The girl is the owner of the cat that was bitten by the dog. She took the cat out of the house for a walk in the sun in the morning. Some cats, like dogs, like to wander around. Unexpectedly, they encountered this disaster.

She and her kind neighbors sent the cat to the hospital. At that time, Bai Ying told them that the cat might not be saved, but she would try. The girl asked her how much the operation cost, and Bai Ying calculated it based on the lowest price, and asked the financial department to give the girl a discount based on the previous 10% discount coupon, which was about 6,000 yuan, not including the cost of follow-up maintenance and recovery. If all the expenses are added together, it is conservatively estimated that it will not be less than 10,000 yuan.

At that time, the girl was shocked by the price. She was a migrant girl who rented a single room in the community. The cat was a stray cat she adopted last year. Ten thousand yuan was equivalent to her two and a half months' salary, and it was her current salary. all savings.

Bai Ying could see how shy she was, but the cat was in dire straits and waited for no one. She was willing to have the operation first, and the money matter could be discussed later, so the cat was brought into the operating room.

The neighbors thought it was useless for them to wait outside, the money should be paid by the dog owner, and advised the girl to go back to the community immediately to settle the account with the dog owner, lest the dog owner default.

So they returned to the community, but the dog and its owner had long since disappeared. Their family of four (one male and three dogs) also lived in this community, but neither the girl nor the good-hearted neighbors knew the exact house number. When looking for the property, the property said no It belongs to their scope of work; the police did not accept the report; other neighbors also condemned a few words, unwilling to get involved in this matter, for fear of offending others.

The girl can only go to the bank to take out the 10,000 yuan she saved at the beginning of the year with great difficulty. There is 10,000 yuan in cash in her bag at the moment.

She walked to the payment office, and the finance lady comforted her, Don't worry, our boss just came here to perform surgery on your cat. His medical skills are very good, and he can cure many difficult and miscellaneous diseases.

The girl's gloomy mood rekindled a glimmer of light. Dr. Yu was her idol, and she existed like a god in her heart, and she and her cat were just the tiniest grain of sand, and Dr. Yu was willing to help them. The girl burst into tears again and covered her mouth with her hands.

Hey, don't cry anymore, the financial lady immediately stood up and comforted her, It's okay, it's okay, the cat will survive!

The girl nodded with tears in her eyes, Thank you, I came to pay the fee, she took out a wad of money from her bag.

Is this money paid to you by the dog owner? The girl and her cat were the first customers the pet hospital opened in the morning, and everyone knew the cause and effect.

No, I just picked it up from the bank, and the owner of the dog didn't show up. The girl decided to admit that she was unlucky. She was incompetent, didn't know how to protect her own rights, and her character was not tough enough. The other party was a man and three vicious dogs.

At this time, Jason, who was about to leave, found a chair in the corner and sat down. The collision just now woke him up in anger. He thought to himself, if Yu Zhan is really that bad, why bother to pretend half of it and pretend to be fake? What about running for surgery? He knew that Yu Zhan left him halfway because of this girl's cat. The girl's tears are not fake, the cat's injury is real, and Yu Zhan...maybe...he misunderstood. Obviously, in Yu Zhan's heart, the cat's life is more important than him, and this kind of cognition makes Jason feel psychologically balanced.

And Jason also wondered if the girl's cat could be saved in the end.

The operation took longer than Jason had imagined. During the waiting period, Jason called his agent to inform him that he had arrived in China safely. The agent also told him that he disclosed the news of his going to China to the vice president of Huaguang Media, and asked him if the other party came to pick him up.

Jason said, It's his friend.

The manager was a little dissatisfied, According to your status, it's not bad for him to come in person.

At that time, He Lushen was still on the plane flying from Shanghai to the capital.

After reporting his safety to his agent, Jason started to play with his mobile phone and opened his ins. He saw a somewhat familiar face. It was the Caucasian girl who took a photo with the princess of the Han Dynasty.

Her ins photo was recommended to the homepage again. In the photo, she is wearing a black skirt, standing on tiptoe among the flowers, dancing like a fairy among flowers. She also proudly added that the photo was taken by the princess of the Han Dynasty for her. With this photo and this sentence alone, she got 100,000+ likes in a short period of time. And the number of her fans also increased by 200,000+ overnight, and now has 160,000+.

Jason immediately recognized this dress as the one worn by the princess of the Han Dynasty in the video. Foreign netizens are also keen-eyed, knowing that it is the same style as the princess of the Han Dynasty. All kinds of praise Zanxian in the message area, I have always liked this Chinese-style skirt, but I don't know if it suits me. I don't have a Chinese-style face. Thank you for letting me know that people like us can wear it too. It can look good.

Someone else said, Who is she? It took me half a day to read all of her ins. I envy her so much. She plays all over the world. When I go to China, I can still be accompanied by the princess of the Han Dynasty.

Someone else asked, How can I buy this dress? How much does it cost?

A friend of Lina’s in real life also asked her a similar question,

She replied: I made a reservation in the studio of Mr. Zhong Jiangnan, the Chinese designer of clothes. If you want, you can go to his official website to buy. She also posted a URL.

Netizens wailed, the website is all in Chinese, they couldn't understand it at all. Zhong Jiangnan is a professional designer of Chinese national costumes. He never thought that one day the clothes he designed would be liked by foreigners. The huge influx of foreign traffic made Zhong Jiangnan's website technicians at a loss.

Jason tapped his hand lightly and focused on Lina. Don't ask why, he's just so boring! This Lina is always like a show of affection, showing off the princess of the Han Dynasty in front of him, knowing that he likes the princess of the Han Dynasty very much, he thinks she is deliberately attracting his attention! (Narcissist, thinking too much)

The problem is, Jason has 7000w+ fans on ins, but there are only 51 people in his watch list. The identities of these people have been thoroughly researched by fans, either they are big stars, or they are social celebrities. Isn't it the staff around Jason, now the number has become 52.

There is one more little-known Lina.

Her ins exploded instantly.

Lina herself was dumbfounded!

She looked at the new follower notification on her phone, confirmed it N times in disbelief, and then jumped up screaming, OH MY GOD, Jason Harmer has followed me! Jason Harmer has followed me!

Second update~

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