itself.

What Ji Qiansong is most annoyed to hear now is the word strength. He has just been turned into an army by the Tao family. He is full of suffocation in his chest. He really needs an outlet, and he planned to bring down the Tao family's Jin Tao After the group, he will attack Huaguang Media of the He family.

Ji Qiansong agreed to borrow money, but he said, It's a bad idea to hire a sailor. Ji Qiansong used his daughter's Weibo to post so many genuine scandals about Yu Zhan and Liu Man, but all of them ended in failure. To sum up the experience, Ji Qiansong has already realized the powerful status of Yu Zhan and Liu Man on the Internet - it is meaningless to waste money to find the navy again!

Yu Feng was very anxious, Then what can you do?

At this time, there are less than two days before the premiere of Late Nightmare.

At a critical juncture, Ji Qiansong put in Huaguang Media's eyeliner and sent him an important message - He Lushen used air traffic control authority in the middle of the night in an attempt to take a private jet from Shanghai to the capital.

At 6:30 in the morning, there was the first flight between the capital and Shanghai, so how urgent was it that He Lushen couldn't even wait for a few hours and insisted on coming to the capital right away? Ji Qiansong immediately asked people to monitor the Capital Airport and the few six-star and above hotels in the capital, and easily learned the news of Jason Harmer's arrival in the capital.

Yu Feng also learned that Qin Zhan was the host of the premiere of Late Ming Dynasty Dream through his contacts in the entertainment industry. After reading Qin Zhan's resume, he decided to start with this young boy.

Tan Lin's illness and sore throat were really caused by the flu, and it had nothing to do with Qin Zhan. At that time, Qin Zhan was just planning to resign in desperation, and he didn't want to harm Tan Lin. If there was no such accident, Yu Feng would definitely He will find Tan Lin to make trouble, but he doesn't know if Tan Lin will betray Yu Zhan. But the answer is probably no, otherwise he could have threatened Yu Zhan with Liu Chengyu.

In order for Qin Zhan to cooperate with their conspiracy, Yu Feng offered Qin Zhan very generous conditions. After the event was completed, he would give Qin Zhan a cash reward of 1 million. Xingfeng's agent signed the contract, and Yu Feng promised to give Qin Zhan the best resources and a worry-free future.

After listening to this, Tao Zhiwei and Qiu Jing already had a good idea, Tao Zhiwei asked Qin Zhan, Did Yu Feng give you a verbal promise or a written promise?

Qin Zhan is honest like a sheep at the moment, answering every question, In writing, he gave me a document similar to a letter of commitment, with his autograph on it, if there is no such thing, I will not agree, I will I have already been fooled by Huaguang Media once, and it is impossible to be fooled a second time.

Qin Zhan's brain is still very smart, and he is no longer as naive as he was in college, knowing how to negotiate conditions. Yu Feng was unwilling to write such a letter of commitment at first, the risk was too great! Fortunately, Qin Zhan gained a lot of wisdom from the pitfalls and paid attention to it. He insisted on writing it. Yu Feng hesitated for a long time before asking the secretary to simply get a copy.

After receiving the letter of commitment, Qin Zhan handed over the plan for the premiere to Yu Feng, and Yu Feng sent him a deposit of 100,000 yuan, which was regarded as paying and delivering the goods.

Tao Zhiwei asked, Where is this letter of commitment now?

In my place, I'm locked in a drawer.

The third change is done, ask for a monthly ticket, it seems to be double the monthly ticket from today.

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