Liu Man, Liu Man, did Jason Harmer come to China suddenly to see you?

How did you convince Jason Harmer to do the premiere promotion for Last Dream?

Does Jason Harmer have plans to hold a concert in China?


An overwhelming number of questions came to Liu Man. Liu Man felt dizzy for a moment, and his body fell backwards involuntarily. Fortunately, Peter supported her behind her.

You're so tired, Peter said, seeing the look on her face.

Yes, Yu Zhan is tired, isn't Liu Man tired?

Xuewen Tumo just went online the day before yesterday, and she spent a day with Lina yesterday, and after dinner with Jason in the evening, she also gave a 45-minute live seal script course on Xuewen Tumo—she owes There are too many calligraphy public elective courses, so I have to make up this month.

She works almost every minute, not even having time to bubble up in the ladies and sisters group. Excessive exhaustion prevented Liu Man from showing a smile in front of the media, and she didn't seem to have any emotions.

A reporter accidentally looked at Liu Man, and was stunned for a moment. He saw the gloomy eyes in Liu Man's eyes, but he didn't see the gorgeous colors in the past. There seemed to be a hint of indifference. You must know that in the impression of the reporters, Liu Man is an Internet celebrity who is easy to get along with, and her approachable attitude makes everyone willing to deal with her.

too weird!

Wouldn't it be a good thing Jason Harmer showed up at the premiere?

Why is Liu Man not happy at all?

Countless black holes were aimed at her, bringing Liu Man back to reality: everyone was looking at her, waiting for her to answer their questions. She suddenly realized that perhaps now is the best opportunity to apologize to Jason and clarify the facts.

Liu Man didn't know what Jason's attitude was. Everything happened so suddenly. Even though Jason laughed at Yu Zhan on the stage, in her eyes, that kind of smile was just a smile on the surface. Maybe Jason is just thinking about the interests of the whole, and he doesn't want to make everyone look bad. In his heart, he has actually scolded Yu Zhan countless times, and maybe he has turned Yu Zhan away at this moment.

Thinking of this, Liu Man took a deep breath, raised his head, and faced this group of reporters who didn't ask questions to the end, and didn't give up. Don't blame them, today's news is too shocking. If they don't complete their tasks, their boss won't let them go. over them.

Liu Man said, After we learned that Mr. Harmer came to China for vacation, we specially invited him to participate in today's film premiere as an audience, which does not involve any commercial activities for film promotion.

The reporters didn't believe Liu Man's words, thinking that she was acting good because she got a bargain. One person asked sharply, It's not a commercial event, Jason Harmer is willing to go on stage?

No, he doesn't want to.

Liu Man's words made the reporters shut up.

Today's premiere was an accident and we screwed it up!

The reporters were surprised, Liu Man really dared to speak! These people have a keen sense of smell, and they immediately smelled the conspiracy from Liu Man's expression and words. Hehehe, what a conspiracy, they like it the most!

Although I haven't figured out what the problem is and who caused this result, I can tell you here with certainty, and tell all the audience who have watched the premiere, that Jason Harmer should not appear on the stage, We don't want to use his fame at all, and now that it's happened, it's hypocritical of me to say these things, but I want to make it clear, because we don't want to take advantage of anyone. If Mr. Harmer wants to hold us accountable after the fact, We are willing to take responsibility to the end with the most sincere respect.”

Liu Man's words were very serious, which pulled everyone's excitement down. The reporters came here excitedly, wanting to cover some entertainment and gossip news, but Liu Man made the atmosphere like dignified social news.

If you check the Internet now, you can find that the movie tickets for Late Nightmare have been sold out in the past week. The sales scope here refers to all movie theaters in the country, no matter what time of day, even the show at two o'clock in the morning. And there are not many movie tickets left for next week, and there are still some badly timed shows.

This kind of box office attendance is terrible. Counting all the top-grossing movies in recent years-the kind with a box office of more than one billion, there has never been a situation where movie tickets were sold out after the premiere. Unless it is a film and television company that spends its own money for hype, this kind of situation is generally aimed at rubbish and bad movies.

If the box office of Late Ming Dynasty is real, then its seven-day box office can be calculated now, and 2 billion is guaranteed. Visual estimation will break the 3.4 billion box office of Han Gong Qiuyue this year's historical film Record. And this is just a conservative estimate. Of the major cinema companies in the country, only Huaguang Film City has given the full schedule of Late Ming Dream. After all, both Yu Zhan and Tao Zhiwei are shareholders of Huaguang Film City. Their original intention of investing in Huaguang Film City was just to help He Lushen and earn a little dividend money by the way. This resource is for your own greater good.

Seeing that Huaguang Cinemas is about to make a lot of money, it is impossible for other cinema companies to give up such an obvious opportunity to make money, so they naturally want to increase the number of shows. Their boss called Yu Zhan, planning to discuss the number of shows. As a result, Yu Zhan didn't answer the phone...

For Yu Zhan, there is nothing more important than taking care of Jason's mood at this moment. They're stuck on their way to the hotel, and the traffic jam in the center of the capital over the weekend is crippling, and on top of that, the jam has something to do with Jason's sudden appearance. After such a long time, Yu Zhan's car only drove two kilometers away from the cinema, slower than a snail crawling. Through the window glass, you can see interview cars from various media on the road, and everyone is still rushing to the cinema for interviews. Pedestrians on the road seem to be much noisier than before.

In stark contrast to this was the silence in the car. Jason hadn't said a word to Yu Zhan since he left the movie theater. In the car, he had been talking with his manager's mobile phone. Yu Zhan didn't deliberately eavesdrop. From Jason's intermittent words, he could understand that the company in the United States already knew what Jason did at the premiere.

Jason said, Yes, yes, this is my personal behavior. I didn't sing, just said a few words casually, and there is no need to charge.

Use? Oh no, it doesn't exist. I'm not that stupid. I trust my own intuition. Even if I'm wrong, it's my own business. You don't need to be so excited.

Besides, didn't you discuss with me before, didn't you want to open up the Chinese market? You said that they (singers at the same level as Jason) have all come to China to hold concerts, but I haven't.

first update~

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